10/15/1935A letter from Carl E. Bates, Superintendent of the Deerfield Grammar School requesting that the highway in front of and near'the school be'systematicaly patrolled amd that a patrolman be stationed at the corner of 1Yarrington and Deerfield Road from 8:30 to 9 A. M. from 11:30 A. M. to l P. M. and from 3 to 4 P. M. was read.and re- ferred to Trustee Scribner. Moved by , Trustee Peterson and seconded by. Trustee Willman to adjourn. Motion carried. Village Clerk. October 15, 1935. A special meeting for the purpose of discussing the proposed, foreclosure proceedings by jhe Bondholders Protective Association against properties in the McGuire and Orr Subdivision was called to order.by the President Harry E. Wing at 8 P. M. with the following Trustees present. McKillip,,Page, Peterson, Scribner and Willman. Absent- Trustee Pottenger. Mr. Meade representing the Bondholders Protective Association requested the village to conduct foreclosure proceedings on these liens. Mr. Dillon a representative from McGuire and Orr outlined reasons why he believed that such action should not be taken at this time. The matter was referred to.Corporation Counsel McGaughey as to whether it was mandatory upon the Village to take the action requested by the Bondholders Protective Association and to make a report at our next regular meeting. Moved and seconded to adjourn. Motion carried. Village Clerk.