05/05/193062 IOU There beinC no furt:Ear :.,ucineks the :feetlnt-, adjourned. �] i1146o Clerk • . • • • • • .... • Acting Ch .ir::,an of t .e board Y"-y 5th, 1930. A re6ulzr ronthly - .zeeting of the board 'Iaconic of trusteed of the Temple i:tondziy _ 4 Irilloge of Deerfield ivL.z held at the Thomcs O'Neil ......... .............................. on Robert '.!�iu ............ ............................... eveninL, Yay 5th, 1930. "Jas called to order by the President, :.'r. Albert Larson ............ ...0 ..................... Decry at 8;25 P.111. Fran:, Jacobs, Sr. ............................ 1?.00 Illinois Printing; Co . . ............................... Roll Call; Present; Barrett, SeLert, Selig and The Arco Co.............................................. Absent; Labahn and Ucht:::an. Andrew E. Decker ...... ............................... 1.65 The minutes of April 7th, and April 21st, 1930, were arnroved as read. '11otion trade by Trustee Selig and seconded by Trustee Segert h that the bills be paid and charSed to respective funds;. J.R. iTotz Hardware Co................................. 8.27 United Stal.tes Post Office .. ....... .. ................ 20.64 Thomcs O'Neil ......... .............................. 168 .56 Robert '.!�iu ............ ............................... 109.31 Illinois Bell Telephone Co. ..........:............... 14.78 Albert Larson ............ ...0 ..................... .60 Fran:, Jacobs, Sr. ............................ 1?.00 Illinois Printing; Co . . ............................... 2.17 Deerfield Temnle Ac:n . ............................... 40.00 The Arco Co.............................................. 27.00 Andrew E. Decker ...... ............................... 1.65 North Shore Gas Co . ... ............................... 2.31 Mercer Lumber Co's ....... ............................... 9.44 Reliable Garage ....... ............................... 8.f'. C.E. Rollman .......... .........................00.00. 45.00 C.E. Rollmaan .......... ............................... 58.80-,. Robert eau ............ ............................... 8.00 Roy Thompson .......... ............................... 3.00x, C.E. Huhn ....................................... .50-1' Deerfield Iles ^s AEency .......................... 2.50 Cho. -ter A. ,' olf',' ... ....... ........................:.. 150.00 Public Service Co . .... ...................o....••••••• 779.61 Upon roll call the follorinG vote was taken; Yepe -. Pasrett, 5ec�ert, Selig and Timm. Bays- 'Tone. ':otion c,,rried. 'lotion made by Seim and seconded by Timm the t a chec:: be di,cw ' from the interest on the derosit fond to pay public bonefit and r'efiencies in .vr-rran is 39 and 51 as cot forth in Yr. George E. F,nestrom's schedule. Upon roll call the follo.;inr- vote ras token; Y'ea,s- Barrett, Selig, Seg ert and Ti:.�x. ?Ta ys- None. ..otion carried. '!otion made by Trustee Selig and seconded by Trustee Ti:rx, th- t the auditors (41shma.n , Reedy & Co.) report for the year April -4th, ;1929 to April 22nd,1930 be accepted. Upon roll call the fol.lo. ^ing vote ;;as tat'en; Yea., -- Srrrett, Selig, aeert cnd Timm. .lye- Pone. 5:0 tion c nrried. 'lotion r.-de by Parrett and seconded by Selig that the board adjourn Ge^ry, the outgoing "ill(-,,-,,c President presented wr. James J. i.00d, the incoming president to the bov-d. .iir. SeEert and i r. Barrett presented 'r.. Hole and ':4r. 77illf,ann the nerr trustees. 'ix, Jen.es J. Mood enquired of the Villade Cler'f if he h,-,d been duly r 3. srorn to the office 'of ' Villoge President.- The Village Clerh replied that he had.. '1r. Hood then ­ s-ked if the Village Clem had been duly, sworn and he re plied tE at he had.. :1r.Hood .:gain asked if Trusteed Bole and tillmann uhd been c orn and the Clerk replied th zt they ho-d. President Hood spoke for fifteen minutes on-what he hoped--for Deerfield - for the co Ang ye,,r.• - Motion Made by Selig arkd seconded by-Timm as follows- "With the object-in--view of doing away, with the•report that the president and the-board.of trustees of the village of Deerfield receive a salary -for :the year--of 1930-.- BE :it resolved that the Treasurer-be. instructed to draw up -the necessary warrants paying 'each one of-the trustees and the president- one -dollar. for services : to be rendered. .Be it further resolved that the treasuer be instructed.to turh Y this money back into the- Village treasury as instructed by the trustees. ' as a gratuity. w Upon roll call,thery following vote was taken yeas all -.nays none. y Asthe platform of the president agreed to do away with the office of inspector, of., public worke - !'Bc: it resolved- thathe be "etru - empowered to appoint ax committee composed of three. of -the trustees,. one of which is to be chairman, -to act in thecapacity of a bureau of public works. these appointments to be confirmed -by' the• entire. sitting•board. Motmon made, Selig and seconded by Timm upon roll call the following yote was taken yeas all nays none. The president made the following appointments to the zoning and planning commission , F. H. Meyer 1929 - 1933 Harry Wing 1929 - 1933 ,Remaining members A. J. Ender 1927 - 1931 •, - T. J. Inaak 1928 - 1932 _ A. L. Taylor 1928 - 1932 And the president of the board - ex- officio president made the following appointment® - - -to the board of appeals ,..The Paul L. Hunter 1930 - 1934 Remaining members Louis Ashmah 1929 - 1933 Arthur Merner 1929 1933 • __: Seth Gooder 1928 - 1932 Francis Hempstead 1927- - 1931 and'the president ;of the-v board ex- offioio Appointment of officials and committees Auditors Ashman 'Reedy & Co. Buiading Oommissioner M. A..:Franta Collector 0. E. Huhn Cmmptrller &'Financial Sec. G. E. Engstrom Corporation Counsel Hon. Martin C. Decker -•> . - d':.Depositories: :Deerfield State Bank ,,. First National -Bank gitizens State Bank Of Deerfield Engineers Consoer, Older & Quinlan Fire Marshall ;John Huhn Asst.- Fire Marshall Oscar, Schwab ' Health Officar Dr. C. Johnston Davis Police Chief ( Acting y Percy Me Laughlin r T. . Secretary of board..of local improvements Treasurer - Wm. F. Plagge: _., Truafxt. Off Icer Hhief of Police Water Works Superintendent John We*ger Finance Chairman, A. 0. 0. Timm C. M. Willmann I. M. -Hole ..... Health &.Public.Relations " I. M.`Hole C. 14- Willmann A. 0. 0. Timm Judiciary " 0. M. WIllmann W. H. Barratt E. H. Selig 64 License Chairman 0. M. Willmann .� E. H. Selig E. F. Segert C Printing & Auditing " A..O. 0.—Timm .. I. M. Hole W. H. Barrett Public Works " W. He Barrett I. M. Hole E. F. Segert - Road & Bridge E. H. Selig w . Segert . A. 0. 0.. Timm. Mater a E. F. Segert E. H. Selig- W. H. Barrett Motion made Selig seconded-Timm that the appointments be confirmed upon,rollcall the following vote.was taken ayes all nays none Meeting �Z) .ajouxned Untill.Friday Night May 9th 1930 at W? H. Barrett: Office at 8 P. M• Roll of-May 9 th 1930 All present Ordinance controlling the traffic in Briarwoods-North Ghore Golf-Links Subdivison & 0. B. Von Linden Sub'D Was passed upon motion made by- Selig & seconded by Segert Upon.rolle call the dollowing vote was.taken Ayes all nays none. . The F. W. Stryker & Mrs F. P. Browning Request for the rezoning of there Property on Waukegan Road was refered to the board of appeals upon motion if Timm and seconded -by Hole upon roll call the following vote was;.taken ayes all nays none. A moj;ion was made by -Timm and seconded by Selig that the bonds already c call but hot advertized be-advertized, upon roll call the following vote was taken ayes all nays-none. '�, A•motion was made by.Willmann And seconded Segert that the building) inspector is authorized to coridemm the remains of the old mill on Louis Totz Property located-on the south side of Deerfield Road just west of the Deerfield Grammer School. He was also-instructed to see that the sidewalk in-front-of these premises be repaired. Tha meeting was adjourned until May 19th 1930 at 8pm at the office W. H. Barrett, Meeting of May 19th 193Q called to Order at 8:15 PM, Roll call all present , Letter from Markus Thomsen $o Consoer, Older & Quinlin To W.-H. Barrett this letter referred to the tile in Taylor and Powers Sub'd which he c stated he would clean up. E. H. Selig was to get -in touch with Elmer L. Olavey and James O'Connor in regard t6 recondioning Greenwood Ave. And North.end- Telegraph Road } and report at the next - meeting. I. M. Hole wasto get in touch the tar distributing eompantes and obtain prices reporting at-the next meeting. Meeting journed. _ Clerk , Wi r �`�- - ""'�'+..i n1 iIlHnml nlnl4l�llr ^IIII'AAlII11JA � lin inllAllrl l