09/08/1936September 8, 1936. The regular "meeting of the President and the Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by the President Harry E. Ming at 7 :30'P. M. Roll call - :Present- Trustee McKillip, Peterson, Pottenger and Willman. Absent - Trustee Palmer and Scribner. The Engineers James Anderson,Sr. and James Anderson,Jr. were present and also Mr. Whyte representing the Corporation Counsel McGaughey who was unable to be present on account of sicknes*. The minutes of the meeting held August 11, 1936 were read and approved. A motion was made by Trustee Willman and seconded by Trustee McKillip that the clerk be authorized to advertise for bids on a 11 Ton and a 22 Ton Dump Body Truck to meet the spec - ifications as submitted by the chairman of the Road and Bridge Committee. on roll call those voting "Aye" being Trustee McKillip, Peterson, Pottenger and Willman. Those voting "Nay" being None. Motion carried. Chief of Police McLaughlin reported $50.50 in fines. collected for the month of August, 1936. ` The matter of sewerage disposal plant was discussed and a motion was made by Trustee McKillip and seconded by Trustee Pottenger that the Corporation Counsel McGaughey be authorized to prepare the necessary ordinance for the issuance of sewer- age revenue bonds under the combined municipal water works and sev;erage 'act. Roll call resulted as follows. Yeas- Trustee McKillip, Peterson, Pottenger and Willman. Nays- None. Motion carried. Moved by Trustee Peterson and seconded by Trustee Mc- Killip. that the clerk = bey= authoriZedT o.,"forward :-to Lehi , -t,Pick- etf- &'-Co: and•�other �investhierit �se`curtti-- 4.ouddv- suaixiinform- -, atYon.'as �trl�e m ht'= �ec�uire �1zT.`conriecti'ori' r�i'tii- ttkhe�•i�nd�e`x�rrz writing and sale of contemplated sewersg - evenud- 'Unds,�:::� . 'sale-of o'l1T call��t e' =fall wirig�vot`e wds?ltakea' Z -Yeas- �-;: �: Tr`�s•tee'��cKi1'lip';= Peterson; �. Rattenger ``anc��IYi.11man:ii�Nay,.s�n�.. _ . orie ried _ ca �Tr- ustea�Ro� ten e�= and:�secondu.d�� �._ �* -� rus'tee fWillmarr�-t:hdt . tK6) Treasurer •Ve d%Ahori.zbd�i�to u1satia:�a, check in.Lthe �;amounf;!' 'f � 12`x57- ais�:a -- r-efifn '* =t a-Car 444 Z ;), Apn- `Oz6VorrzfVor teri�li-- instiilment�dn 4&r- rant; - #34=� Ldt :#77-dB �,00k #4, WO-odland Park Subdivision which x was.: paid .twi�e!:��rs 1 am • �� lr <; �o ^e�zpn irol`1 �- ca -1�P �h© sa��Va�rig��Ay�tt�7be 'i�i'g��ruste© �c�fillip. Peterson, Pottenger> and -Willmaneb�.ThcfS& dating, "NN7- 111c'ieing21' , None. Motion carried. �It was moved by Trustee Peterson and seconded by Trustee -- rottenger-- to-- doni�.te- ,M.00 to 1-hP_ naPrfi P1 d Fi rp 1)L� rtmAnt:. 011-Lea-11 lted as follows*�i eag ii tee McKillip, Peterson, Pottenger and Willman. Nays - None. Motion carried. A letter from Mr. E. L. Hurt, - Secretary of the Deerfield- Chamber of Commerce regarding the vaccination of dogs was read and on motion made, seconded and carried was referred for ac-... tion at our regular meeting in March, 1937. A motion was made by Trustee Pottenger and,seconded by Trustee Willman.that the resolution authorizing that the Deer - field State Bank be continued as the depository for the funds of George J. Page, Village Treasurer and Comptroller be passed. Roll call resulted as follows. Yeas - Trustee McKillip, Peterson, Pottenger and Willman. Nays — None. Motion .carried. _-It was moved by Trustee Willman.and seconded.by'Trustee Pottenger that the following bills be approved for payment on receipt of proper funds and subject to the,approval of the Chairman of the Finance Committee. Upon roll call the following vote was taken. Yeas- Trustbe McKillip, Peterson, Pottenger and Willman. Nays- Noge. Motion carried. Consumers Company- - - - - - - - - - - $ 5.70r, Wm. H. Barrett - - - - - - - - - - - - 11.25 Neptune Meter Company - - - - - - - .474~\ PeterKaminga- ------ - - -. -- 1.00 • Al Anderson- - - - - - - - -- - - 33.75+\ Wm. Galloway - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5.55,x. Antes Sign Co.- - - - - - - - - - 5.00 r, 245. 1 246 John E.. Barrett -• - - - - - - - - .30.00( Illinois -Bell Telephone Co. - - - - - - "'10:13 r, '17 Mercer_-Lumber Co.. - Highland Park Press - - - - - - - 38.70r,_ Nationale Office Supply - -- - - - - - 18.45n, Reiland and Bree - - - - - - - - :- - - 193 a 00r- -- City of Highland Park - - - - - - - - - - 3256.05 Public Service Co. - - - - - - - - - -- - 296.07 Conrad Uchtman f- - - - - - - - - - - - - 58.25 ^ ,�- Jack Krase - - - - - - 4.501- SamRockenbach - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 13,25f- AlAnderson - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -7.25r Re Me LaChance Office Supply - - - - - - - 2.061- - Vant and Selig - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11.55P- Chester Wessling - - - - - - - - - - - 11.500- Florence E. Page - - - - - - - - - - - - - 42.75t*- Florence Ott - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11.50` J. Re Notz Hardware Coe - - - - - - - - 13.51( Henry Petersen - - - - - - - - - - - - - 13.751- H. Juhrend - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2.001 'GeorgeEmmett--------- - - - - -- 7.00 Me Knigge - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10.001r C. Hatch - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - 11.50` Shore Line Sign Co.- - - - - - - - - - - - 5.004', W. ' J. Desmond- - - --- - - - - - - - - - - 3.50 V . Deerfield Filling Station- - - - - - - - 45.88 n II II - - - - - - - - - ll.loiM.F.T.Fe, Consumers Company - - - - - - - - - 26.84 M.F.T.F. The following ordinance regulating the business of deal- ers in second -hand goods and keepers of junk shops was read and it was moved by Trustee McKillip and seconded by Trustee Peterson that the ordinance be passed. Upon roll call the following vote was taken. Yeas - Trustee McKillip, Peterson, Pottenger and Willman. Nays.~ None. Motion carried. The Board1s attention was called to the dangerous cross - ing on the C. Me St. P. & P. Re Re at the County Line Road and a motion was therefore made by Trustee Pottenger and duly seconded by Trustee Willman that the clerk be instructed to write to the C. Me St. P. & P. Ry. Co. =•.requesting that a wig- wag or flicker signal be installed at this crossing. - Roll call resulted as follows. Yeas- All. Nays- None. Motion carried. Moved by Trustee McKillip and seconded by Trustee Pottenger to adjourn. Motion carried. - A J VILLAGE.CLERK. PRESID 10! T-_ pflRi�i ±ed"and`direGt "such "operation "ad "Will AN' ORDINANCE protect the health and general welfare of REGULATING THE BUSINESS OF DEAtr ! the people of the Village of Deerfield. Such ERS IN SECOND -HAND GOODS - AND license when issued may be revoked at any the parents or guardians, any article of KEEPERS OF JUNK SHOPS. % time upon failure of the holder thereof to property whatsoever, and any person, firm BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT comply with th directions of the Health or corporation violating this section shall AND THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE Officer of said Village, or upon violation of 'be fined and pay not leas than $2b.00 nor OF DEERN7ELD, LAKE COUN. any of the provisions of this ordinance. ,A .more than $100.00 for each 'and every of- VILLAGE ILLINOIS: like license shall not thereafter issue to any ;fence. Any arse(. person, firm . e gible a- Section 1. License Required. No person person, firm 'or corporation whose. license tion so offending shall not be• eligible to or persona shall set up or keep any place r has been once revoked. receive a license from the Villaga of Deer - where . any second -hand furniture, junk, Section 4. License. The President of the field thereafter. from Whom clothing, jewelry, rags. old metal or miscel- ;Board of Trustes ma3t grant license to such Section 7. Lead Pipe laneous articles of personal, property are rson, firm or corporation as may produce Purchased -- penalty., No keeper.of a junk purchased or sold, or following the business the Village Collector and himself satie- shop shall purchase from any one except of collecting rags, old metal or miscellaneous 4actory evidence of goal character to estab. from a dealer, licensed plumber, licensed articles of personal ' property of any sort itah and carry on the business of dealing peddler or the owners -of buildings from with vehicle or cart or keep a junk shop .in 'the purchase and sale of second -hand -,which the material is taken, any lead pipe, or junk yard without first obtaining a 1]- :furniture: junk, clothing, jewelry, rags, old faucets, boilers or other plumbing material sense for that purpose as hereinafter pro. ',metal and miscellaneous articles of personal under a penalty of lot less than $25.00 nor vfded, and any person violating, this section or to keep a junk shop or junk yard more than $100.00 for each offense. shall be fined and pay not less than $10.00 In said Village. Section 8. Any ordinance or Darts . of nor more than $100.00 for each and every Section 5. License Fee. Every person, `:ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby offense. firm and corporation receiving. such license, !expresely repealed, Section 2. Frontage Consents Required. No 4hail pay therefor to the Village Clerk the 1 Section 9. This ordinance shall take ef- license shall be issued for the purpose here- f aum of $1L.aoafor the use of the Village ' feet and be in full force from and after inafter provided to any person, firm or cor• ',of Dee.rfieldif"Each Junk dealer or junk shop its passage, approval and publication as is poration unteas such person, firm or torpor- Rcollecting junk by vehicle, shall Day an provided by Statute.' stion shall first have obtained the necessary additional license of $10.00-for each vehicle Approved HARRY E. WING, frontage consents in writing of the owners so used. Upon receipt of license for use of President of the Board of Trustees of three fourths of the Real Estate figured each vehicle, wagon, truck or push cart, he of the Village of Deerfield, Illinois by front footage located within 250 feet from shall receive. a plate or sign from the Vil- 'Attest: CHESTER WESSLING the boundaries of the lot upon which such loge Collector }Mating the nature of the ]]- Village Clerk Junk yard or junk shop is to be maintained. tense, the year for which iesud, end the z Presented and read, September 8 193G."', t f , No junk yard may be maintained in the number of the license issued. r Said plate :Passed, September 8, 1936. Class "A'"•or Class "B" residence districts or, sign to be -firmly affixed so as to be .Approved September 8, 1938. readily visible upon the vehicle so used. He :Published,. September 10, 1936. of the Village of Deerfield. shall pay the Village Clerk for the use.of 'Approved GEORGE S. McGAUGHEY,, ' Section 3. Inspection, Before issuance of the Village of Deerfield, the sum of .$50.00 , Corporation Counsel � 28 any license to second -hand dealers or keepers for each plate 7 of junk shops no provided herein, the Vil- p to soused• r . s ]age' Health Officer shall inspect the prem. Section ' S. c; No Purchase from Minors ­...._ -- ises upon which it is proposed to locate such without Written Consent of ,Parents. No business, especially with reference _to: the person, firm or corporation having a license location of other businesses and homes in from, said .Village to keep a second -hand the vicinity. - Such license shall not issue I store or junk shop. shall purchase or receive unless' the health officer' shall approve the I from i minors, without . written consent of location as not - being detrimental to `the public health and general welfsre. After such .business', is In . operation,' the - I tealth r 3 .