08/19/192948 A ^nPniel rrApttrq of the' ''resident and. the Poord of ^',,ictees of the ,rill^pe of neerfield ^as cnl1_ed to order by the President at 9:30. .Roll Call: Present: Fnrrett, 8egert,'Selig, Lnbabn end Uchtrr.en Absent: Timm The ordinance nroiridinFr `'or thA grndi ^a', neving, curbing„ draining and otrermise Imnrovi.ng s portion of the roadways of 1-11ezel Avenue, , "omprset Avenue nn! r`rch2ri Street in neerfield Acres subdivision r' rp n d • A motion ryas mnrde by Felix; 2nd seconded by Fn rett that all con-• trPry rules be suspended end the ordinonce nlaced on its noscage. ,. ?Tnon roll call the following vote rEns taken: Yens- Barrett, Labahn, "prert, ^elig end Tlchtmn.n. Nays -none. Carried. ' Tt r+ap moved ')r ' ^nl'i'g .Ma- ':-eco'nded• by •:�arret•t that the ordinance as otp •ae taker : Yeas- pr..rre;; �., Labahn, "pori roll' 'c ^I1 the folloring v T* , "e prt, "pli� and TTrhty nn.- ?Tnye- none:- -(1. . e `tax 1p��y 'ordinance T*^r then read. -A Motion was : ade by Labahn ' Pnd recond'er3 by 5elir- th-it all contrary rules be suspended and the orrlinancp nlncpd on its nps^a.ge• TTnon roll 'c(111 tbr - tollovinr vote ti as taken: 7e?s- Parrett, Labtlhn, °AgArt, °clip _`'nrl. 'Uchtrtsn.: :', ^ys- nene,, C ^rried. It t sc rroved by Labahn and -seconded by Celia that tax levy ordinance be pFrfi ^mod as 'read, ..... ' TTnon roll call the'follwring vote r,?S t ^ken: Yeas - Parrett, Labahn, ^p1i^- -end "TchtT.nn; .11rys- none.- rpcprt :(erried. A motion .��s 'rrgde by 'Lnbrbn and seconded by Selig thnt °the bill of. "5055.0^ ,)c nr -or 'by Attorney nearer on arrant 483 be ollo,�ed ^na *�2t Frpsident,.recrptery of Ford of Local Imnrovementc and the ''ill�c^e ^lerk sins same nn-? rpnd -to him. *'non roll ca11 the f01107,ingr vote rrns taken: Yeas- Farrett, Labahn; - • "pArt, "eli�^ and. TTChtman. flays -none. ("Urried. A motion ry T.ebnhn and seconded by Fnrrett that the follow- in7 t>t1Zs be n2ird . TTnon roll call the follow vote �,r,,s taken; Yeas - Farrett, Labahn, Feg'ert, "elig and TTchtma.n. ?lnyc -none. Carried. , To: Julius Tohnson 1'or: rlennin.r "treets 56 hours '; x'.85 "47.E0 To: ?lnerfield Pharmacy Acct. rpnderpd June x -20.75 5 ^urriQetors Tilly 11.75 '??2.50 "pliable "-ernre '"or gns 2.55 IoTlir 'Isbrod It arms 13.50 J.?.rot ^ t'PTI nrp r'o. Vprchendise '2a 79 A. TT. r'^stfield ^leaning ".streets. 7.00 A motio T^ae m2de by LPbnhn and seconded by Parrett that the Board ad. 'ale .. 1 a leri, resident 61 X 02 d. •. i