05/08/1933 + 06/05/1933Building Commissioner A. J. Johnson Collector 0. H. Huhn Comptroller & Treas. Willman Deponitbry Deerfield State Bank . Engineers James Anderson Co Inc. Fire Marshall- Jack Johnston Asst. Fire Marshall 'n 03c&&- Se A wab Health Officer Dr. C. Johnston Davis Police Chief Percy McLaughlin Rater Workd Supt, j and Police Officer Henry Petersen , a A motion wae.made by Trustee Johnston and Seconded by Trustee Wing That the committees and appointments be Opnfirmed.upon; the following y vote Ayes trustees Notz, Page, Scribner, Wingq,.Willman;f. and Johnston The request of the Deerfie;d Chamber of Commerce for music -was tabled until the meeting of May 8, 1933.upon a motion from TruateePage and.a second by Trustee Scribner. Motion carried. t_ A motion was made by Trustee Page and_epoibnded by Trustee Scribner that a rising vote of Thanks be given to the outgoing President and Trustees for their efforts in behalf of The V#4r.Village of Deerfield Motion Carried. A motion was made by Trustee Notz and seconded by Trustee Page that The board adjourn until.May 8, 1933.'Motion carried. A4 �e l Presid t t0k Minuteec f the meeting of May 80 1933 Meeting called to.order by the President Mr. Harry T. Olavey with the 4o following Trustees Present Trustees Page, ding, Willman, Johnston, Notz, an( and Scribner. 'Finance committee Harry E. Wing Chairman no report. Health and P blic relations H. E. Wing peported that clean up week would begin on May 15, 1933. Judiciary Committee George J. Page chairman no report. License Committee John R. Notz Chairman No,report. Road and Bridge Committee reported that the County grader may be had at a cost of Ten Dollars per Day and upon a motion made by Trustee Millman and seconded by Trustee Scribner that he hire the County Grader outfit fot the necessary work Motion carried. Auditing Committeee George J. Page chairman no report. A motion was Trade by Trustee wing and seconded by Trustee page that the globes mn the Street Lights in the Business be removed and a hood be made for a cover at total cost not to exceed one dollar each. Motion carried. A motion was made.By Trustee Page and seconded by Trustee Willman that the Village of Deerfield purchase one front spare tire for the fire truck and one rear.tire for the fire'truft. Motion oa,rried. A motion was made by Trustee Wing and seconded by Trustee Page that the request of the Deerfield Chamber of Commerce for mucio for the 18 outdoor free shows be denied. Motion carried. There being no firthur business the meeting adjourned upon amo$ion from Wm. D. Johnston and a second from Harry E. ding Motion carried.{ k, r Ptesidely G� Clem Minuteea of the meeting of June S. 1933 Meeting caaled to order by the President of the Village of Deerfield Mr. Harry T.•Clavey with the following trustees present J. R. Notz, Harry E. Ping, George J. Page, 0. M. Willmann, 0. S. Seribner,,Wm. D. Johnston, absent none. Minutees of the meeting of Maya, 1933 and May 8, 1933 were read and �p approved. The pres6dent Mr. Harry T. Clavey made the following appointmentd Board of Appeals Carter Christianson One Year Term 1933 — 1934 Louis Ashes Two Year Term 1833 - 1935 ` ,Seth Gooder Three' Year Term 1933 — 1936 } arshha11 Pottenger Four Year Term 1933 - 1937 114 Prank ail Five Year Term 1933 - 1938 Zoning and Planning Commis ©ion r_ Fred H. Iueyer Five. Year' Term 1933 1938 Goo. Soefkor v Fivb.Year Tern 1933 1938 Arthur J. Ender Three Yeas ..Term 1933 - :1936 Theo. J. Knaak Four Year Term 1933'- 1937 Alex Taylor `: Fostr tear Tern 1933 :193? . Auditors Wilson and 0ompany.% Corporation Counsel George McGaughey A motion wan made by Trustee .,Johnston and Seconded.by.•.Truntee,Willman that -the above appointments be•eonfirmed Notion Carried.: Finance Commi.tteee• Harry E.. ring chairman reported that. $160.00 would be spent -for clean pp week. A.motion aas.made by:Tructee - Willman-and seconded by Trustee Scribner that:the report of.the, Finance Committee be accepted Notion carried. ' Health and Public Relations Oo=ittee Harry E. Wing.Chairman no Report Judiclary.Committee George J. Page Chairman no report. License Committee J. R. Notz Chairman reported-the Beer.Ordinance ready "for passage Corporation Counsel .Gdorge. UcGaughey z!ead the.: Ordinance in full as follows LI VI) VINOUS 13::V:IiAG" D? AL:Fi, .11- A1I fitUi ?IA2c; 10 ?I �.-. �D IT OliDak11T,. .'D I3Y iIi; rimsIU ?I`., AND RiO.dtU Oi�' '1.'RU: TLF.�: Oi�' 'i''.i . Al VILL, C': 07 `A ER"'i. ;LU, ILLImI3, TILT SECTION 1. Name. Thin ordinanco shall be knovrn as "V I3: L!ALT: =% D r, Vr'RAG:: ORD11LI 10E." a CT'ION "2. Definitions for the purposo -of, thin ordinance: "'.alt Davarage'f shall 'moan non - intoxicating xtalt` or . form nted I liquor, liquids and eonpounds fit for bovorao6 purposes obtained by do alcoholic- formontation of any infusion• or' docotion of barley malt, vrith or without other cereals, and hops in drinka'blo rater, whothe.r modicated, propriotary, patontod, or in and by'whatover name called, containing more than ono -half of one par century or nore alcohol and not Moro than. 3.2 per contum, of alcohol by voight. "Volt Pvvoraga Businason as used in thin •ardinanco shall moan tho conducting of,uny ontabliahmont ,`other "than`'a•placo used exclusively as a residence or home, oithor for profit or not for profit, in which malt beverages are manufacturod, bartorod, storod, sold, axchangod or _givon away. - "Porcon"•chall moan any pornon; firm,,partnernhip, club,•." association or corporation. ,6r "Liconsxoo�,' shall roan any parson, rocoivinr a liconoo under thin ordinance. - -, "Doer Parlor" shall noun any establiahment. catering to the. gonaral public, vrhono principal businons is the sale of halt beverages for consumption on the premises;, or any ostablishment having draught boor for sale. ' +Doe:r toro't shall moan any establishment selling malt beverages not to bo consunod on the promises* -"Club" shall mean any aa:;ociation of individuals, firms or corporations'.or branch thereof, organized for social or fraternal purposes with headquarters or club room:: Within the corporate limits: of the VillaCo. * "Food .shop" shall moan any establisYm:ent whoso principal' f b,.iainoca is serving food to be con uMdd on tho 'promises. j "Ice Croats Parlor" shall roan any establishment maintaining a doda fountain and stalling a full lino of -ice croam drinks. J. MT20I1 3. Liconnese soparato license shall be required 5, and obtained for each room or enclosure or for each suite of rooms or q' enclosures which aro in direct connection and contiguous to each othor' upon or in which malt or vinous bovorages are to _be sold or offered for Salo at retail. 1Io license shall be issued to any parson for tba'`purposo of operating tho business or a bavorago _ doalor in any dwelling house,: -- flat or apartment house, or in any place in the Villago of Deerfield ° not within th€s.buninosn district as dofinod by tho zoning laws of said Village.: The licensee and the duly authorized agents and officers thereof shall, at all times, be personally responsible for the prorar operation of the business and of a bovorago dealer conducted in such place and for the observation or all lava and ordinances applicable thereto by any orio business. For the purpose of classification and. the fixing of a liconno fee for each class g this same shall be as fallrxr cs : . CLt, a:> �! ": It shall bo ,unlayTrul. for any person mange in- buaino:scs an a retail dealer in malt and vinous bvveragv , in -to this Villago in the oporation of a I!oer Farlor without having fIrbt secured a liconc•o therefor. The annual fee for such ° license shall be Ono Hundred fifty ( -1a0. 00)vtollars, .~ "V00D .uTI0p0 �V,-D IC1; Ci111U, u' PARLOR V ." It shall by unlhwful, for any .porc.on operating a. Toad shop, ice cream parlor or anY other place:of- bucsinear, rdiore rialt and. vinous boverages are sold or are, kept for sale 'for consumption upon tho promises in this Village;, without having; first secured a , license horofor. ° �`he annual fee- tar such lie ©nso shall be goventy -fivo (w ?5.00 ) =Collars. „{ CLASS ""Cl: 1111132M 3TQI3D. "\ .It shall bo unlawful for any Person to operate7 a boor store without having first secured a liconso therefor. The Annual foe for such licenno''shall b► �' Twenty -fivo i125.00 collars. CLs1 a:, "D1t : ,',' J0 3�:Rs, pI:1TItIliUTOR a 1 Jll ,1G*�2Ii. ," Zt .:h€�, l be unlawful :for. any person .indel.Qndently• or in, conjunction with any other typo of_.businacs within tho. Village, limits, of this VillraP ,to csoll, . ' delivor or of for for :sale or dolivery -from any .truck, wagon or. other conveyance any z alt beverage, or to soil = or offer for sale such zaalt boveraro in case lots for dolivory: -to tho consunor without having first `- �ocurod a licon,o� .thorofo ,, unloss- riuch person' holds. a. liaenae under Clatsa -,If Cn heroin. The 4nnual, feo, for ouch ; XPenso ;;'hall bo.'Tnanty -f.ive (025.00) ,Dollars. CLA,31• : "CLUIIr n 'It., �shall� bb °Un3.av+i'ul for ariy club .:v° . regularly error for gale at retail' any rlalt or, vinous, boverago in this Village without having -firsts -- secured a licon: o.-therofor. Tho annual foe for such license c hall •be ,Twonty -f iv© (y2a 00KDollares. 31;CT1011 4. Application for T.Ilconao. _. Any, : person. desiring a license under -this ordinance shall. make application to the Village Clerk, 4 on blanks propnred and furnished by tha Villaeo. ouch application 0=11 `be sworn to Jaad.,. ohall:. show , tho f ollonine :' 1. w; " 'llio. nano and re idonco address of .app -Ilicant. , 2:" °.` That he is a citizon of Atha United 's)tatocs. 3.- His place or birth anal;'if a naturalized citizen, E the time and place. of, naturalization.. :.. 4. . That he has never been � convicted . of a felony' or misdemeanor involving moral-turpi.tudo, gambling, - : ,r operating or _patronizing a hou o, o£ ill famo,., or violation or any of the Ctatutoo of. this ;tats r' or, Villago cone orninl;` the solo. of intoxicating .. _ liquors. 5. The location Wharo he proposes to loll . nalt bevbracos. f.. _That the . proPoned location is not within 100 foot Of ony church, school,.hosptta r hone for aged_ persons or for votorans,, their wives or children,. or-any military or naval station, provided,--l.. ho;�evor, . that -thin restriction ohall., not apply E. ",to clubs for nombern on1Y and . ,aest: who shall —` _accompany then, food shops or other placoa, rhor-a the Bale of malt bovoruGOs to the general public _ for consumption on the promisor, in not the .. princi;al business carried on. 70 That he has boon to bona fide resident of the Village of Doc:rfield for a period of ono year if applying foor -, a Class "All license. n .. X16 No license shall be issued for any loss .or .greater extont 'of:tii:.o at.,any one time of application than onR year, thoiliconso poriod -uncor -this u . _ ordinanoo being from Juno 15th of ono yoar to Juno 15th of tho next' suc- cooding -yoar, and no such license foes shall be roducod by pro - ration by - + reason of the application not boinc; made upon the first day of the- liconno year for halt bovoragos , an provided - horo in. t ° , 1710 Liconse Commission or this Villaeo, including the Yillri�,ro President,- shall pass upon all applications for liconao;" a,nd a vote bF, y' ` throo out of four shall bo nacossary to authorise tho iccsuance of. such' ` ,. liconsso. A _ teach applicant, sub joct to the ,forogoing, shall receive license signed by the President and attostod, by the Village Clork- which'' { shall.. authori2e' tho person, firms association or corporation` thoroin named to carry on tho business of tb.o types; named in tho licons W at „thv , r, plr,ca donignatod. No person during the period of said license shall_` change the classification or his said business without paying thorofcro tho• hieh6dt liconso foo roquirod of such classification. No, rebate w111- be given to any applicant during tho} period of such license in'the:'evont.1­. of a chance to a lot-oar olannifioation during the poriod of such licons e,. 1 The Villag Co 12-60tor ¢hall; at tho tires aue licons;a i ©: inssuod, dolivor_- to tho liconnoo a card " - uponvrhich s =hall ba otampod the . licens e:. , number vogethor vrith the tires for. which the license.'' in issued, tho:, classification thoroof and which said licenso shall, at all, tizaos, bo oxhibitod-in'a.conspicuoun -place in and about such oatablishmont or • placo'or business. 37=1021 5. Each-and- every place selling for con surmption -on the promis4r3mnalt or •vinousl.beveraGos g as- heroin defined shall bo opon and-- accennible to the public vier. No curtains;, drapos or �ob�struction shall bo-placod over any windonss or doorayss fronting or facing. on�tho ' stroot, and such pronison, shall also bo Drell liChtod and Ventilated.,. ` The :,doors, and entrances to such establishments :shall consist of a portion of , glaso or of like substance through which visibility ray =,. bo had from tho. oxtorior at all timon. ­110 licensuo under "Clam' "A” or Class "Ill, shall Yzave .in the: promiaoo- rh ©rein his business: -is operated a bar or vervico, bar , ovcrti.:' - ` which the main bud nosss - is tho - dinpenaing of malt boveragos noro than r.- six, root in length. ..._, . S,2=1027 6. '? malt 'or "vinous� boverace an defined •in !;ectiO'n: -.° hereof shall be sold, handl ©d, given,. away: stored or Y.ept�; for the_.: °-} intontioa' of sale or consumption, - within one hundrod.foot of: any `chur6h, school or, hospital. C`i•I021 'T. 1Io person liconood .'under this ordinanC0.0 hell sell" ~ - .... or permit- to be sold any' ,salt or vinouo bovorage as horeinboforo, dofined to any ..person ' under a ir.,hteon, years of age without tho i ritten consent of F his (or her) parent or auatdian; or--to;.any insauo, idiot or -distracted person,.- habitual drunkard- or'_Porson intoxicdtod, or ,to any porsson adds ctod by habit �to they abnormal' use of mat., and vinous; boveragas3. _ a . LCTIO i a. xto liconsiu" for the bunineno of a beverage dealer ` . �! ins :sod -under tho, .,OviaIons of thin -ordinance shall be assnienod.,car transsforred to any other Person, firm, association or corporation, nor � shall any such licenses authorize any person, firm, association or-, , ; corporation other than the liconsoo named theroin to do business, or c so. 1Fo a shall be on in t t of act under such lien rebate iio even a failure to carry on the b ainong throughout tlm year namod in tho license. S Ci I42i J. 1t s3hc 21 be the -duty of every person licensed _to '- �I carry on a buss inous under the provisions of this cr dinanco to at all + `<tinea, koopn.tho proxmisas sxhero such business in carried on, clean and in proper sanitary condition. All persons; employed or crorldng in axiy such promises shall by kept clean and cleanly clothed. All uten 'Pills, =-•appl,iancas, voussols,` roceptaclea l rofrigoratore, closets, roe: &s or other:- 3� 1 v, 17 places or thiri.�;s whatsoever i7hich are used for the purpoco of selling 4 ..= or" offLrina for sale such boveraeca or of the storing or dispensing of same,, zust be at all tires kept in a clean, wholosome and sanitary condition. _ r No person who ran consumption or my venereal or communicable skin. diseaso,-- or: who has any ,infoctious or contagious disease, shall ._ cngago in-or be employed in and about such business or such promises. SECTION 10. It : Yui].1 be the duty o:C the Cormissioncr of - Health, and he is hereby authorized and cnpo -erod from tirxo to tiro, . -AO inspect Y and examine the,,;.rrcmiccs wherein rotail..bcvorago:�busineca is carried on for:th.e,,purposo, of a;cortaininf; uhather .or -not all ordinances of-the Villaao of Doerfield.rolativo to.the carrying on of such business are Y -� boing - complied with at such promises. Such inspQ ion shall be tads_ at ct !, least onco each and ovary month during the time such liconsoo is on(;agad in such bucinesc.- It shall be the duty of.,e3vory such parson, Piro or. corporation licensed under the provisions of this;ordinaneo to permit ' ouch inspections to be made and to exhibit the prar.ives to. °.such person = or,.parsons naking, such inspections_ and a - record of such inspections shall bo kept -on file in the office, of the Cozmajosioncr of Iioalth,_ 1 "'ECTION 11. The : Cc=issioncr of• 11calth may at any time recom ne3nd'..the.•rovocation or any license issuod- ,under .the: terns of this' ordinance and the 'VIllago ; president . may rovoko ouch lieonso bye; notice in writing whenever it shall appear to his satisfaction from.the recon - nondation of-tho• Commissioner of ,health or ,athorviso that the liconsco has , violatod thc:.provisions of any ordinance of the Village of. , ;Deerfield relating; to,tho- Carrying on of the businocs named in the,liconco. .� }S XTIOIT 12. No application for licon; o .to cnaage3 in ',,the ..buoi- noon'of beverage dealer shall bo signed and approved by the..Prosident ' until inopeetion and invoctiCation by -the Iloalth Officer rhava that the.-, promises, in -which the business is to be conducted in in a sanitary c:an- dition.- If the applicant in rofus -sanitary . condition, j ho /nay.- make application to, tha ,Health Officer for a hearing and- ;tharccftC E tho Aloalth. Officer may rocommend ;thee issuanco:;of a:, lic©nt;o ,,if. ho . is W i . 4atisfled thatytho village ordinances aro than protontly ccnplied Frith. ; IIo proniceh ahall.be used for the business of boverago dealer ­, ' Whore any other business which inter: ©ro n Frith tho sanitary conditions,- of such place in•.carricd on, or in unsanitary room or rooms. The promi.os and the, immediato -`vicinity of all such promises shall - .bo I opt free Prom .,_ the accumulation of rubbish, ,garbago, tanuro -anr other. putrefying, «de- conposingi - infec.tious3 or foul odorod substances. If at'-any tino after the `canting of such licen.no? the 'liconcoo fails to comply.. Frith the village ordinances imposing sanitary! regula ti ons, the Cotzissioner or 11oalth' may. recommend to tho.. Village president that the3 `liconso be-- rovokea. The floors of all pre orison used in such business shall' by smooth arid- '.clean and zhall b© Drell drained with:.vezntilating; and trap.:, drains. :'ho galls and = ceiling shall be • kept . clean and all 0in0Aons bctrrncn .2':a7,lct,_and Bove_„ ber: •lst shall be provided witIl fly and di3st scroons and, all- doors,., shall, be provided with nelf- closing saroon doors. such pr'bmicos.,uhall also be provided with adequate light by- neana of vindows or by artificial � =canal if necessary. All receptacles used in such premisoo -and in such businoDs shall bo: so constructed as to be readily cleaned and be kept covoroci;.in -a -clean and sanitary, condition and in Good repair and free from rwt and crust. _ .. s SEC 10 IT 13. Openin and Clotting T1z°�e. y�o I3eor_) ?AOr. as dof inetd in this .ordinance. h011 remain` open bet Qen the'. haunts af. on t 1... and ono o d'166k"P 1:. on : undaa•, nor ,'tatr, ©ori" twrhourn , of o. cloak":- '` ' on o! clod:,.. f ant aixo! clock A. 2.. of any other, clay, of IT malt bovctra shall be d3.sparicttd by Any, operator , of a `nab -t _ - _ beverage, busine s holding`�Ei- 1Icanoc. under: C13s3 "12, Or rrj�n 0� this ordinance during 111;; hours. -- 3'"110TI0N 14. Revocation of License. The Village Pre; ident may suspend or revoke any license issued under this act, for anyti.ono or more of .the 'folJ.o ing reasons, with the approval of a majority of the. Board of Trustees~ 1. Violation of the laws of the United States, , of the State of Illinois, or of any of the provisions of this ordinance. 2..,.- The wilful making of any false at as to a ` material fact in application for a license. w _.. _ IJ 3. Permitting any disorderly or ir=oral practices upon the promises where the .licensee is licensed to sell � malt beverag ®. S ^CTION 15. Yio malt or vinous bovorao shall ybe' sole at retail for consumption on the proviso,, where the sale Is made, sunless food for hunan- cons=ption on the premises, is also sold or offored for.sale on. the promison. ? _. 02C' IOIT l6. Any person, firm ' or corporation engaged in the _ business of retail beverage dealer who shall violate or permit his or their employees to violate any of the foregoing rules, iogulatiom cr provisions of this ordinance in the proceding-soctions shall..,be subject to - a_fine ,of not less than °Tuonty- five�(A25.00) Dollars nor more than Two Hundred (,200.00) Dollars for ouch offense, and a further sun of Twenty-f iv4 ( v 125.00) Dollars for each and every day such person, firm . or. corporation chall persist in any such violation after a,cdnviction for tho first offense, and in additionn to such fine the license' -of' -such portion, firm or corporation nay be revoked in the discretion of the Village President and majority of Village Board of Trustees. uLCT101i 17. Whon to take 2feet. This ordinance shall go into fully forco and effect from and .after its pra.ssaea, approval -.and I� • publication as provided by last, being necessary for immediate prosorva- tion of public health and safety, an` urgency for its immediate passe 11 and taking ,'effect is hereby declared to exist, and it shill therefore take - effect' i=ediately after passage, aiming, recording and publics- : tion, pursuant to late. - R 0t� ' L .tIL oil, ll ;: ILLD Presont©d.: "and `read June 5th, 1033. Passed June 61 1933, Approved June 5, 1933. Published,- June g , 1933. $ ATTI ST: t age �, E3r ' 3 APPROVED: � A C� ao&- V 11aga y 't 5 A Motion was ~made by Trustee Notz and seconded by'Trustee wing that the Beer Ordinance.. be passed as read. Upon roll call the following vote was taken Yeas Trustees Notz, Ming, Millman, Scribner; and Johnsyon .- Nays Tructee Page, Motion carried. Auditing and Printing committee George J. Page Chairman reported that the Audit was being made by Wilson and Company. A Motion was made b ` by Tructee Page and seconded by Trustee Willman that the bid of Five Hundred Dollars by Wilson and Company be Acceptdd Motion carried. Road and Bridge Committee Wm. D. Johnston Chairman reported that the Globes in the business district were removed and stored, and that tops grace put to posts to protect them from the whather at a'total coat of $17.90. also that the sidewalk had bean replaced in front of the bake shop. It was'�reported that, the Greenwood ave. was in bad shape.. Trustee Johnston reported that warrant 22 sewer was in. bad shape due to the heavy.rt.ine this spring also outlet at sewerage disposal plant was washed out. A motion was*made by Trustee ding and seconded by Trustee Page that the report be accepted Uotion carried. F Water Cpmmittee C.' S.,Scribner Chairman reported that collections were improving. Fire Chief Jack Johnston reported that -the fire Truck had been cleaned,c and varnished.' Alo o one rear and one front tire had been replaced. It was reported that the water pump on the fire Truck needed repacking and a motion was* made by Trustee Willman and seconded,by Trustee Kotz - - that wory be done. Motion carried. Building Commissioner A. J. Johnson reported that the request of , Mr� Benz had been turned down: A. motion was made by Trustee Notz and seconded by Tructeel7illman -that a44_41' all the bills be referred to the Finance Committee to be paid in full or in Part Motion carried. E A motion was made by Trustee 'Ping and seconded by Trustee Notz that the 4 following be passed a° AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS VILLAGE TREASURER THEREOF TO KEEP ALL OF THE FUNDS AND:MONIES IN HIS HANDS OR CUSTODY,BELONGING TO SAID VILLAGE IN THE DEERFIELD-STATE BANK OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS. . Whereas, the Treasurer of the Village of Deerfield; Lake County, Illinois, has in writing requested the Village Board thereof to designate a.bank or other.depository in ;which the funds and monies of the Village, in the - custody of the.Treasurer,may be kept in accordance with an act of the General-Aseembly of the'State of Illinois entitled'"An'Act to amend Section 9 of Article 7 oftAn Act to provide for the incorporation of cities and villages; approved April 109 1872, as amended, approved and-in force February 17, 1932.", Whereas, the Deerfield State Bank of Deerfield, Illinois, has furnished the Village Board thereof with copies of the last two sworn statements of the resources and liabilities which said bank is required to furnish to the Auditor of Public Accounts of the State of Illinois,which said sworn statements are hereto attached and made a part hereof, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD "OF TRUSTEES -OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD,'LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, Section 1. That the Treasurer of the.Village of Deerfield is hereby required to keep all funds and monies in his hands or custody belonging to the Village of Deerfield in the Deerfield State =Bank of Deerfield, Illinois. Section 2. That the amount of the deposits of such funds or monies in said Deerfield State Bank of Deerfield, Illinois, shall not exceed seventy- five'per cent of the capital stock and surplus of said bank. dML'p • 120 Section 3. That said Deerfield State Bank shall furnish the Village Board of the Village of Deerfield with a copy'of'all bank statements which it is required to furnish to the Auditor of Public Accounts of the State of Illinois, and at the same time as said bank A statement is furnished to the Auditor of Public Accounts of the State Of Illinois, during the time it acts as such depository. Section 4. That in the event the said act or acts of the General Assembly are declared to be unconstitutional or invalid for any r reason whatsoever, no obligation or liability for any loss whatsoever I; sustained for the attempted compliance therewith shall be placed upon the said Village of Deerfield, the Board of Trustees thereof or the members .I thereof, in their official or individual capacity, but all.of such j obligation and liabilities shall be and remain in the said Village • Treasurer and the sureties upon his bond. Section 5. That-the written request of said Village Treasurer and the last two sworn statements,of the resources and liabilities of the said Deerfield State Bank of Deerfield, Illinois, dated lcJ and respectively, and the certificates thereto attached, all as hereinabove referred to,•be and the same are hereby incorporated herein and made a part of this ordinance.'" t Section 6. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect. from and after the date of its passage, approval and publication, as is required by law. Section ?. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Passed by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield, Lake County, Illinois, and approved by the President thereof, on the day of Tune, 1933, and deposited and filed in the office of the s . I , Village Clerk of said village, this : day • of Tunes 1933. ;! /` President o e age o D e � Passed,,: Tt1ne 4 , 1933. Approved; :�June�, 1933:, PuY�.lish ®d, Jwne , 1933. �,ATTF3T, .w _ ge ClerX 1114 �.a.m ,.... 3._ .._ y^ ....r ..,v- -...3r._.x. .n.a. .. x.. m, o, �... �., ....- ... a... �Ww.... x...,.--_ �...- �>.,,- 3,... u..,. _._.•_..+ut.. ° "�.+....-- �^._s _ ...._— _�..+.va....w......r ,q�ieln � III IA '11Y