02/05/19333 6 Tge Public Service Co. of thic and ack for a refund for that period -p ' Chairman ;of the crater committee 0. S. Scribner reported that':the now water xXxxx)tX Bookkeeping apetem on the mater accounts has been installed and that all bills would be cent on the tenth of eac}i month. C He also reported that hereafter the Chief of Police Mould spend gone UIX half of his-time on the water department thereby releaving the'- !neral NUX Fund partially. The Chief of Police Peecy McLaughlin reported that $88.00 in' fines- had kQa been collected for the month of Dec. 1933. A motion waex made by Trustee Notz that the Village of Deerfield''Attempt to sell one band inatruxment and if not cold that and the balance,4 of the band instruments be given to the Deerfield Gramm r. School`.° Trustee 17illman made a second to this Motion Notion carried.' The following bills were ordered paid. H. C. Speer '& Sons $255.00 F. E. Page 90.23 . Badger Meter Co. 4.82 Zion Office Supply Co. 27.25 Arthur J. ENder 26.00 . M. A. Frantz 10.06 ` Howard, Stryker 9.00. . . , , ��•: � C. E. Huhn 47:00 Osborne & Lange 24.00 City of Highland Park R 2440.50 North Shore Gas .Cg. 17.62 Gilson &nCo, 50.00 Zion Office SuPPY 00. 8.20. 20-00 0. W. Uchtman John McLachlin 2.50 Reliable Garage 1.01 John Huhn 3.75 J.. Johnson 6.00 A.: 16.00 Walter Toll 20.00. Earl 4ohnston 31.50 • � •,. ,. ;.Public Service Co. X0.66 Illinois Bell Tel Co. 10.47 Reliable Garage 10.70NYctt�tXxXS�i�iZ�iX2h #Xi ..Public Service Oo, 7.50 Becker Radio &ervive :A Motion was made by Trustee Johnston and eecondecby Trustee "King Treat. the meeting adjourn. Motion carried. Vi a e Pre dent ffiiTa=ge Cler Minutees of the meeting of Feb. 59 "1933 as The meeting was called to order by xks harry N. Wing as acting President with the following Trustees present George Page, O.S.Seribner C. M.Ilillmann, Vm. D. IIohns$on, and J. R. Notz. absent Harry T. - Clavey President. Minutees of the meeting of Jan 8, 1934 were read and approved. Harry N. Wing chairman of the fianance Committee reported that: the $1000.00 Funding bonds due Dec. 31, 1933 and the $1000.00 Water bonds due Dec. 31, 1933 were defaulted as of that date. Harry N. Wing chairman of the Health and Public relations committee reported that the Benno restruant and grounds were ordered cleaned up. Johnston chairman of the road and bridge committee -,reported the roads were in-,good shape. ;� "A motion was made by Trustee Notz apd seconded by Truotee:Johnston that a vote of Thanks be given D? L. Derby and Raymond Goodman for effort spent in setting up a new•syetom of bookkeeping in the w81,ter department . Motion carried. A motion was made by Trustee Willmann and seconded by not Johnston that-radiator on the fire truck be to exceed $25.00, Motion carried. p motion was made by Trustee Notz.and seconded by Trustee Page that the fireman be given an Auto tag in lieu of part of their salary duo them. Motion carried. It was reported that the Chamber of Commerce paid to "the Village of i i� Deerfield three dollars and seventyy five cen s t o cover, part of the 137 of the Christmas tree lighting. MixZBl4XBMlE3� # . - A letter received,of the Village of Bannockburn in! regard to the closing of North Ave, was given to the-chairman of the road-and Bridge Committee Wm: D. Johnston for a report at the next meeting. Trustee Notz made the following resolution which was seconded by Truatee.Page. Whereas the following duly designated bank has furnished Ik the.Village of'Deertield Illinois and the Village Board with copeia of t bank statements as furnished to the comptroller of currency and auditbr of Public Accounts as of Sept. 29, 1933 and' Dec. 300 1933. of the Deerfield State Bank. BE IT RBSLOVED after consideration of theses statements the bank•to be continued as the depository for the funds of Florence Page. Resolution Carried. A motion was made by Tmustee Notz and.seconded by trustee Johnston that the following resolution be passed. BE IT RESOLVI b pv kthe President, and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield Illinois the the following described streets'be designated as Arterial Streete.subject to the approval of the Department of Public Works and Bulidings, State of Illinois, Beginning at the West Skokie Drainage Ditch'and extending thence in a westerly direction along Hazel Ave. Extended to an intersection with Telegraph Road to be known as as Arterial Street #1. Beginning at Wilmot Road and Extending thence in an easterly direction along Greenwood Ave. to an intersection with Lincoln'Ave.,to be Known as Arterial Street a2 #2 ' Beginning at,Greenwood Ave. and extending thence in a southerly direction along_Orchard to Hazel Ave; thence ed6terlyralong Hazel Ave . to`an - intersection with Lincoln -Ave. to be known as Arterial Street 03 Beginning at Lincoln and extending.thence'in . an easterly direction aic! along-We'stgdte-Road to Warrington Road;- thence south along Warrington Road to an intersection with -Deerfield Road''to .,be known as; Arterial #4 Beginning at Greenwood Ave. and extendingbthenee.'in a southerlyxd:kzw direction along Chestnut Street to Osterman Ave.; Thence easterly along - Osterman Ave. -:and .Longfellow Ave .to Kipling; thence North along Kip li Kipling Ave. to an intersection with Deerfield Road to be known as Arterial Street #5 and extending thence in a southerly Beginning at Qreenwood Ave. direction -along Park ttve. to an intersection with Deerfield Road :to...,be known as Arterial Street All said= streets being indicated on the attached municipal map. ;.AND, BE IT FURTHUR RTSOLVXD, that the Village Olerk. is hereby directed to transmit two certified •copeia ;of :this resolutbou to the Deptartmen$ of;Public Works and Buildings, Springfield, Illinoie,' :thrdtugh its litstzz District Ingineer.' Motion. Carried. The 'following was passed by the intire board. BE: IT RNSOLVED, that the Village Board of'the VillagQ of ...Deerfield does extend to- its President..Mr. Harry'T. Olavey,- expressions of Sincere'sympathy in his recent berievemsnt. A notion was made by Trustee Scribner and seconded bjc,Trustee Page' that-.the following bills be, paid motion carried. Wilson and Co. X50.00'' EX.J. R. No tz Hardware- Co. .... 6.03 . Earl Johnston Service Station 12.70 Conrad Uohtman 10.00 City of highland Park Ill., 150.00 Mt; A. Frantz 8.60 Richard Thompson 8. 75 13,25 Gary Thompson 10.25 Raymond Frost . William Smith 5.25; Henry Peterson 3.55 Cheater Wessling ?,00 Conrad Uchtman 15 30 Zion Office Supply 15.30 Neptune Meter Co.. 7.16 , Neptune`. Meter Co. 2.38' Americam•Decalcomania Co. 54.37 , Conrad Uchfman 1.50> - 111. Bell Tel Co. 14. 158,` Public Service Co. 150.00 :. City of-Highland Park Ill 20.10 Florence-S. Page 6. ?8 Chicag Uniforn and Cap Co.