02/10/1930�ffl, February 10th, 1930. A.regular monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees. February 10th, 1930, was called to order by the President, Mr: W. "J. Geary. Roll Call: Present: Labahn, Segert, Selig, Timm and Uchtman. Absent: Barrett. "lotion made by Selig and seconded by Timm that the minutes of January Gth, January 8th and January 16th be accepted as read with the exception that the resignation by 7. 77. Geary be incorporated in the minutes as follows: "This letter is my resignation as President of the Village of Deerfield, effective Saturday, January 11th." "lly letter • of. -esign ation.as.President of the Village of Deerfield ,. Illinois, -•dated.January 10th, 1930, ,which I. ma.iled.to•your clerk,.C.- £..Huhn,.should.read 'effective • Saturda.y,•January•11th,- 1930!. ".. "At.a. recent meeting of your Board,. you - appointed .a.committe,.consisting of Vessrs .•Selig,.Segert.and.Lp�bahn.to wait upon me with • the request •that .I .v ithdraw.my - letter •of .resignation. "They visited-me-Tuesday-evening, January 21st, and • asked if I - crouldn! t -withdraw the . resigna.tion entirely. to make•it•effective•May- 5th.•- •.......•.. • "After•considering•this- matter,- I•have decided to grant their request -and- make- my- resignation,•as- President of the Village-of -Deerfield, - effective •`R«.y •5, 1230. - "This will -give- the• voters -an- opportunity- to•select another president at the-spring-election-in April, who • will take•office on•the- 5th -day of "day.'! Upon • roll - call - the . followinC. -vote . i�,as - taken: Yeas- Labahni- Segert,- Selig; -Timm and Uchtman. Nays -none. It - as- called- to.the•Boa.rd!s.attention• that the meetinf -of -the •Villaoze - Board, •Which .should•h,lve been held on Feb-- ua.ry• 3rd;- co•ald- not- be- called•to. order- because of. • the absence- of•Trustees- Barret,- Segert•and Selig.' wotion -was •made -by- Trustee- Labahn•that the resignation • of Orva,l•Endcrbrock,•effective as of February 3rd, 1930, be aceeptcd...This•wa.s. seconded- by.Trustee Uchtman. Upon roll call the following vote was taken: Yeas - Labahn, Segert, Selig, Timm and Uchtman. Nays -none. Motion made by Trustee Selig that a relief officer be appointed from time to time by Yr. Labahn and only as needed. This eras seconded by Trustee Uchtman. Upon roll call the following vote was taken Yeae- Laba.hn, Segert, Selig, Timm and Uchtman. Nays- none. • Trustee Uchtman stated that Dr. C. Johnston Davis, health officer for the.VillaJe of Deerfield, had made arrangements with the Highland Park Hospital to have all laboratory tests made for the village and that the Village of Deerfield would receive same„cobperation that the City of Highland Park was receiving from them and that the price of such tests be one dollar (g1.00).each. l Motion was made by Trustee Uchtman and seconded by Trustee Labahn that the hea.1th officer be given permission to work along this line. Upon roll call the following vote was taken: Yeas- Labahn, Segert, Selig, Timm and Uchtman. Nays - none.., motion was made.by Trustee Timm that the Chair appoint a, com.r:itte to meet with the school trustees.of both the Deerfield Grammar School and the 'iilmot Grammar School also • the township supervisor with the idea of making arrangements 57", 1