04/30/1929i ,7ar.#' Bond Nos. Series Dated 44 : 666=7 A July I_I927% 44 6'--7" A do 44. 7' C do 44 :,.7 n do 500.00 Oct. I, I934 44 7 F do 44 7_ G d0 44 - 7 H do 44 T ; I do 43 9 -IO' II -I2 A Jul -y I, I927 43 9- I0 -II -I2 , ` B do 43• 9- I0 -II -I2 C do 43 A I'O -II -Ia D. do 43 I0-II -I2 F do 43 IO -II -I2 F do 43 IO -II -I2 G do 43 I0-II -I2 H do 43- I0 -II_I2 I do Date' due- Amt of Bonds Total 7ct, 7, I929 X00. T0'b615 Oct. IS I9.50 500 IO00.00 Oct. I, 1931 500 500.00 Oct. I", I 932 5 00 5 0 0.0 0 Oct. Is I933' 500 500.00 Oct. I, I934 500 500.00 Oct. I, I935 500 500.00 Oct. I, 1936 500. 500.00 Oct. I, I93:7 5.00 5:00.00 Total borrds.• - $5.500.0 Oct. I', 1929 500 $2000.00 Oct. Is 1950' 500 2000.00 Oct. I, I93I 500 2:000.00 Oct. I, 1932 500 I500.00 Oct. I, 1933 500 I500.00 Oct. I, I934, 500 I500.00 Oct. I, I935 500 I500.00 Oct. Is I936- 5 -00 I5.00.00 Oct. I, I9377 500 2500.00 To tal bonds; b., 00 .00 All bonds neceusary to pay for work under the- above improve- - msnta have been isaued and this surplus. quan,ity should be des troye-d. The .coupons attached -to bonds: bear signaturera of Alvin W. Knaak, Clerk and .Tames: J. Hood, President. '. Upon roll call ths- following vote was takerr :=- Yeas - Barrett, Geary,. Huhn, Segert,aa6li&1and Uchtman. Nays -- None -. Carried. President James. -T. Hood appointed F. H. Selig, W.W. Geary, Huhn, Jams 'a J. Hood, r . r'. Frg Strom and A. 77. Knaak to serve, as a cremation committees for the, purpoae of destroying the" above` mentioned bonds. It was moved by Trustee Uchtman and seconded by Trustee, See ert that the appointments be- approved .,rith instruction"a that the com- mittee render a certified statement of- bonds, cremated. Upon roll call the- following vote was taken:t- Yeas- ITarrett, Geary, Huhn, Seg e-rt, 3e1 ig and Uchtman. Trays-- None. Carr iad. ht was moved by Trustee- Selig and seconded by Trustee Rarratt to adjourn. Carried. A apeeial meeting of the President and Board of Trusteca of the' Villag 6 of Deerf ield was called to order by tha Pr =sident James J. Hood at 2 ::00 P. td'. Roll 'call:- Present -- Barrett, Geary, Huhn:, Seg ert, Seligand. Uchtman. Absent- None. A complaint was made; to. the- Board by Mr. A. (:. C'. Timm againa.t the Rrie"rgatc Golf Club: regarding conditions he7 claimed existed in and about the- Cady Houa.e- of the Briargate Golf f'lulx. After nearing the complaint and conaiderirg the matter then following, resolution was rraasnted and read. Rq� IT RFiOLV D, that upon evidence presented to the Village Hoard by ter. A. C. 0 -. Timm it is the" sense, of this Board that there- exist conditions irr: and about the- Cady House- of the Brier- - eatrr rolf Club which are, unnecessary and detrimental. to health and sanitary conditions: and a bad moral influence which this Village is not required to tolerate -. Re- it further resolved, that the same, be declared a private, nuisance, to Mr. A. r. C. Timm and hia property and that thc� Hriergate Golf Club bm"arrd is hereby,. notif ied to remove- said nuisance- at orrce.l. It was moved by Trustee Selig and aeconded by 7ruste� Parrett that the, resolution ber adopted as read. Upon .roll call then folio wing- vote _waa taken : - Yeas -- Rarrett, Huhn, Seg art, Sal ig and Uchtman. Maya: tronc, of lot-ing - G easy. Carried. 3 t7