07/09/1935July 9,1935. Aregular meeting of the President and the Board of Trustees of.the Village of.Deerfield was called to order by the President Harry E. Wing at 8 P. M. with the following trustees present: - McKillip, Page, Pottenger, Scribner and Willman. Absent- Trustee Peterson. The minutes of our regular meeting held June 11 1935 were read and after changing the item calling for the autLrization- to advertise for bids on aifire truckito read 'one and one half ton dump truck' _ they were approved as corrected. The chairman of the Finance Committee gave the financial report', ' In connection with the report of the License Committee the matter of an application from Earl L. McKay for a Class A license to operate a tavern in the Village of Deerfield was taken under consideration and it was moved by Trustee Page and seconded by Trustee Pottenger that the application be rejected. Roll call resulted as follows- Yeas- Trustee McKillip, Page, Pottenger, Scribner and Millman. Nays- None. ?lotion carried. The chairman of the Slater Committee reported that there was a decrease in the percentage of loss during the month of May. Chief of Police McLaughlin reported $41.00 in fines col- lected during the month of June, 1935. The following bills were read and on motion by Trustee Page, seconded by Trustee Scribner were approved for payment on receipt of proper funds. Upon roll call the following vote was taken : - Yeas- Trustee McKillip, Page, Pottenger,'Scribner and Willman. Nays- None. Motion carried. Harry Stickler $ 4.00 George Bock 4.0 0 r� George Sticken,Jr.- 4.00 t if if Sr. 4.00 N August Grandmason 4.00 August Huehl 8.001\, Ferdinand Sallack 4.00 � Leo Mau 4.00 Harry Mau 8.001k A. H. Anderson 8.00(\\ Elmer Carlson 4.00 Peter Kaminga 1.50 William Galloway 11.75 � George Pettis 21.00+x: Mark Knigge 8.00f\ George Sticken 22.00 Henry Peterson 8.00i` Conrad Uchtman 16.50 A. V. Johnson 2.33,E Moore, Case, Lyman & Hubbard 186.49 City. of Highland Park 2.80 if n it u 2164.201 M. A. Frantz. 2.29 Andrew E. Decker 12:.941\ Meyer & Wenthe 13.77N Zion Office Supply .77th if it n 1.18N I11. Bell Telephone Co. - 6.33 � " n u " t/ Public Service Co. 2.40► if n n 2.50,E n n ii �c� 10.00 h n u u `} 18.54^ n If it 285.89 Kam` Pure Oil Co. 12.24r Hoffman Service Station 21.10x-.. Blue Ribbon Oil Co. 6.60+1\, Reliable Garage 33.50. J. R. Notz Hardware Co. George McGaughey 109.15,E R The following Appropriation Ordinance for the fiscal year beginning May l; 1935 and ending April 30, 1936 was read. It was moved by Trustee Page and seconded by Trustee Pottenger that the Appropriation Ordinance be passeld as-read, Roll call resulted as follows: - Yeas- Trustee McKillip, Page, Pottenger, Scribner and Willman. Nays;- None. Motion carried. .r, UM J 194 1. EXECUTIVE SALARIES AN ORDINANCE TERMED THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATION BILL IN AND BY WHICH A THE CORPORATE AUTHORITIES DO APPROPRIATE SUCH SM -1 OR SUDS OF MONEY 1.00 WHICH MAY BE DEEMED NECESSARY TO DEFRAY ALL NECESSARY-EXPENSE AND - Trustees ALL LIABILITIES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING THE FIRST DAY OF MAY, A. D. 19352 AND ENDING ON THE THIRTIETH DAY OF APRIL, A. D. 1936, AND SPECIFYING C j THE OBJECTS AND PURPOSES FOR WHICH SUCH APPROPRIATIONS WERE MADE, 125.00 TOGETHER WITH THE AMOUNT APPROPRIATED FOR EACH OBJECT OR PURPOSE. 9 i BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF - Village Treasurer ,THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS: 1 Section 1. That the following sum or sums of money, or E so much thereof as may be authorized by law, be and the same are 11200.00 `hereby appropriated for the objects and purposes herein specified to defray all necessary expenses and liabilities, and for all - Comptroller corporate purposes of the Village of Deerfield, Lake County, Illinois, for the fiscal year beginning the first day of May, A. D. 1935, and 2. LEGAL EXPENSES ending on the thirtieth day of April, A. D. 1936. ` GENERAL FUND 1. EXECUTIVE SALARIES A - President 1.00 - Trustees 1.00 C - Village Clerk 125.00 D - Village Treasurer 600.00 E - Village Collector 11200.00 F - Comptroller 600.00., 2. LEGAL EXPENSES A - Corporate Counsel Salary 300.00 l B - Extra Legal Expenses 13000.00 I C_ - Contingent Expense Fund_ 100.00 1 _ . +• `I 3`. OFFICE EXPENSES 4 A - Auditing 500.00 B - Stationery and Supplies 100,00 a C11 Office Equipment 100.00 (� D - Printing and Publications 750.00 E - Insurance 750.00 t F - Telephone and Telegraph 150.00 G - Contingent 100.00 i nr• irwnm ,ini e.m 4R!!lA1,11MINi nu11p4 nose, 4. OTHER EXPENSES 19 r f A - Election Expense 300:00' B - Interest on Obligations 600,00 C - Publishing Ordinances 250,00`; j D - Surety Bond Premiums 500.00; t 5. RENT FOR VILLAGE OFFICES. 11700.00' 1 TOTAL APPROPRIATION FOR GENERAL FUND M. 9,727.00' f FIRE DEPARTMENT FUND 1. SALARIES A - Wages for Firemen 10000.00 t 2. EQUIPMEN72MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES l A - Maintenance of Motor Equipment 250.001 B - Gasoline and Oil 50.00 C - Installation and Maintenance of Fire Alarm Equipment 100.00 D - Insurance 300.00 E - Chemicals and Supplies 50.00: �9 F - Water Rentals of Fire Hydrants 100000 1 G - Purchase of New Equipment 5,500.00 f H - Contingent M :100.00 'TOTAL FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROPRIATIONS ` . `, 7,4.50.00-1 WATER DEPARTMENT FUND A - Purchase of'Water 20,000.00 B -,Salary of Water Superintendent 2,000.00 C - Maintenance, Installation and fi Meter Repair 750.00 ' D - Repair of Pipes and Equipment 2,000.00 E - Tapping Supplies and Expense 200.00' F - Contingent 100.00 'ITOTAL WATER DEPARTMENT APPROPRIATIONS . . . . . ... . . 25,050.00 11® D - Expenditures for Improvements.Paid from Village Share of Motor Fuel Tax (1) Labor 2,000.00; (2) Materials 31000.UO TOTAL STREET AND ALLEYS FUND APPROPRIATIONS POLICE DEPARTMENT FUND 1. SALARIES A - Village Marshal B - Emergency Salaries 2. EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES A - Insurance B - Telephone and Telegraph i s 6,600.00, 1 2,000.00 500.00 75.00 70.00 C - Gas and Oil 180.00 D - Contingent 100.00 TOTAL POLICE DEPARTMENT APPROPRIATIONS 2,925.00 BONDED INDEBTEDNESS FUND f A —Payment of Maturing Bonds 21000.00. B - Interest on Bonded -Indebtedness 500.00 ,TOTAL APPROPRIATION k FOR BONDED DEBT . . . . . . . . . . 2,500.00 i STREET LIGHTING FUND 1. STREET AND ALLEY LIGHTS A - Ornamental Lights 4,000.00 _B - Traffic Lights 240.00; 2. INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE f A - Street and Alley Lights 100.04 B - Ornamental Lights 100.00 C - Traffic Lights 100.00 TOTAL APPROPRIATION FOR STREET LIGHTING FUND .' 4;540.00 SEWAGE DISPOSAL -. For Construction, Repair and Remodeling both fi Disposal Plants (1) Labor 50,000.00 (2) Materials 202000.00 } (3) Engineering Services 5,000.00 (4). Legal Services 5,000.00 TOTAL APPROPRIATION FOR SEWAGE DISPOSAL . . . . . . . . 80,000.00 WATER WORKS PLANT i i { For construction of water supply ;.plant for Village of Deerfield Labor. 300000.00 F Materials i 10,000.00 i TOTAL APPROPRIATION FOR WATER WORKS PLANT . . . . . . .. 40,000.00 jk CONTINGENT FUND I.• For Contingent, Miscellaneous.and General Unforeseen Expenses not included in any Item Above 500.00 SUW141ARY 3 General Corporate Purposes 91729.00 Fire Department.Fund 7,450.00, Water Department Fund .25,050.00 Streets and Alleys Fund 6,600.00 Police Department Fund 21925.00 Bonded Indebtedness Fund 21500.00 Street Lighting Fund 4,540.00 . Sewage Disposal 80,000.00 Water Works Plant 40,000.00 Contingent Fund 500.00 -TOTAL .. .....r . 179,294.00 i Section 2. The unexpended balance of any item or items of zany appropriation made by, this Ordinance may be expended in making ' 1up any deficiency in any item or items in the same general appropria_, -tion and for the same general purpose, or in a like appropriation made by this Ordinance. i Section 3. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect,.] from and after its passage, approval and publication in accordance with the laws. Section 4. That this Ordinance be published in an -!official newspaper of the Village of Deerfield. } f 4 , K r 4 4 PRE ENT OF H VILL GE OF EERFIELD Presented and Read, July 9, 1935. Passed, July 9, 1935. Approved, July 9, 1935. Published, July , 1935. ATTEST: Village Clerk Approved as to Form, July 91 1935.,,, . Corporation Coun e I It was moved by Trustee Page and seconded by Trustee McKillip that we authorize the Engineers James Anderson Coo, Inc, to proceed with the preliminary work in connection with the proposed applica- tion to the Federal Government for a loan and grant or for a grant only to be used in the construction of additions to the two exist- ing sewage disposal plants which serve the Village of Deerfield, the coat of same not to exceed Seven Hundred and-Fifty Dollars. Upon'roll'oall the.-following vote was taken:- Yeas- Trustee McKillip, Page, Pottenger, Scribner and Willman. Nays - None. Motion carried. The following resolution authorizing the execution and filing . of an application on behalf of the Village of Deerfield to the United States of America for a grant to aid in financing the con - struction, repair and remodeling of sewage disposal plants in the Village of Deerfield, was read. A motion was made by Trustee Page and seconded by Trustee Willman that the resolution be adopted as read. The roll call resulted as follows: - Yeas- Trustee MoKillip, Page, Pottenger, Scribner and Willman, Nays- None. Motion carried. C I I A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING JAMES ANDERSON COMPANY; ENGINEERS, AND GEORGE S.`MeGAUGHEY, CORPORATION COUNSEL OF THE VILLAGE OF.DEERFIELD, TO FILE AN APPLICATION TO THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: THROUGH THE FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADIMINISTRATION ,OF PUBLIC VvORKS FOR A LOAN AND•GRANT TO AID IN FINANCING THE I CONSTRUCTION, REPAIR AND REMODELING OF SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANTS IN` THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD AND DESIGNATING JAMES ANDERSON 1 COMPANY`AND`GEORGE S. MCGAUGHEY TO FURNISH SUCH INFORMATION AS THE GOVERNIMNT MAY REQUEST. kl BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD -OF TRUSTEES OF THE.VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD: SECTION 1. That James Anderson Company, engineers; and George S. McGaughey; Corporation Counsel of the Village of Deerfield, Illinois, be and they are authorized to execute and -x file an application on behalf of .:the Village of Deerfield: ".to :the '' United States of America fora grant to aid in financing,,the construction, repair and remodeling of sewage disposal plants r in the Village of Deerfield. ,SECTION 2. That James Anderson Company, engineers;�O.ft and George S. McGaughey, Corporation Counsel, be and the'y'-are hereby authorized and directed to furnish such information -as the United States of America through the Federal Emergency Administra-; x s tion of Public Works may reasonably request in connection with the application which'is herein authorized to be filed, A brief report was given in regard to the Centennial Celebration held the latter part.of June. Approximately three thousand people attended this event and there was' raised by subscription and otherwise in the neighborhood of six hundred dollars, which paid all expenses and left a balance on hand to be used•for other purposes. .Plans are being made to again present the pageant time during the coming fall. Moved by Trustee Page and seconded by Trustee Scribner to adjourn.. ?lotion carried. AA • • VILLAGE CLERK. L A E S D NT.