04/02/1934U! milli Mi -A. J. Johnson. $11..25 139 Chester Wessling 8.25 } -.; ,Geor eµMcGau h_e Y 220.65 T �Vant�& Selig g _ -184.67 Illinois Bell Tel Co.. 6.58 Harriet Stryker 22.50 Fred Pantle 2.60 Harold Plagge 7.00 Raymond Front 5.00 City of Highland Park I119 150.00 A motion was made By TrusteeYWillman and- seconded.by Trustee Wing •,that'.thet. office ,of- .Polige Magistrate be declared vaoalte because of failure °to.qualify by not filing -bond. Motion carried. Thera!beirig no furthur business the meeting.adjourned. Village President Village Clerk Minutees of the ,_meeting of Apri12, 1934 Meeting called to order by the President Ur Harry T. Clavey with the 441 , following Trustees Present George Page,.0. S. Scribner, H. E. Wing , Wm D. Johnston,-.and C.M.Willm.a.n, • TruWe J. R.. -Notz ,absent. . Minutees of the5meeting'of March 5,'1934 were read and approved.` Fianance report b$ Harry E. Wing thatlno. money had been borrowed. The audit report as of.Mar 2, 1934 was read showing the corrections by the . A u request from the Saluation Army dated ed Mar, 22,'19. 34 fora tag day as of April 4, 1934 was read and the request granted .•upon.a motion from Trustee Johnston and.a:secQnd;,from Trustee Willmann Motion carried. President Harry T. Clavey: made the,following appointments.for clerks and Judges of the election °of°'Apr_il:l�', 1934. Preceint, #1 For Judges Edward Bleimehl :Fred Horenberger H.,B. Lawson For Clerks :: Mrs- Earl Frost Mrs -Sam Hutchison'. ; Miss Ida Kamak For Judges George Morey',�� . �... Leo Seiler Theresa Petersen" t .:. - , :'For Clerks . Mrs Paul Deitz Mrs Robert Pettis` Mrs Mildred Gunkel A motion was made by Trustee Wing and seconded by Trustee Millman that'the following bills be paid. motion barried. Badger ISeter Co. $30.63 F. E. Page; 7.15 'Earl Johnston Filling Station Eseco Man Co. 2000 Reliable Garage 9000 A Conrad Uchtma 4.00 Badger Meter Co.�,. J. R. Notz Hardware Go, �d: 2 8 Oscar Schwab,. _. Henry Peterson 30.25 Public Service Co. .k° 10.00 Zion Office Supply y ,. :.:; 4625 Frank- Thornber .98 } w­-Public Service Co. - 19.92 Ill., Tel Co. 9.43 _ .Bell Peter Pirsch..& Sons Co. 1.50' " City. ��Of' Hi land Park -- 2067.00 Essoo lman o. : .. 22.57. Neptune Meter , Co. 33.67 - r Meter Co. 27.80 `eHadge icService Co.- Pub 50.00 w° w Chester vescling v _.. ?.05 A is ,' °Public.; Service Co. . 23.12 Highland- Park:Press 4.50 F. E. Page 6,07 ., AJack Johnston. 10.00