08/13/1935200 August 13, 1935. "Ti A regular meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by the Pres- ident Harry E. Wing at 8 P: M. with.the following trpstees present : - Page, Peterson, Pottenger, Scribner and Willman. Absent- Trustee Mc&illip. The minutes of the regular meeting held July 9, 1935 were read and approved. The financial report was given by Trustee Page, chairman of the rinance Committee. Dr. C. Johnston Davis in a letter to the Board of Trustees gave the information that there were no contagious diseases in -`- the Village of Deerfield at the present time. However, he called our attention to the fact that there is.quite a. growth of!,robious 1L.gr wac�d in vacant lots and as a prev be a shed by cutting and burning these weeds. The chairman of the Public Works Committee stated that the two septic tanks were pumped out during the'past month. The auditors report was read and it was moved by Trustee Page and seconded by Trustee Willman that the report be" accepted. The roll call resulted as follows:- Yeas- All. Nays- None. Motion carried. The following bills were read and on motion by Trustee Page which was seconded by Trustee Pottenger they were approved for payment on the receipt of proper funds. Upon roll call the following voter was taken. Yeas- Trustee Page, Peterson, Pottenger, Scribner and Willman. Nays- None. Motion carried. Dr. 0. R. Sugden 5.00 t\- Cookey Oil Co. 13.811, Mark Knigge 16.00t\ 'Peter Gille 4.00r Conrad Uchtman 31.00r-�, John Huhn 9.OQr\ William Galloway 11.65t- Gordon Kress 2.85 Shell Service Station 9.241 Blue Ribbon Oil Co. 1.75 Andrew E. Decker 11.29(, Deerfield Ice Co. 1.208 Consoer, Older & Quinlan 2.001-,. Detex Watch Clock Corp. 2.95 ti Zion Office Supply 1.08 r Deerfield Garage 7.751. Public Service Co. 34.08 N I11. Bell Telephone Co. 6.28 J. R. Notz Hardware Co. W. P. Cawley 21.12 � Carson -- Hutchins Co. 105.93 rte= Reliable Garage 26.78----, Mercer Lumber Co. .67V A. L. Roderick 200.00, An ordinance for the levy of taxes for the current.year beginning May let, 1935 and ending April 30th, 1936 was read by the clerk and it was moved by Trustee Page and seconded by Trustee Scribner that the Tax Levy Ordinance be passed as read. The roll call resulted as follows. Yeas=- Trustee Page, Peterson. Pottenger, Scribner and Willman. Nays- None. Motion carried. �► AN ORDINANCE,FOR THE LEVY OF TAXES FOR THE CURRENT FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING MAY 1st, 1935, AND ENDING APRIL 30th, 1936. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF- TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS: 201 SECTION I. That the sum of y29,240.00, this sum being the total amount of all appropriations-for special and corporate fund pur- poses legally made, and to be collected from the tax levy of the fiscal year beginning May 1st, 1935, and ending April 30th, 1936, shall be and the same is hereby levied on all property subject to taxation within the Village of Deerfield as the said property is assessed- for state and county purposes for the current year. SECTION 11_ The purposes for which said levy is made, and the sum and amount levied for each purpose respectively are as follows: 1. EXECUTIVE A - B - C D - E - F - GENERAL FUND SALARIES President Trustees Village Clerk Village Treasurer Village Collector Comptroller 125.00 600.00 1,200.00 .600.00 2• LEGAL EXPENSES A - Corporation Counsel Salary 300.00. B - Extra Legal Expenses 11000.00 C - Contingent Expense Fund 100.00 3• OFFICE EXPENSES A - Auditing 500.00 • B - Stationery and Supplies 100.00 - C - Office Equipment 100.00 D - Printing and Publications 750.00 E - Insurance „ 750.00 x F - Telephone and Telegraph 150.00 3 G - Contingent ` j 100.00 l C. 4. OTHER EXPENSES A - Election Expense 300.00 B - Interest on Obligations' 600.00 C - Publishing Ordinances and Printing 250.00 D - Surety Bond Premiums 500.00 5. RENT FOR VILLAGE:. OFFICES 1 1,700.00 g_LKNXJ OR GENERAL FUND ". • _�... •_ �.• •. .. • . 9.%725.00 } 1. SALARIES A 2. EQUIPMEN A B C D E F G H - Salaries 1,000.00 T. MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES - Maintenance of Motor Equipment 250.00 - Gasoline and Oil 50.00 - Installation and. Maintenance of Fire Alarm Equipment 100.00 - Insurance 300.00 - Chemicals and Supplies 50.00 - Hater Rentals of Fire Hydrants 100.00 - Purchase of New Equipment 5,500.00 - Contingent 100.00 TOTAL LEVY FOR FIRE DEPARTMENT PURPOSES 7,450.00 STREET AND ALLEYS FUND A Salaries and Labor 500.00 B - Equipment 1,000.00 C - Contingent 100.00 TOTAL LEVY FOR STREET AND ALLEYS FUND PURPOSES 1,600.00 POLICE DEPARTMENT FUND 1. SALARIES A - Village Marshal.. $ 2,000.00 �7 B - Emergency 500.00 2. EQUIPMENT) MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES A - Insurance 75.00 B - Telephone and Telegraph 70.00 C Guns'and Supplies 180.00 D - Contingent 100.00 TOTAL LEVY FOR POLICE DEPARTMENT PURPOSES . . . .x'2,925.00 BONDED INDJBTEDNESS FUND A Paymeht of Maturing Bonds 2,000.00 B - Interest on Bonded Indebtedness 500.00 TOTAL LEVY FOR BONDED DEBT . . . . . . 2500.00 SECTION 1110 The Village Clerk is hereby directed to file a certified copy of this Ordinance with,the County Clerk of Lake County, , Illinois, as provided. by la.w. SECTION 1V. This Ordinance shall be.in_ full force and effect from and after its passage and approval, in accordance with the law. " Presented and Read, August/ 3 , 1935. Passed, August 13 , 1935. Approved, August id , 1935. P� IDET OF THE BOARD 0 TRUSTEES OF THE I LAGE OF DEERF D, LAKE ATTEST: COUNTY, I LINOIS. CL K OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS. Approved as to- 'form, August , 1935. t' ­"Z',ornora , _on ounse STREET LIGHTING' FUND )`, z 6/V13 1. STRFE'T AND ALLEY LIGHTS A - Ornamental Lights 4,000.00 B -- Traffic Lights 240.00 4 2. INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE A - Street and -Alley Lights 100.00 7 t B - Ornamental Lights 100.00 C - Traffic Lights 100.00`. '. TOTAL LEVY FOR STREET LIGHTING FUND '. `. :y 42540.00 s CONTINGENT FUND s For Contingent, Miscellaneous and General Unforeseen Expenses not included in any 1 Item above 500.00 SU?,U,,,TARY General Corporate Purposes 91725.00 Fire "Department Fund 71450600 Street and Alleys Fund 11600.00 { Police Department Fund 2,925.00 w Bonded Indebtedness Fund 2,500.00" -_ Street Lighting Fund 4,540.00 Contingent Fund 500.00 ,Total., , .< 29,240.00 3 SECTION 1110 The Village Clerk is hereby directed to file a certified copy of this Ordinance with,the County Clerk of Lake County, , Illinois, as provided. by la.w. SECTION 1V. This Ordinance shall be.in_ full force and effect from and after its passage and approval, in accordance with the law. " Presented and Read, August/ 3 , 1935. Passed, August 13 , 1935. Approved, August id , 1935. P� IDET OF THE BOARD 0 TRUSTEES OF THE I LAGE OF DEERF D, LAKE ATTEST: COUNTY, I LINOIS. CL K OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS. Approved as to- 'form, August , 1935. t' ­"Z',ornora , _on ounse 9"04. Motion made by Trustee Page and duly seconded by Trustee Willman that permission be granted to the Deerfield Fire Depart- ment to use the the village truck for the purpose of hauling the dance floor which is to be used at the American Legion Carnival, from Wheeling to Deerfield and return. Roll call resulted as follows. Yeas- All. Nays- None. Motion carried. The Village Board, having been informed that other municipali- ties in this vicibity were receiving free telephone service for some of the officials at their residence, a motion was made by Trustee Page and seconded-by Trustee Peterson that the clerk be instructed to write to the Illinois- Bell Telephone Co. request- ing free local service for four telephones. Upon roll call the following vote was taken. Yeas- Trustee Page, Peterson, Pottenger, Scribner and Willman. Nays- None. Motion carried. A motion was made by Trustee Page and seconded by Trustee Peterson that the petition signed by certain residents of the Village of Deerfield requesting the repeal of the Ordinance per - taining to the weighing of Motor Trucks and Trailers using the streets in the Village of Deerfield, be filed. The roll call resulted as follows. Yeas- Trustee Page, Peterson, Pottenger, Scribner and Willman. Nays- None. Motion carried.. •It was moved by Trustee Scribner and seconded by Trustee Page that 11 An Ordinance Amending the Mater Ordinance of the Village of Deerfield, Illinois, fixing dates of reading meters and billing customers, and providing for a rate installment charge and minimum charge, be passed as drawn. The following was the result of the vote taken. Yeas- Trustee Page, Peterson. Pottenger, Scribner and Willman. Nays - None. Motion carried. u �i IH y AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE WATER ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS, FIRING DATES OF READING METERS AND BILLING CUSTOMERS., AND PROVIDING FOR A RATE INSTALLMENT CHARGE AND MINIt,IMI CHARGE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE r VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS: C SECTION 1. That the Water Ordinance passed August 7th, A. D. 1933 of the Village of Deerfield, Illinois, shall be changed and amended as follows: ' SECTION 2. That.the rate charged the consumer for water shall be forty cents (40¢)er hundred cubic feet. The above rate shall apply to all users of water of the said Village and a discount' of five cents (50) per hundred cubic feet shall be allowed on the entire bill if paid within ten days of the billing date thereof.. t SECTION 3. Any ordinance or parts of ordinances in con- ' flirt herewith 'are-he reby expressly repealed. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after -.the date of its passage, approval and publica- tion according to law. 4` q i