08/06/1934 + 08/21/1934i It'was,moved,'by Trustee Wing and'.seconded;by Trustee Page that the Appropriation Ordinance be passed as read.. Upon roll call the following vote was talon. Yeas- Page; Peterson, Pottenger,.Scribner,.17illman and ding. Nays- None. Carried. Moved by Trustee Pottenger and seconded by Trustee Page to adjourn. Carried. = Village Clerk. resident aa� t ill age of De Tfield. August 6, 1934'. The regular meeting of the President and the Board of Trus- tees.was not helQd /because of-the lack of a quorem.. Village Olerk Pres ent of e i e of Deer eld. E-11 MW August 21`, ' 1934`. A special meeting of the President -and the Board'of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by the President Harry T. Clavey at 8 P. M. Roll call : - Present- Trustee Page, Peterson, Pottenger, Scribner, Willman and Wing. Absent - -None. , The minutes of our regular meeting held July 2, 1934 were. read and approved. .The Chairman of the License Committee; Trustee Peterson re- ported that there were still 20 passenger car licenses and 2 truok licenses unpaid. It is also expected that the Dog licenses will be collected by the first of September. Trustee Page, Chairman of the Auditing and Printing Committee read a report from Wilson & Co., Village Auditors stating that the records.kept by the Village Collector and the Village Treas- urer for the month of June and July, 1934 were examined and found correct with the exception of -_a few entries which were not prop- erly made but will be corrected in subsequent entries. The inter- est received forms and the paid forms for special assessments as. approved by the Board are expected to be available in September. It was moved•by Trustee Wing and seconded by Trustee Scribner to accept this report. Roll call resulted as follows:- Yeas - All. Nays- None. Carried. The Chairman of the Publie'Works Committee, Trustee Pottenger advised the Board that certain changes were made at the Septic tank and he believes that it is now working practically 100' efficient as`the water now coming from the tank is clear. On investigation they found that the tank was not construoted ac- cording to the . original blue prints. The lamp post in McGuire and Orr's Subdivision which was broken by someone backing into it with a car will be repaired. The North Shore Gas Co. have made an investigation in regard to installing gas mains. in certain streets in the Deer - field- Acres - Subdivision as` requested by petition signed by the property owners. They,find that the gas which would be- used in this area does not :warrant the - expense and the'Commerc'e Com- missionwould not give their approval. A complaint was received that the street in front of the. Diener property was in a bad condition and Trustee Willman, Chairman -of the',' -Road and Bridge Committee agreed.to have this taken care of.-,:, . , k 159. The following Ordinance Amending "An Ordinance Regulating ` the. Sale, of , Alcoholic Liquor "" was read' by Corporation Counsel ' George - S.. McGaughey. AN ORDINANCE A14ENDING "AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE SALE OF ALCOHOLIC ►. LIQUOR." BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS. SECTION 1. ehat an ordinance regulating the sale of alcholic liquors and providing a penalty for violation thereof be and the same is hereby amended in Section 19 thereof, the same to read as follows: It shall be unlawful to sell or offer for sale and permit consumption of any,alcoholic liquor or beer in the Village of Deerfield between the hours of one (1) o +clock A. M. and six (6) ofalock.A. M. in the morning of any day, and it shall further be unlawful to sell at retail or wholesale, or offer for sale, or allow to be consumed, any beer or alcholic liquor in the Village of Deerfield, between the hours of one (1) o'clock A. M. on Sunday morning and one (1) o'clock P. 1,i. on Sunday afternoon, SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after the date of its passage, approval and publication. .0 Y APFROVZ es d t O @ of Dee ield, Lake Com t`q, Illinois. `` " Passed August � • D. 1934. Approved Auguste; A. D, 1934. PvaLlsHe,o�A�4�6T s01 (9354, I ATTEST age Cleric - ° APPROVED:- Corporation Counsel ail, ," ;.,,Motion made by Trustee Page and seconded by, Tiustee�"Scribner :,- that "the"ordinanoe amending �!An Ordinance Regulating the Sale of Alcoholic Liquor" be passed as read. Upon roll call the following vote was taken:— Yeas- ;Trustee Page, Peterson, Pottenger, Soribner, Millman and Ming. Nays-7- None. Carried'. The following ordinance for the levying of taxes °for. the -. u current fiscal year beginning May let, 1934 and ending April-30ths 1935 was read by the Corporation Counsel George S. Mcpaughey.;. All ORDINANCE FOR THE LEVY OF TAXES FOR THE CURRENT FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING May lst, 1934, AND ENDING APRIL 30th,.1935.. j i I BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF }' THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS: SECTION 1. That the sum of $43,810.00, this sum being the total amount of all appropriations for special and corporate fund purposes legally made, and to be collected from the tax levy of the fiscal year beginning May lst, 1934,'and ending April 30th, 1935, shall be and the same is hereby levied.on, all property subject to taxation, within the Village of Deerfield as the said property is assessed for. state and county purposes for -the current year, SECTION 11. The purposes for which said levy is made, and the i sum and-amount levied for each °purpose respectively are as follows: GENERAL FUND II 1. EXECUTIVE SALARIES A - President - B - Trustees _ C - Village Clerk 125.00 D - Village Treasurer 450.00 E - Village Collector 900.00 F - Comptroller 450.00 2. LEGAL MCPENSES` i A - Corporate Counsel Salary 300.00 I E B - Extra Legal Expenses' 22000.00 C - Contingent Expense Fund 100.00` 3. OFFICE EXPENSES A - Auditing 500.00 B.- Stationery and Supplies 500.00 C - Office Equipment 125.00 D - Printing and Publications 1,250.00 E - Insurance 325.00 F - Telephone and Telegraph 7,0.00 G Contingent 100000 162 4. OTHER EXPENSES j A - Election Expense 125.00 C B - Interest on Obligations 600.00 C - Publishing Ordinances and Printing 250.00 i D Surety Bond Premiums - 550.00 'i 5. RENT FOR VILLAGE OFFICES 19500.00 - ; /TOTAL APPROPRIATION FOR GENERAL FUND 10,220.00 FIRE DEPARTMENT FUND l 1. SALARIES i A - Salaries 19000.00 2, EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES' A - Maintenance.of Motor Equipment 250.00 '• B - Gasoline and Oil 25.00 � C - Installation and Maintenance of Fire Alarm Equipment 100.00 e D - Insurance - 300100 E E - Chemicals and Supplies 50.00 F - Water Rentals of Fire Hydrants 100.00 G - Contingent 100.00 TOTAL -FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROPRIATIONS 1 925.00 WATER DEPARTMENT FUND A - Purchase of Water 151000.00 B - Salary of Water Superintendent 1,800.00 C - Maintenance, Installation and Meter Repair 750.00 - D - Repair of Pipes and Equipment 20000.00 E - Tapping Supplies and Expense 30:00 F Contingent 100.00 TOTAL WATER DEPARTMENT APPROPRIATIONS .;¢ 199680.00 STREET AND ALLEYS - 163 POLICE DEPARTMENT FUND t 1. SALARIES y i - I A - Village Marshal 21500.00 B - Emergency g Y 500.00 2. EQUIPMENTt MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES A - Insurance 175.00 r' B - Telephone and Telegraph 70.00 C - Guns and Supplies 50.00 D Contingent - 100000 TOTAL POLICE DEPARTMENT APPROPRIATIONS .039295.00 BONDED. INDEBTEDNESS FUND A -.Payment of Maturing Bonds 29000.00 B;- _Interest on Bonded Indebtedness 500.00 ` TOTAL APPROPRIATION FOR BONDED DEBT . . 2,500.00 II .I r STREET LIGHTING FUND ii 1. STREET AND ALLEY LIGHTS A - Ornamental Lights 49200.00 B - Traffic Lights 240.00`' 2. INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE - A Street and Alley Lights 100.00 a B Ornamental Lights 100.00 t C Traffic Lights 100.00 TOTAL APPROPRIATION FOR STREET LIGHTING FUND $•41740.00 CONTINGENT FUND For Contingent; Miscellaneous and General - Unforeseen Eapenses'not included in any Item Above 500.00 164 i e. t SUN11ARY General Corporate Purposes Fire Department Fund Water Department Fund . Street and Alleys Fund 1 10 , 220.00 C 1,925.00 19,680.00 950.00 Police Department Fund 3,295.00 Bonded Indebtedness Fund 2,500.00 Street Lighting Fund 49740.00 Contingent Fund 500.00 i TOTAL 439810.00, I SECTION 111. The Village Clerk is hereby directed to file a certified copy of this Ordinance with the County Clerk of Lake County, Illinois, as provided by law. i. FAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS. Approved as to form, August-2/41LI934. t � Corporation Counsel. Moved by Trustee Wing and seconded by Trustee Page that the # ;Tax "Levy Ordinance be passed as read. Upon roll call the following vote was taken- Yeas- Trustee,Page, 'Peterson, Pottenger, Soribner,,.Willman and Wing. Nays — „None. Motion carried,* retierson; rotitienger; uorioner; nlll==- and” ning:�`"`nays= Q Carried. SECTION 1V. This Ordinance shall be in full force a.nd effect- from and after its passage and approval, in accordance with the law.- Presented and Read August2 /01934. Passed, August A/Zy- 19340 Approved, August jZ/, 19340 A' Published, ,August'30 1934. , • ` " • ¢ PRESIDENT OF OARD OF MTEES OF TBE VILLAGE OF DEERFIE LAKE . COUNTY, ILLINOIS. ATTEST: F VILLAGE OF/DEERFIEUt i. FAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS. Approved as to form, August-2/41LI934. t � Corporation Counsel. Moved by Trustee Wing and seconded by Trustee Page that the # ;Tax "Levy Ordinance be passed as read. Upon roll call the following vote was taken- Yeas- Trustee,Page, 'Peterson, Pottenger, Soribner,,.Willman and Wing. Nays — „None. Motion carried,* retierson; rotitienger; uorioner; nlll==- and” ning:�`"`nays= Q Carried. ul- � F 9 The following bills were.read:- , A. , J. 'Johnson' Fee inspecting plumbing . A. J. Johnson- Building Commissioner Fee 20.00 Leo Seiler 6.00r`,, George Morey _ _9'.00 r` Deerfield Garage. - 25.60x. - J: R..Notz Hardware.Oo: 62.43 > Ill. Bell Tel. Co. #321- June a/c 3'40K, #B -lEx- a a 3;93x. #321- July a/c 1.95 #B -lEx- a a 5.18,E Russell W. Potterton 28'.50^ Henry Peterson 4:001-1, Fabrio Fire Hose • Co:. . .. °75:00 n 'Wileon & Co. 60:00 Chester Wessling F 19;75 John Welch 66:50 r- Conrad Uchtman 94000N Fred Schwab 23,050r, _. Sam- Rockenbaoh, • .. _ _ 6'.00r-, F. W. Stryker. 10 00r- .. Howard Stryker 28'.25 r Deerfield Garage 1'.19 n Hoffman Service Station. 1:681 Public-Service Co. June St. Light a/c 3 a a a July a a a 285989 - --- James B. Clow & Sons 13;95r� a a a a 21.68x. National Brick Co'. 19'.14" -"� Deerfield Nurseries :: 10':00. Moore, Case, Lyman & Hubbard 149.75r Highland Park Press 50`,30-7— a Nt a - 7,00N.- ` Mercer Lumber Co. 50.63 t-- American Evatype Co '.50 n• Zion Office Supply .sot\ a a s :50� Badger Meter Mfg, Co. 30.89 n . a a a a 10.411., a a a a 5`055^ _'.Neptune Meter Co'. 8473 r ; M. A. Frantz .75*. W. P. Cawley 16:92 r a a a 21.30+ . Andrew'E. Decker McGuire 1:lOt� 5:00` ,.H. Cooksy Oil Co: 11:97 n Reliable G=age 32:02f- ' City of Highland Park 2949.90N Public Service Co.: 30.91 Moved by Trustee Wing,and seconded by.Trustee Willman that the above bills are approved and to be paid on receipt of the proper funds. Upon roll call the following vote was taken : - Yeas - Trustee Page, Peterson, Pottenger, ®oribner, Willman and . Wing. Nays- None'. Carried ". A communioation signed by the President, Directors and members of the Deerfield romans Club relative to the telephone rates for calls between Deerfield and Highland Park and also the inadequate and inferior service furnished by an antiquated system was read. It was suggested that a petition be circulated, to be signed by subscribers in the Deerfield area who are dissatisfied with the present rates and the service rendered, the same to be presented to the .Illinois Commerce Commissiou.if action is not taken by the telephone officials. The President Harry T. Olavey also appointd Trustee Pottenger to meet with and get the co- operation of other organizations in the village and to bring this matter up with the'Telephoae Co. " On motion by Trustee Wing, seconded by Trustee Scribner and carried, we adjourned to Tuesday, September 4, 1934. i E 0 SI old- NT TIC L E B-- OARD