01/07/192928' Chister A. "golf 6.50 Road & Arid e Fund Henry Heyer 26.35 Louis Anderson 6.85 C. H. Hanson !:ompany 84.00 It .vas moved by Trustee Selig and Seconded lZy Trustee Sig ert that the bills. be paid and charged to their respective funds. i Upon roll call the frill owin vote web taken ; - Yews- Barrett, Huhn, SPL-' Art, Selig and Uchtman. 144ye- None-. Carried. It .vas moved 1y Trustee- Selig, and seconded by Trustee Huhn to adjourn as a Hoard of Trustees, and convene- as a Board of Local Im-- provementa•. Carried. Fn7ARD Sr,7RTrS. RE SUBDIVISION OF BL41rK I8 D. P'. & I 3UR. L. I. After reconvening as a�Foacd of Trua.teea a plat of a+re -su division of Lo to &,9,10)11;12; Ia and 14, both inclus ive, of Block 18, in Deerfield Park Land and Improvement Association Subdivision- in Sec. 29, T. 13T., R. NIP. of 3rd. P. tR. ( exc;°pting therefrom the Fast 75 feet thereof. )` was presented by Edward 'Segert for approval. It was moved by Trustee Selig and oeconded by Trustee Barrett- ,that t'h-e plat be. approved as pre-sente-d. Upon roll call the following vote- was taken;- Yeas- Barrett, Huhn, Seg ert, Selig and Uchtrnran. Naya- None. Carried. It waa moved ley. Trustee Ucht'r.ian and seconded b� Truat-eer Selig to adjourn. Carrie.-J. ZiiS a e c`1 -ark Jan. 7 929:. _ A regular meeting of the- President and Board d of Trueteeu of then. Village of Deerfield' was: called to ozder bey the President, Jamez. J. Hood at 9 ::3'0 P'. M. Roll call : - P're6ent- Barr --tt, Huhrr, Selig and Uchtmarr. Abaent- Geary and 8egert. The- minutes_ of the Special meeting. held Nov. I9, I928' were read:. and approved. Thy* minutes of the- regular meeting held,.D'ec. 3', I9213 were read and approved. It was moved by Trustee Huhmr sand seconded by Trus.tge•- Uchtmarr that the bill from Chester 'Tolf in the- amount of $200'.00 for - aervicea as special police during the year Iga7' .be, paid. Upon roll call the following vote, waa taken:- Yeas- Aarrett, Huhn, Selig- and Uchtman.. Nays- N=ee * Carried. " The following bills. were read: i-•L C Public Service. Company $540.86 O'eneral. Fund Illinois- Municipal League 30.00 '* " Cheater Rolf 200.00 " Rel=iable, Garage __ 5.40 n w Thil o Toll 2I , 00 Illinois. Bell Telephone Co. 16.90 Deerfield Temple- Association, 50.00 J. " R. Note Hdw. Co. 1.72 Dee -rf i el d Pharmacy. 6. 75 " rr Glenview Preis 30.90' Lake Co*. Lbr. C. & M. Co . 3'6.90 Shor -Line Linen. Supply Co. I.50 " n' Deerfield F i r e- A ep:t . I25.00 " �* Deerfield Filling Station 5.65 Water Fund City of Highland Park 3341.62 Worth Shore Gas. Co. . 6.00 Badger Yeter Mfg. Co. 2..63' " Alvin 17. Rnaak 26'.03- n m R. Stickers 20.85 " +� Mallott- Johnson Co.. 6.00 Road & Bride Fund Shapiro' a Grocery & market 1.75 G`eo. Burnett 8.00 m n Mercer Lumber Companies. 6.08 " +* It was moved by Trustee- Selig and seconded b.y Trustee Huhni that the bills. be paid and charged to their re- speative- funds. Upon roll call the following vote was takeri- Yeas -- Barrett, Huhn, Selig and Uchtman. Naya- None. Carried. It was moved by Trustee Selig and seconded by Trustme'Uchtman to adjourn. Carried. AA �.� Villa' g Cl nrk. - � President of the • Roard