08/05/19293v y 4 PW 1 ��r �q August 5, 1929 f A remlinr meetir. of the President (rncl the Poard of "'ru^ tees of the "illn^'P of neerf'ield eras c ^11ed to order by the Presidnt, • ►r. .a +.•. ••Pnry at 9:45 P. ;R ;oil (Iail: nresent: L ^bahn, ^eFerL, Timm, Uchtman and Selig .. 3 Absent: Parrett k Th, minutes of the lnst meetin^; rere read and approved. "ha oupstion of renIncing the broken siderTa.lk on Rosemary '^Arracp� *^aF rlisciissed T^ith 'I�r. I"cronnld of the Lake Co inty Luxber 'la.terial "o., and he agrPPd to replace it. Tt r�ac moved by ^PIi anc3 seconded by Labahn that the follo17ing billc be ,paid. k Uoon roll. call the fo11o�R ink vote i °as to ken: Yeas Uchtm i�, Labahn, Sp�*crt, "Plig and Tina. Nays —none. Carried. Public "PrricP.Co .......... ......................."?512.17 Illinois Fell Telenhone Co. 10.94 rg1'icap-o, ^t.Paul `Iilr. R.R . ....................... .55 C'.' ?. '"tic'can .......... ... . . R.00 7.00 "'om 0' Veil . 24 00 TPd, ^tic1:en .........•.....0........ ..... . ......... �,RercPr T_umb r. �r'o. ..... .... . ...... 5.00 tt tt ++ .. .............13.34 35.00 r,1_dr fl ions 6.37 Yortune ?`Pter Co, .......... .........1 ?9.00 7.r,--) .0. of America 3.11 A.''. Tool in "'anufact�ari'n' !'o. ...' . ................ 6.11 "Gore' ^n ^p Lyman F. uubbord. . w3 11.0 "hor —Tine I.AnPn "unnlY Co. .....................•• .550 "lvin- vnsalc C111 �o . 2.30 G Press • .10.40 len!riew 2111nois rrinti no- Co .......121.74 . 10.00 t'E'nr3ee .... .............................. �FprcPr Lumb -T Co. 32.00 °usici ....... w0.00 ans' Fxnense A rr ^t on rnp made by L?bahn and secon�3ed by Timm that the �'o., �� a j �irn. nnrri?d . , 1 President of the Boated