12/07/1931- Q Minuteec of the meeting of Dec. 7 1931 Meeting called to order by the President Ar. James J. Hood with the following Y Trustees present Wm. H. Barett, I. M. Hole, E. H. Selig, E. F. 8egert, A. C. C. Timm, C. M. 4Villrann. Minuteec of the meetings of Nov. 2, 1931 Nov. 4 1931 Nov. 9, 1931 And Nov. 301 1931 with this exception that the American Legion be charged the sum of One Dollar a year for thecrental of the the brand instruments. A motion was made by Trustee Timm and seconded by Trustee Barrett that the 44 Tights (96) be discontinued and that 32 lights be reconnectedc on the first of the year (1 -1 -32) Lotion carried. President James , J. Hood appointed the following ac a committee to act in regard to the changing of the lights, Edward H. Selig chairman E. F. Segert, Wm. H. Barrett, A. C. C. Timm, j I. M. Hole. I A motion was made by Trustee Timm and seconded by Trustee Barrett that the W113. Y Village od Deerfield IllinoicA -- pay Three Hundred Dollars to the Union Drainage District Number 1 to he-1 cover advances made by the Drainage Aistrist in behalf of the Village of Deerfield Illin6le Motion Carried, I` A motion nac made by Trustee Barrett add seconded by Trustee Selig that _= the following bills be paid. Motion carried. Reliable Garage $51.35A 27.88 VN William Smith 78.00 A. J. Ender 27.54 *N Deerfield Fire Dept. 39.00'x- j J. R. Notz 112.34`^ A. E. Decker 23.97" Public Service Co. 638.32 North Shore Excavatorc 323.00` Illinois Bell Tel Co. 6.484, It It It 5.25v\ Mercer Lumber Co. 25.33 . Percy McLaughlin 4.00 - Alfeed Anderson 4.00 Cookcey Oil Co. .56,N Badger 14eter Co.'s 69.43 Raymond T. Meyer 8.00`x` Deerfield Garage 2.0o^ C. E .� Huhn 48.14 There being no rurthur business the meeting adjourned. Clerk Pre t of the V1 a of Deerfield / r!7