06/02/1930June2, 1930 A regular mmet,ing of the, .Village. Board of the Village of -Deerfield was held at the .Masonic. T.e.mp.le. on Monday. �%vening; • Jnne 2,; 1930• Was called to order, by. the. President. Ur. James - J,.• Hood. at, 9; 00 pm .... .. ... .. . RoU :call Presexxt.;..Tru.stee.s. Arxett.,, hole, 3egert, Selig Timm and Willmann 65 . Abesent;- None Appropreation Ordanance A motion made by Selig And seconded by-Barrett that all contrary rules be suspended and the ordanahce placed on its passage. Upon roll call.the following vote was taken Yeas: all Nays; none Amotion -Made by. -Selig and seconded-by-.Barrett that the appropreation g Ordanance be passed as read Upon roll call the following Vote was taken Yeas: All Nays: -None. Members of the Board Of Weal Improvements A motion'motion made by Selig and Seconded by Segert that all contrary x rules be suspended and the ordanahce.be place on its..passage upon roll call the following vote was taken Yeas: all Nays: none: A that the 0 danahce be motion was made by Selig and seconded.by Segert leas: passed as read, upon roll call the following vote was taken all, Nays: none. r Ordanance on the rezoning of .lots 10 nd' ll- of Owners ' Sub ! D• . A motion made by Selig and seconded by Barrett that the,:ordanance,be *e E refer -ped -- to the Board of Appeals for Motion upon roll call the;,following . k e. A Ordan the of vtheroperty •of mrs._.-F. P.. Browning ahceon the AOmotion_ made by, Selig and seconded by Barrett that- the- .ordanahce, be refered to the Board of Appeals-for action upon. roll call the following. vote was taken' Yeas: All Nays: none, =. Ordanancecreating a Fire, Department. A motion made by Willman and.seconded by Timm that all Contrary.Rules . _. be Suspended and the ordanance placed on its passage upon roll call the following vote was taken Yeas: 'all, ays: none.-. A motion made -by - 1?illman and seconded.-by Timm ,that' the ordinance_ be, passed as read upom roll -call the:following,vote was take Yeas: all,Nays: none. Ordanance covering a 2 insurence tax (7 ., A motion made by Barrett and seconded by Hole.that all contrary rules be suspended and the ordanance placed on its passage upon roll call,the; following E vote-was taken Yeas ',. All Nays: None. r A motion.made by Barrett and seconded by.Hole that , the ;ordanance`:be, passed as read upon roll call the following vote was taken Yeas:, All Nays: ,None.•,, Amotion Was made Selig and seconded by Timm that - the Minutees,,ofthe meeting. Of May 59 1930 be Passed as read upon roll call the following vote was.taken Yeas: ALL Nays: None..; A motion was madeby,Hole and Seconded by Segert that the Minutees of the meeting of•May ?, 1930 be passed as read -upon roll call the following vote was taken eas: All Nays: -None. A motion was made by Barrett and seoonded by Willmann that the minutees of• the" meeting of May- .19,.1930be passed.asy read upon roll call the following vote was taken Yeas :,All,- Nays: None. A motion was made by Timm and seconded by Hole . that ._the,.treasurer__report_- be accepted . as read upon roll call the following vote cwas, taken Yeas.:: All Nays: None. A motion was Made by Timm and- seconded..by.Barrett. that the,.following bills be paid:: •. , Sbor =Line Linen Supply Oo.. .................... 4:50 Fire - Department.:. .:..- ,.:...:. : :::....::...:..'. :.50:00 k ..Ill. Bell Tel. Co. ... ...................... :.. 16.78 ,,J.''C Antes , 5.00 . ..... ... ............................ _ Clayton Fehr ......:.......'...:...'..:..::. 5.05 ` ... I -,, ...:.: Vant'& Selig....... .....:.................... 375:00'- Essco Manufacturing•Co . .61,20 ...............`:...... H. M. Prior Co. .a ....::...... :*''15 .00 ......:. Edwin E. Larsen Jr. :.........�.:...,,...... ., KU ... Highland Park ' Fuel.. Co.. ; ..: ; { 1 =. 50= . . .... ..: , , ghester A Wolf ...��.... ";.;. �19.00' _ _. _. ......" National Office Supply Corrpany 0 0 0 0 ......... 1:15 The-Urban'Prees 0000..:. .+,y 'a, •,. -• ?3:75,.. ., .._ C. E. Huhn ..... :.::.....:.........:....:...:,r 3.13' o R:. . Badger Meter'_?3axiufacturing Oo. ................ :a 1:50 National Brick Company ........ ..:........ ....: '- :25.50;.. '-'North Shore 'Gas Co .;:....:.......:: 1.25_' ......:..:... 'Antes -Sign Co ... - ... :...: :.....:...:........,. 14.00 The Arco Co. .. ... .......................:...- ...;16.50: Neptune Meter: A