04/01/192932 April, I,7. 1929. A..regular meeting of the President and Board of Truattea of the Villa& e~ of neerfield was called to order by the- President, James J. Hood at 8::00 P'. M. Roll call;_ Present -- Rarrett, Huhn, Segert, Selig and Uchtmam. Absent- r eary. The, following- appointments. of Judger: and Clsrka of election to be' held = the I6th day of April 1929 were- madd by the• Pr", ident. Firat Precinct Judg ea • Julia Paterson ►'Pm . at of f e-a Fred Stryker Clerks; Loretta Willman Sylvia Hutchiaon:. Ira Hole Second• Precirrct Judi as Wia . F. Pl egg e Laura. R. Dietz Frank Jacobs, Sr. ^.1 erke. • Una Stanger Mra. Cheater golf Tame' Karch It was' moved by Trustee Huhn and seconded by Trustee- Selig that the- appointments, be- conf irmed. Upon roll call the- following vote- waa taken::- Yeae- Barrett, Huhn, Spry ert, Selig and Uchtman. Naya, Norre. Carried. It was moved by Trustee- Selig and aedonded by Truster Huhn to adjourn, as. a Hoard' of Trustees. and convene as a Board of , Local Improvemm ta. Carried. k. After reconvening as a Foard of Trusteeu the following bills were read. C Purl i a Service Company A'eer.field Fira Dept. 506.2.9 85.00 (' en eral Fund n4arfield Filling Station B.za Al.hert Larson 2.75 (I , e-rg e Rurnett I13'.00 It +* n' I6.00 "' a neerf ield Pharmacy 16.40 "' "• J. R. No tz. Hardware- Co. 21. 00 TM Van t & Selig 226'. 85 Richard Walsh. 5.10 " ++ Shor -Lino Linem supply Co. 4.501` Thos. al'N'e-il I6.00 Water Fund ,Sundh "Fl.ectric Company, Ina. 30'.17 Illinois Rely Telp-phone-.1.70o. II.00 C eneral Fund North Shore (las. Company 8'.90 dater Fund C'eorg e Rurnett 16.00. TM " John Klemp, Sr. I3.60 Road & Reid a Fund Fdwi n Beckman 40.80 TM n Max ''Pinter 3'8.68 Consoer, Older & Quinlan I2.50 Chester A. Wolf 7I.00 It was moved by Trustee- Rarratt and seconded by Trustee Uchtman that the- bills. be paid and chaiged to their respective- funds:. Upon roll call the following vote was taken,:.- Yeas. --- Barrett,. Huhn, 3eg Art, Selig ig and Uchtman. Nays None. Carried It waa: moved by Trustee- Uchtman and seconded by Trustee Rarrstt to adjourn. Carried. --�� zZ Dim.