05/15/193511616Y41 of importance to the village and we as a board are ever grateful for constructive criticism. It was moved by Trustee Page and seconded by Trustee ' Scribner that we adjourn to meet.on Wednesday,-May,15, 1935�'at,7'-30 P. Y. Motion carried. ILLAGE CLERK. "T1 C May, 15, 19350 An adjourned A"t,*11tkP meeting of the President and the Board of'Trustees__ of ' the Village of Deerfield was called to'order by the President'' Harry E. sling at 8 P. Its. 'with the following trustees pr. esiAt—', Page, Peterson, Pottenger, Scribner and Willman. Absent-;Trustee McKillip. An ordinance regulating and prohibiting the use 'of'Vhist*le's on locomotive engines within the limits of'the Village of•Deer= field was read and it was moved by Trustee Willman and seconded by Trustee Page that it be laid on the table. Roll call•resulted as follows- Yeas- Trustee,Page, Peterson, Pottenger, Scribner and Willman. Nays- None. Carried, An ordinance regulating the gross weight and the width of motor trucks, semi-trailers or other vehicles on the-stieets with- in the Village of Deerfield was read and it was moved 'by., Trustee ' Pottenger,and seconded by Trustee Peterson that it-be laid on the table. Upon roll call the following vote was taken':- Yeas Trustee Page,.Peterson, Pottenger, Scribner and Willman. Nays-None.' Y-o- tion carried. A letter from the Insurance Department at Springfield,,-Ill,,- relative to fire protection in taverns, restaurants, etc'.`,_was_ read and referred to the License Committee and ,the -Building,Com- missioner. Motion made by Trustee Peterson and seconded by.Trust'ee',Pot_: tenger that the clerk send notices by registered mail, requesting those retail ' liquor dealers within the limits of the Village,of- Deerfield who have not taken out their license for the period from May 1, 1935 to April 30, 1936 must do so before 12 o'clock. noon of May 18, 1935 or'be subject to arrest. Roll call resulted as follows;- Yeas- Trustee Pag'e,:P'eter- son, Pottenger, Scribner and Willman. Nays- None., Carried. A letter from Connell and Novak, Attorneys, I requesting the' Village of Deerfield to settle for injuries which Mrs. F. H. Earnest claims to have received on the sidewald at 950 Rosemary Terrace was read and referred to the Corporation Counsel` - McGaughey. The members of the Deerfield Fire Department requested the Village Board to grant them a payment of Twenty Five Dollars so as to enable them to pay their Lake County Firemen's Association dues for the past two years and the special assessment'leiry -made by the Illinois Firemen's Association of which they 'are'members, It was moved by Trustee Page and seconded by Trustee a Pe'te'i- son that the request of the Deerfield Fire Department'for,' t pay.- . ment of Twenty Five'Dollars be granted. Upon roll call the following vote was taken:- Yeas-'"Trustee ,Page, Peterson, Pottenger, Scribner and Willmane. Nays-,None., Motion carried. A motion was made by Trustee Page and seconded by Trustee Peterson that the resolution to continue the Deerfield State.BanOr, as depositories for the funds of Florence E.,Page,-V1llage._Col-,1 lector and Theresa Petersen, Treasurer and Comptrolle'r 'be adopted as read. Roll call resulted as follows:- Yeas- All. 'Nays* None.___ Motion carried. .Moved by Trustee Scribner and seconded byaTrusteellillman that the Street Lighting Contract as presented by the Public Service'Co. of Northern Illinois be accepted... -Upon roll call the following vote was taken: - ' Yeas- Trustiee Page, Peterson Pottenger, Scribner and.Willman. Nays-'None.- Motion carried, The Village Treasurer of the Village of Deerfield havi'ng requested the Board to designate a depository for village"funds, was moved'by,Trustee Page and seconded by_Trustee'Pottefi�gpr that the'following ordinance be passed as read.­ Roll call resulted as follows:- Yeas- All. Nays-'No' ne.. Carried. 10.2 a F_22 IBM SRI I M = -_--I MR11 M11 - - — - -- - 185 r . i `ter OrDINA11CF, OF THE VILLAGE OF DE F?k "��LI�, Li►liF. P�: Tji;TY,; I'LLI� OTE; . `. 4 FF:I'.tWIrR! VIM VIM. VtILLTT1,GT? T13J�-- `�,%S'JR ;Fir Tli:a:Fa"4r� Tai. ��ik:tE?,,' ALIL €�tF��}^TF i'sE F'UTI S" Zli [x Li _ TI,�C O C1JG3TV:'i� t " >F, i li" A`i SA TV- Y f J4 ii's fi J`d t3 THE' DE FIL'LD ST ^,T BA.d't, OF DF E DFI LD, 'ILLI CIS, a Vh,erevst the Trer. surer of t",i� V11.1x rle, of Dac�rfteld$ Lake Countyt Illinois, haz in ~-citing rcqucsted , tht, ViI inge Board thercot to - Ces:cnwtc a bnnj- or other depository in W.h_f ch the fund: and 'ro'nt es of the Vlllrg ct in the custody* of the Tre =ax;ur+^r, be •opt to ttCGO2�rf a -nee ,.i.th vn rxt of tho General. As- c-Nbl.y of th -a Btrt e of Illinois en- titled "ItAi -et to a-:enw Section O of Art cle 7 of 'fin l'.ct to provide for the inco -porno ion of citlf s ran ?1 vil laC� , f ripproved nril lOt 1 `Yi't as a- icndcd, w1pr owed nnd in force F obrunry 17, Whorct v, ,hc Denrf:leld. tate Ds nk of Doerfielci, T12incais, teas Burnished thr, Villrige Doard thereof v -ith copips of the last tvo s- worn stz to -rents of the r e ourcos and l.ia.bil,iti.ef, 'which said b is is r �qu.ired f to furnl sh to the Auditor of Public Accounts of tho Stn.t e of 11' ino:i;s,; thich said sr{orri stttoments rare Ivereto attcR.hed rynO made n vpt;rt hercof. BL IT t)i?T)AIM;P B, V THE ''sic :3 L!''1fT XN�}++ D' "PTA) ±^) O Tri i� "' " °�; t�P' " V,LLICE OF DBUFULD LAICE, CCUBITY, ILL.�ROI£t pet- on .l. That the Treasurer of the V lloge of Der _ e --� u c f i ,I.d is herf;by » eruired to keen all funds and rzonie s in Ws hnnri3 or custody t belonZing .to I the Vil.lct e of Doerfiold in the Deerflold State, Dn.nk of Deorf Op Illinois, €action :. That the a mount of tho dcposits or -ucPk funcia or confer in aid Deorfie1d Ct ^to Bank of Deerfield,, Illinois.. shall not exceed seventy- -five $pox cent or the capital stock and surplus of Said bank. Section w. Th;,t said Deerfield, Ctc:tc F n1c shall, furnish the, Villi,ge Fo rd. of tho Vi.l.lagr of Doert'ield rich a eOplr�'`,at' all bank trite cnt 4 Tilich it is requi,r %d to furnish to the Auditor of Public _ Accounts of the Ct me o €. illi.nois, niltit the sr? timo :; said bank statrr :cnt is furninhad to the. Auditor Of Public Account: of tbo Stntc of Illinoist during; tho time it nets as such depository. ' A 13jection. 4. Thx.t 'ri tk:e,r?"fl'C:,1`t the sn1d nct or acts of•+"' T thz - Gs:nernl As f zbly nre declar d to be unconsti.tuticnsl. or in- valid for orgy re>f,, «v x ; ;1"so ever, `iio ablizration o, lipbllity for Any .loss wh8tsootrer sustn nod for tho attempter'. complionce thcro -- witlz shall be. plticed upon th e id Vtllr,,pea of Doerflold, the Board"--_' of Trustees thereof or the menbers thereof, in thritr oflf cipl or individwil cap:xcity, but D11 of such obl.ir tion and li bil.ities shall br..) ,end re- ,til.n In the snid Troasurcr and tho suretios upon his bond'. &rat.ion ". Th ^t the rr.i*ten ro txesL of sr. td Vil.lrieo reL, surer and the `I n t two wr o= t to :Xont:l of the resource: «nd liab.ill.ties of the < said Doer riel d Stvt.p Bank of Dee; ftold, Illinois, dated '—' -� and ' ' /9��" res1)e,c a vel y, and tic cert ii'icat , thereto tkt to e arse :, .. I a s hcr.O xr. =bove referred to, ,be and the same are - hereby incorpor .toil here {n and r4ndei r n�rt, cif this ordinance. suction This ordina.nco shall be in full f orco end ef'roct from onrl rft ^x t),xtz dote of its pes -3ave :zpnroval and publ ical lon ns ,is roruirr d by 14A��. Soctton ,7. All ordimneas or parts ref ord4n -nccs in conflict hercrith are hrz -reby reponled. Passed by the Bo«rd of Trusiteea of the Village of Deerfield, Lake County,, il.11noi.s, `and appro,ve( -1 by the Pros ident ther cof , on the day 'of , 1017 5) Pn4 deposited and filed in the, office of the Stil,lai e Clerk of Na ic? lii llaCc, this —day of C Pros sent o he Vil.l.nge o Dverfl.o: a. �`Pulil.i.shcd, ' ATT ZEi DATE OF REGULAR MEETING CHANGED TO SECOND TUESDAY The first Monday evening of the month seemed to be un- satisfactory for the regular board meeting to some of the members of the Board and therefor a moltion was made by Trus tee Willman and seconded by Trustee Page that we change our meeting nights to the second Tuesday of each month. Roll call re lted,as follows:- Yeas- Trustee Page, Peterson, Pottenger, Scribner and Willman. Nays- None. Motion Carried. MAINTENANCE RESOLUTION FOR MAINTENANCE OF ARTERIAL STREETS BY MUNICIPALITY UNDER THE MOTOR FUEL TAX LAW. BE IT RESOLVED, by the .... R:rAOAPIA ................................ of the (C. ,uncU or President and Board of Trustees) . .................... V111111;e ................ ­f o ...................... Deexfleld ........................... Illinois, (City, Town or Village) that the following described arterial streets be maintained under the Motor Fuel Tax Law: Arterial Portion to be maintained I Type of Type of Amount Street No. Existing Improvement Maintenance Appropriated From To Viilmot Lincoln Gravel Surface; 2 Road Ave -Gravel-Surface Drainage , -U000-X0- 9 carjln� & fyoi hap ng -- Roadbed, shoulders _.& -d hen 7 *'(Tnclud1r1 n lnt. a2 t I. Fi foriengine ring s ervices) _- Ilk, ............ -TOTAL - 7$2006. bo �Mg THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: 1. That the above designated Arterial Streets shall. be maintained for'the period beginning. , .............and ending ....... De.Q... 31,...19Z5 .......... and that there is hereby appro- priated the sum of $ 2.000...0.0 ......... from the municipality's allotment of 11. F. T. funds' for main- tenance of the designated Arterial Streets. 2. That a statement, Form B C R 362, shall be submitted at the end of -the above - period showing the cost of various maintenance items on each of,the above Arterial Streets., AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,that the......... .. YIIAAZP.............Clerk is hereby directed to (City, Town or Village) transmit two certified copies of this resolution. to the' Department of Public Works and Buildings, Division of Highways, Springfield, Illinois, through. its District Engineer. (OVER) Form B. C. R. 361 (2570-20871-12M-1-84) 12 STATE OF ILLINOIS - i County of........ Lake ... ............. +............. ... ss. { .............. I�lldg- e........of... ....Deer - field..... (City. Town or Village) i ,.......... ....Chester.- _f8ieasl,ing. -, - .--- ..- .Vil1 -a{r-e- Clerk (City. Town or Vi ago) in and for the................. � e ... ........... f...D el -d• City. TwYn or Village) o eer f 1 t hereby ertif o the foregoing to perfect an Y_ Y, _ g" g be a true p c d complete copy of a resolution adopted by the- :-- .PrAgiAQ ?.t - - &. B.Md. _o f Trust= (Council or President and Board of Trustees) ees J at a meeting on ...... May ..1.5 ...... .............. 19...3 .. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this ....... 1.5 .............day of ........... May ................... A. D. 19....35 Signed Chester V'!esslin ......... ................ '..... ........:g..................... ' I1.1., lags...- ..Clerk ' (City. Town or Village) (SEAL) ( Seal Attached) 187 RESOLUTION TO CANCEL "RESOLUTION REGARDING GREENWOOD AVENUE IMPROVEMENT' PASSED FEBRUARY 41 1 3 . Be it Resolved by the President and the Board'of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield that the following described resolution of _the Village of Deerfield, passed at the regular meeting of said board on February 4, 1935, "resolving that a complete storm water drainage system and other incidental construction necessary in preparation for a traffic bound surface improvement as Section 1 D- CS on Greenwood Avenue from Wilmot Road to Lincoln Avenue" be and it is hereby rescinded, cancelled and declared null and void and of no effect. It was moved by Trustee Pottenger and seconded by Trustee Willman that the above resolution be passed as read. } Upon roll call.the following vote was taken:- Yeas — Trustee Page, Peterson, Pottenger, Scribner and `Tillman. Nays- atone. Motion carried. :A resolution for the maintenance of Arterial Street #2 from Wilmot Road to Lincoln Avenue under the motor Fuel Tax Law for the period begitining May 20, 1935 and ending December 31, 1935 was read. s, U601 Moved by Trustee Scribner and seconded by Trustee Pottenger that the resolution for the maintenance of Arterial Street #2 be passed as read. The following bills having been read, were on motion by Trus- tee Pottenger and a second by Trustee Scribner approved for pay- ment on the receipt of proper funds. Roll call resulted as follows:- Yeas- Trustee Page, Peterson, Pottenger, Scribner and Willman. Nays - None. Motion carried. City of Highland Park $ North Shore Gas Co. Illinois Bell Telephone Co. Public Service Co. Fire Station (2/21/35 to 3/22/35 n n Tr rr n (3/22/35 to 4/23/35 Skating Rink (1/28/35 to 2/22/35 n Tr ii tt IT ( 2/22/35 to 3/21/35 �r rr rt rr IT ( 3/21/35 to-4/22/35 TT Tr +r Pumping Station(2 /21/35 to 3/22/35 rr tr n if It ( 3/22/35 to 4/23/35 Stop & Go Light(2 /21/35 to 3/22/35 11 It If It Ti IT It ( 3/22/35 to 4/23/35 George 11. Pettis Deerfield Garage George Sticken R. A. Nelson Deerfield Pharmacy Gordon Kress James B. Clow & Sons rr n ir' n rT • Neptune Meter Co. W. P. Cawley Badger Meter Mfg. Co. Zion Office Supply TT ti tT Andrew E. Decker Mercer Lumber Co. Harry Mau Ferdinand Sall ack Ed Beckman J. R. Notz Hdwe Co. City of Highland Park Harry E. Wing Cooksy Oil Co. Fred Horenberger .-(Judge., of Election) Edward Bleimehl Tt tt if . ) Fred Selig ( IT It it ) Leo Seiler ( 11 rT it ) George Morey ( it rr it ) Wm. H. Steffes ( It rT " ) Kathryn Frost (Clerk of Election ) Frances Diebert ( It It TT ) Hattie Wessling ( IT IT " ) Ruth Pettis ( It T1 11 ) Mildred Gunckel ( If if it ) Lowell H. Meintzer ( IT It It ) Legal Adviser Publishing Co. Carbonic Convertor Co. Stanley Knight Corp. P. F. Pettibone & Co. Robert Cole Reliable Garage Henry Petersen Public Service Co. if It Tt R. M. LaChance Vant & Selig National Brick Co. W. J. Desmond U. S. Pencil Co: M. A. Frantz C. Wessling American Evatype Corp. C. Uchtmann Albert L. Roderick. George Sticken Public Service Co. March Street Lighting If it n Ap ft l I IT H '77 C 2031.155\ 7.12 r 22.64 2.50^ ). 2.50 17.33K 4.20v,, 2.40N 10.00(\ 10.00(1 17.28.E 18.00,1 9.75r 1.65N 1.00n .49 n 1.281, .84N 8.99K 6.40x, 24.32x, 43.30 10.57 30.77 1.284 -, 18.43N 7.43 N 4.O0n 4.00h 2.501 8.Olp, 19.88r 5.26 - 22.81 s� 5.00' 5.00 '5.00,\ 5.00VN 5.004\ 5.001\ 5.00,E 5.0ON 5.00., 5.00 5.0Oi� 3.21 40.80 1.25 1.28 4.00N 135.66- 8.001, 7.20 5.44 -_ 3.06h : 8.70^ 15.00 17.501-, 5.83 8.83vs� 22.35+` 1.55 34.25r 155.00+\ 28.25 285.89"k- 285.89,t\