10/06/1930I American Tar Products Co, Union Paint and Varnish Co, W. Atwood Erna Peterson Deerfield Fire Dept Glenview'Publiahing Co Shor—Line Linen Supply Co,: John Huhn. Conn Chicago Co. C. A. Wolf Andrew E. Decker Reliable Garage Thomas ONiel M. A. Frantz Conn Chicago Co. Fred 'Schwab JoR-Notz Hardware Co J.C.Antea Thomas O,Neil 'Art .Mau Deerfield Fire Dept. C. E. Rollman Sol Shapiro Cooksey., National 'Office Supply 'Co_. 90.00 10.50 130.0011- 15.00 21.00 8..00 13.00 w. 1.50 57,00 12.00 12.00 3.25 18.41 3.75 40.00 28.50 3.00 8.60, 4.00 58.88 56:23'4 15.42x 14.50 .50 47 131 8: 00-� - ______ ---- There being no other Business the meeting adjourned Village Clerk The Meeting of Oct.'61"-1930 was called to order by the President of the Village of Deerfield Illinois Ur James J. Roll call Present Trusteesx Barrett, Timm, Segert, Selig,'Ifole And Willman Absent None, .,-Amotion was made.by Barrett and oeconded-by Segert that all -eontirarules bd'Sus�efidea and' the ordinance placed-on its passage. A moti-6n.wan made by Barrett and seconded by Segert That tha ' Ordanance be' referiie d''i*o,the 'board ',of"Appeals for there consideration. (The-above refers to'the,"property•on theWoot4h,side--of"WaukeganRoad betv;6en'Central Ave and-'The'County Line) Lousia Huhn was refered to.the Council( Hdn.M. C. D&dkez' so t�,at he; t meet"with Mr Ranyard ,Hundred motion, 'was. made .;by Hole -and seconded by Ti;Lq that th6 bill for Three bd" Doll ars to,the,'School,,Board for-Nurse be withdraufi and That the would no Rirthuj'.'Resp: regarding a'llurse.'�'Carried 9no ilb4lll t� .3C,,uA-,,mcrease."-zotion,,wia' the s made by,Segert and'rse6onded,by Barrett thatThe Villag3 I in raterConsumtion,',iat6_-,-Ito Three- Hundred ThirtY-,Five Vlbb .,,.,,IDollars per, year. tarrie'd Amtion was made by Segert and seconded by Barrett that.,the,,bill,of Hon M. C. Decker be Paid. Carried. Amotion was made by,Barrett and seconded by Timm that,the.,request for sidewalk be ' r6fered to the engineers fot estimate.,Car'ried/ Minutes were read*and approved for the meeting of'aept 15' -1930. Amotion was made by*Sel&6 aid seconded by Timm that the following :6 bills be paid. Cairied. "Public.Service Co-- $789.64 Chicago Uniform &" Cap Co. 93.30 Frank McNillis 90.00 Ph. Bie#ler Z.75 LeRoy Scully 36.40' Deerfield Temple.Asso. 40.00 U& S. Post Off ice7,- .75 Deerfield Grammer School 12.00 Fisher Oil 00. • 11 20 J.R. Notz 5:05 Antes Sign 3.50• Geo. Pettis 114.75