04/06/1931ro Minutees of the Meeting of April 6, 1931 Meeting- called.to order...by.the'President Ur. James J. Hood -with the following Members - of 'the ` VillogeBoard PteeldOht "present Um. H. Barrett, I. M. ' Hole E. H. Selig;'E F. Segert A. 0. O :,Timm, 0. M. Millman. - IA- Motion:was.made by Trustee Selig and seconded.by Trustee - Barrett that 'the digging iachine "b ®longing .to lim. 'Bubert- be removed and if not removed same should.be:condemed::Upon roll call the following vote -wac taken Yeas All Nays None. A motion was made by trustee Barrett and seconded by trustee Holewthat the report from the fire department be tabled until some time°,later when the needed would be discussed Upon roll call the following vote was taken. i3 !K yeas all nays none. A motion was made by trustee Barrett and seconded by trustee Selig that.a permit to dig under Waukegan Road in front of.`,the Presbyterianchurch to fix water main be requested of the State of Illinois Upon.roll call the following vote was taken Yeas all Nays none. Carried ` A motion was made by Trustee Barrett and seconded by trustee Timm $hat the bil . of 927.94 from the County Clerk on Mr A. Frosts property•be allowed. Upon Wroll; call. the following vote wee -taken Yeas. All Nays ; None. Curried. A motion waa"made by Trustee Barrett and'seconded`bg Trustee Timm That the b bills be Paid Upon roll call the following vote was taken,Yeac All Nays,,None, Carried.' W. D. Allen Manufacturing Co. X15.00 James B. Clow & Sons 27.75. Illinois Bell Tel Co. 11.63 29.OQ Unbon Paint and Varnish Co. ". 3.04 Shor -Line Linen Supply Co. 108.00 Vant'• & Selig _ 644.90 .' Public Service Co. J. Notz 00, 10.52 R. Hardware 2.05 Fisher Oil Co. 52.00 H.-A. Olendorf 4:70 , North Shore Gas Co'. .. �.. 25 .:: 55.25 Reliable Garage ` 10,001, , ' I. M. Hole 7.50 .. .. Andy Crepos ; . 29.00 M. A. Frantz 2.50 �,Deerficld � Garage ` 85< National­ Office ,Supply 00. :- - 8 8.63 . ; Mercer Limber Co. 46952 Deerfield Fire Department 1.21 CE.Huhn 12.75 Henry Petersen 0. A. wolf 4 , , .... �. w .. - .... _ 93.00 . Wm.: Petersen 391001-- , wm. Petersen .9,00 John Visoky �' 30.38 George Pettis 36..00 _ Art. Mau 15' 000 _. D, ti. Meyer 22.50 Conrad Uchtmam 21.75 - Dick Easton 3.00 Ray Dobbins ,F 18.75. j Alex Mackay 7.50= Oscar Schwab 28.10 G. No Sticken 80,25. . i� Thomas O'Neil •6000 ` r 'Leo, Oeiler :. , . ; � � 19112 G. 1. Sticken Wm. Bubert 16.87 A. H. Anderson 7.87 Theadore. °Sticken *{ •� ; 22.12 _ . .. G. W�:> Sti ..:. _ cken 22:12