10/08/1935The roll call resulted as follows : - Yeas- Trustee McKillip, Page, Peterson, Pottenger, Scribner and ;'Yi Uman.- Nays- None. Motion carried. No further business appearing, it was moved by Trustee Page and seconded by Trustee Willi Village Clerk. • s October 8, 1935. U•� ;. j A. regular meeting of, the President and-the' Board of Trustees. of the Village of Deerf ield was called .to` order by the President Harry E. `ling at 8 P., M. with the following trustees present -: Page, Peterson, Pottenger, Scribner and Willman. Absent - Trustee McKillip• . The minutes of the regular meeting held on September 10, 1935-were read and approved. The Health Officer @. Johnston Davis reported that health .conditions for the month of September were above the average,. The only reportable disease brougnt,to the attention of the health officer was that of a mild case of whooping c ouzh. , V4hicle license tags for 1936 have been ordered from the Decalcomania Company and should be ready for distribution by December 1, 1935. The report.of the Water Committee showed a loss of less than seven and one half per cent which is a great improvement over the past months. . The following bills were read : - �. 'N. Uchtman.00� Deerfield Filling Station .66n Hoffman Service Station v 6.95 J. R. Notz Hardware Co. 9.11t. Perfection Legal Blank Co. 2.66.x..,, L W, J. Desmond 9.501`1 Highland Park Press 7.47 Shell Service Station s 10.44 Mark Knigge 27.00 i� Andy Morton 2.00N.; Henry Petrsen 45.50t\, .. Mid- Continent Corporation 10.47x _ >> - Ernest Knigge 1.75k- . VYilliam Seiler Mercer Lumber company - .2.0:. Reiland & Bree 7.05 Reliable Garage ;38� R. K. Catton 1.50;, Public Service Co. - : 30.80'r� W. J. Galloway 11.50t- Deerfield Garage 92.75' Clavey Motors 3.50X_1 Hoffman Service Station .98 9.44 Andrew Decker 6.56r :._. Zion Office Supply ~38.16,`_:. . Deerfield State Bank 4.40v, -- 'N. J. Desmond .. 5.75 — Illinois Bell Telephone Co.'. Badger Meter Afg. Co. Carson- Hutchins .Co. 40.70N J. & bi• Service Station 1.34T, A. L. Roderick 100..00_X- Hiehland,Park Hospital Association Y It was moved by ,Trustee . Page and seconded by, Trustee.• Pottenger that these bills be approved and paid on-the ;re- ceipt of proper funds. -Roll call resulted as follows. Yeas -- Trustee Page, Peterson, Pottenger,, Scribner and Millman. Nays- None. Motion carried. 'C I� W �7 SytM P f e C. `.1 at 40 the rate of stet 'furnished to said Village is and will be indebted fifteen cents (15�) per hundred cubic said Village since said meter reading, to obtain its water d Park until J1 . 9h.. th6 Village of Deerfield are supply for municipal purposes April 30, 1938. U.7 - -77zw In­the further-' _ feet of November 1, 1932 desirous of continuing Prom the City of NT OW TIMREFOR Ej BE IT ORDAIIi7ED BY THEE PRESIDENT .414D BOARD OF OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD: SECTIojj 1. That the wPresident and Village Clerk of the Village of Deerfield be and-' are hereby authorized and directed on be- lf Of the Village in its name and undei "its corporate seal, �and, attpst,1. " "6d by its Village Clerk to make. and ;-enter into -.a Contract. f or the r-"itment, determination and liql-146tion of the amount -no I w -due of Highland Park for water-7farnished to the Village of Ue ­e'r,.,;! .wt;4 7x t -InCO,November 19 1929 to meter reading made November 1, 1932an'4`-I' 'ish a supply of water Prom NoveMer. .1 1932 until April 30 3: hio 'h - Contract shall be substtmtially. as.'. follows: ;; vy I L of - ­THIS XGREE NT� made -.and­�entere ihib this ITY -4tGULMID, ARK 1). 19339 b and betrien- the.'C -0� ­4 gii pia ipal:,Corporation, of - the County of Lake -and_*-State_or 11114idi or the First Part, and?�-tlie Village of Deerfield orpo 'rati-on of the 'Count y_of Lake an tats of I 11i no is i Paij- th&_Seqond Part$ W ITHESSETH THAT MHEAS, the:"Party-of the 'First, Part "heretofore' are 't 4 `.'Z- constructed improvemefits and betterments to.; its 4ater works""syS' in the City of Highland Park,, Including the . a ons t ru a. ti o n or:, f I plant in conneati6n'therewith'and_i 46 A'.rev6nu e bond 6" a so lely out of the revenue 'de'rived therefrom, under` aril bi`Vti%ue-- of an.-.. ordinanco of the -City of Highland Path, passad approved and 'ibcoided.... juno 49 1928j and...- S it is provided --in said ordinanoo, among other things. That the r0tes to bo.pharged for water supplied from , id A D. 1929 shall -be as fo system, to be offectivO April 1, a me ir,yice rd I-ppr,iqd b e gi!�n Four naonths ` I- 41.,--f i iri each -0 0,- `beginni�i�'. nft Three mot. -c4 ithi- -eiT Au#'�bt r in each Five A months period 'b eginnink.-11ov. f6b eir in each ye iz 17iborc; Ora- are ;U charge or twenty _,,Mt - `; -d so ir-b mnde,-:exqep.��. !-�caqej .4 �-6n6�,hundred-( 00 e cii�'Of 135 ;_cqnsumor'uses in-i x 'es .00.0',-cuble fe-tt-nor annum,.- the rate n 100.)­-cubio­jro be'fifte' per onw;hun1red._( duc' --a er: Sn'id-llratei -'shalln0t:: bd��Arp ­ ed while. AY. :of��._tba�4id4�. -revc,!nue­b 'rid Ma and, it )3hnl 03 0-�Ad Y c6W661 f--3� 1 1; hJ 0"'I'S'U"c' enever- anears thd t * the iqv4nu a s ro m said w'­aterwork b ��n thc t -e, a he re I n fixed v re tnado,-uate to -iray the -)r tric I -)al j.E-; - t j z:1- US QAQ 5 0 su r4, 1 /(-• co zilr; a r Qi e ;Xc) -)er op._, re 41 on tea ince. of such r-u ter morli.-s system. M Seconds -Part was -desirous-6f," ER >9 the Party ty of: the ; se, tIntcr f ro 4-a lijake "ich I ­�,Gn municipal use throu L, said for its id�t_l i� id f 11trat* on s ys t le z r b e-1 nn ir. dovQ. ­dber 1- 1949° and did: so obtain_ Vsu,-)7.1Y or 4cr, and 200 An ordinance relating to the use and consumption of water furnished by the Village of Deerfield was read and it was moved r, by Trustee Page and seconded by Trustee Scribner that this ordi- nance be passed as read and amended. Upon roll call the following vote was taken. Yeas- Trustee Page, Peterson, Pottenger, , Scribner amd "Willman. Nays--None. Motion carried- 11' " . ��;; *t� �• -t f}t +�. } R p. �.. , r��,^,� '�� �i /�t{� �y � ry�M /I T /� WATER, .. 4 . �S y� �rt��!�•y ' T' f ,OZ�.D1N IMF "i li'jti 1� TLlti ULrYD �+ltiYF�+1V�J�o�i 4 Le' 4iN1% LIiLJ BY � T1FE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD.' BE IT ORDAINFID�BY'TFFE'B0�`i�zD OF TRUST FS' or, TH ,VILL.AGE Or- D1,:ERFI'ELD, ILLINOIS: Section A. That -the following rules,hnd regulations for the government of water : takers and; Lisers in the 'Village of . Deerfield : be and they are hereby ndo ted 'and astabli.shed: • (a) No taker `or user of twntar who ha''s at piny. time here -- tofore'bcen,or in the futurd becomes,'in default on payment of NVoter taken from. the Village of Deerfield shall be granted or, there -- after roridered crater service unless a 'Cash ,gcposIt shall bo rcde by the applicant or v,ter taker and, theret :r maintained, at:.all' t.irues for the. security 'and prompt payment " of. all vat or used and until the use, of such ratcrE 3_s' diaCbnt2zr. ed; .the° de;�osit as:- herein required , shall' be nN follo'TS: For ,a d ellina of six rooms or:less, a deposit of !/f/��� 4 Doll.ar3 shall. be made.:. Fora a drell,1ing of not Less thanA si,x roans and not more than ,eight rooms, a deposit 'of /. I. DollRrs shall be, "made., For, a' dY ellfn of over 'Cht _rooris- n Idepiosit of Dollars shall 'be madc. For nny meat market, restaurant or laundry Or-= nufAetQrr, Tr r'iv`'�ol^lars shall be made. dcosit of Tvr ni And for all other, takers or users i of wrater,,' a, `daposit: "mall be rac , iza an amaunt designs teal by„ the" Boprd of Trustees; based upon �i their, e per.t�:nce and d scretian',`'but in,.no�. event shall 'said deposit ' e cat ma teci sr ►e t 'monthly: bill 'for. be in an amount"Lless than.th is r z vi.co',to be,.ren(1ered.` •' eater ser pavided, ,that :any ::such. deposit , May• bu aaplied in,'ayent or an; 6ccount of any water,; bill in default, at - any' time, k { crf1 the =Village Collector. F and provided,. further, that if ; � � ' unt c�fKazi such' cie c�s�t' be `�ened,,bp. reason of tha s the Imo Y 210 +•a a' application"of said deposits or any part thcreof,­ in payment or. reduction of any water bill, then unleus said deposit of the respec ety,6, full amounts required `.by this ordinance shall be re- places wi.thiz{ C V E days the ;pater; service to su such premises shall be `terminated annd ` the meter removed. Provided, further, that 'the "deposits•herein contemplated { shall be kept in 'a soparate fund and not intermingled with any other funds of the Village and shall. be returned to such depositor at such: IF time as all rater-. service furnished to said taker or it ier has been 7i paid and /or at `such time as such''taker or user 'indicates in rriting t i is that , ° did that such service be. terminated.. No interest i desired _ t shall be pai on s`ach ' deposit except" only where tho ' Village of 4 .,. Deerfield col.l+ects , interest upon the a-na. In the, event of` ne?glcet t or refusal to pay for rkiter consumed by such user or taker st such �. buildings, structures or.promises for vhi.ch such deposit Ta.s.Pluceds the Village may, at its election use such deposit to apply. in con - si deratian of ';the obligation of such user or taker remitting the surplus, if any, to -such user or taker upon ternination~of such rater service. 4 (b) That wherein; the discretion of the Board of Trustees,* 3.t -'will beto ,the bast interests of the Vi11t e to ,hnve meters read oftener ;than once each _month the Board • of $o designbte anti the authorized , officers or 0uplo7ces . of the' Village,` shall, have . free access', and entry to ,every part •of any building, structure . or, prcr�ises ivhenvvPr such access or entry, is` deemed necessary or, ., adv sob le, [t rail reasonable ties, in relation to the water service of the Village ©f Deerfield. In case any +person in possession, charg or control of any, sitchti.bulding,' structure or promises into h ch a'ach officers or employees shall desire entrance or access shall. jf {{ refuse ,'to perait such entry ar access, or' shall .'do °or ca. s9 to bey- i fit