01/08/1930U! Wit; • i .I Henry Johnson .......... .............. .1 14.30 Joseph McCraren 44.851^ Sror -Line Linen Supply.Company ........ 6.00 W. H. Barrett ......................... W. H. Barrett :..:..................... . 2.75 %1\ .' H. Barrett ......................... 2.75 S. Kostial ............................ 11.00 Albert Larson ......................... 2.80 The Highland Park Press 3.00` ............... United State Post Office .............. 15.00 Andrew E. Decker .... ........ ....... 2.10 National Office Supply Company........ 1,00A F. Kottrasch ......................... 9.00 ' Deerfield Temole Association .......... 40.00 Kaoshull Davis Compa.riy ................ 102.00 James. Viti' & Sons : ....: .......... • ... 23$3.50 James B. Clore'& Sons .................. 15.18^ Consoer, Older & 0 inlan .............. 75.00 Illinoio Bell/Telephone Company ....... 17.38'\ Reliable G, ge .............. ......... 17.06`' "uercer Lumber Comcanies ............... 55.60' J. R. Not_ H!_-.rdware Coma_ -nny ........... 16.19 Alvin W. Khaak Oil Company ............. .50 -N Public Service Company .... ...... 13.891 -+1 Lake County Lumber, Coal & Material Co. 237.60 1\ Deerfield Pharmacy ................... 8.20 Motion made by Trustee Labahn and seconded by Trustee Uchtman that we adjourn until the special meeting sometime during the week. Upon roll all the following 'vote was taken: Yeas - Barrett, Lab-, n, Segert, Selig, Timm and Uchtman. Nays - none t n carried. Village Clerk January 8th, 1930. Pres. of the Bo A special meeting of the Board of Trustees held at the Village Clerk's office January 8th, 1930, was called to order at 9 :16 'P. rd. Roll.Call .Present: Absent: Trustee Timm makes a appointing Dr. , ';alter B (said motion being Trade this motion was made by Barrett, Labahn, Selig and Timm' - Segert and Uchtman-, motion that we reoind motion Metcalf as-associate health officer October 28th, 1929). -A second on Trustee Barrett. Upon roll call the following vote was taken: Yeas -Timm and Barrett. Labahn not voting. Nays- Selig. President ' Geary casting the deciding vote - -Yes. Motion carried. 'lotion made by Trustee Timm that the Board, appoint Dr. V;alter B. Metcalf as assistant health officer, seconded by Trustee Barrett. Upon roll call the following vote was taken Yeas - Barrett, Selig and Timm. Nays- Labahn. Motion carried. Motioh made by Trustee Timm that we recind motion made f November 25th 1929 authorizing additional expenditure of ` seventy -five dollars ($75.00) per month towards the sc400l' nurse,fund. Trustee Barrett seconded this motion. Upon roll''call the following vote was taken: Yeas- Barrett, Timm and Selig: Nays - Labahn. Motion "ca.rried. Motion made by Trustee Barrett that we recind the motion regarding employment of a nurse as made ih the meeting of October 28th, 1929; as shown by the minutes of that date: „, This 'was seconded by Trustee Timm, r.. 55 ter`