03/04/19293 A-riarwooda Subdivision Sewer 8 Water 7xtenaiona Approved. 'Am orddinance• providing for t a construct ono : A connQc ed ayatem- of cast iron water oupply pi:p -ea, including e fir hydranta,, g-ata valvhsa, valve box,,.z., and all necessary special caatinga, and lead water service plpea, together with brass taps,, braBa atop?, cocks and spiral cast iron . sahut off boxes, in portions; of Warrington Rodd, Knollwood Road, Kenton,. Road, Oxford Road, Carlisle Place, ';umnor ^;oust, Tarwidi • Road,'- Testg%te Rand and rssa.ex Court; Vitrified tila pipe sanitary sewe-ra and.-s-torm: water sawerra, including- concrete manhol ss . and concrete- catchbaa ma, in .portions.: of Carliala Plaaej Tarring-ton Road and Fg.aexx; Court;; and, vitrified -tile, piper house connection sanitary and" atorm water a.ewerra' in portions of Warring ton Road, 'Cumnor Court, Carlisle- Place and Fsaex: Court, in the Village-, of Deerfield, Lake County, Illinois ;. and Provid- ing for paying- the coat of said improvement by apecia.l aus..rn3 ament and. tha issuing, of improvement -bonds, was, read. It was- moved �:' Trustee, Huhn and seconded by Trus_te�-, Uchtman that.. all contrary rules. be suspended and the- ordinance plaaed on its pasaa.ag e•. Uporr roll call` the following, vote- was. taken, :_ Yeaa- Aarrett, C-eary, Huhn, aeg er t and Uchtman. Maya None. Carrie-d., it was. moved W., Trustee Huhn and seconded by Trustee Uchtmam that the ordinance be~ passed as. -read. Upon. roll call the following vote` .vas. taken::- Yeas. - Barrett G eary, Huhn;, regent and U- chtman.. trays- None -. Carried. GRDINANCF FOR BRIAR11OODS SUB'.. PAVINf: AND LIC HTS PA3377) TO and R 7ADSNG .. An- o`rdinance� p.rovidir -' or avir` -, grading-, curb TUT, — drain -- anu . otherwia -e- improving-- the- roa-dwaya of portiona of Warrington Road, Ynollwood Road, Kenton Road, Oxford Road, 11eatcliff Lane-., Beverly Place-, Kingston Terrace, Margate Terrace, Tarw.idk Road, ^arl'isle .Place, Ctamnor Court, and 7as_ex, Court;; conatructing- partland cement don.cre-ta- aidesalka five f?et' in width in portions of the- abo.v3 named sa.treets, ;. and construct inapaconn -acted. s.ys3tem, af ornamental atr_set lighting; in portions. of Deerfie-ld Avenue- and in portionu., of all of the, a:boyrr named atreeta, excerpt Lv$s.ex 'Court,- in the Village, of TTearfiel d,' Lake 'County, Illinois, and providing for paying the cost of said improvement b13 special assaeuement and the •issuing of improvement bonds,, was. read,. It was moved bey Trustee Huhn and a.- ►condad by Trust?a Uchtman that the, ordinance- pre-s.ented and re-ad- be passa:ad to second' reading- and ra-- ferred to the- Road and Publia. Improvemcnt Committee of the Abar.d and the Village Clerk instructed to have the aame° publiahe-d irr. the Deer..- field tre p, and the ordinance` brought up! for ia.asaag,i; at a Regular- meeting of the Board to be- hel& -on Monday, • March 4th, A. D. •2929 &t 8' ::00: F. M. at the: Masonia- Hall in. Deerfield, Ill. . Ruesa:tion stated by the Pres.i'dent and saubnitted to roll ca1.1. The- vote- stood:.- Yeas- Barrett, r,eary, Huhn, Seg-.rt and Uchtman. Nay & - Nbne-. Motion declared carried and so ordered. It was moved b.y Trusts=. Huhrr and ae-conde-d by Trustee, Barrett to adjourn.. rried. Q` i ag e. n rk . /� re-u i nt s� th.�Aoar' M�r�h�4, I 92 9 (��,/ • A. regular meeting of the- Preaident and Board of. Trustees of the Villag s of T)eerfie-ld was. call ed to order by. the- Fraeldent,_ Jauea J. Hood-at 8:-.00 F. M. -' Roll call: - Preu,ent- Barrett, r ?ary, Huhn, Seg ert, Selig and Uchtman. Absent None: The, minutes: of the rEgular meeting held Feb. 4, I9 ?,9.were r_eud and approved. The' minutes- of the- ape-cial meeting held Feb:. I5, I989 were- read. and approved. It was moved by Trustee- Ruhr: and aecond6d by Trustee. Uchtman that a suitable heating, ordinance for appartment and two -flat guild-- - ing a be- drawn' up for passang e. Upon roll call the- following Tote wau. taken:- Yeas- Barrett, G eary, Huhn, Seg ar t, Se-1 ig and Uchtman. - 'Nays- Nona, Carried, .4ILLIAM *X. R ^aRY RFSIrNATI0N'" A.. 4PT�'t� k letter from Mr. William T `°ary en er ng. his rezignatio' asa Truaatce, to take effeat- Monday, May- 6th, waa pre-aente-d and read. It waa roved by Truatse Selig and aeconded by Trustee* Barrett that the resignation: of Mr. r, eary as Trustee be" accepted., Upon roll call, the, following vote- was. takers : - Yeas -- Barrett, Huhn, Beg ert, Selig and Uchtman. Naysa None,. Not voting - G car Y. Carried. It" was, moved by Trustee Huhn and saeconded by Trua.te-e., Uchtman., to adjourn as a Roard of Trusteeia: and convene as a Board of Local Improvementa. Carried. f s...a C �1 i L .