11/19/192826 Prairie'Street, and in Hazel:Avenue Retween Orchard Street-and Cedar Street; and lead water service pipes, together with brass tape, brass, atop cocks, and spiral shut -off boxes., in Somerset Avenue 'between Meadow Street and prairie Street, in'Prairie-..Street between- Hazel Avenue- and Greenwood Avenue, and in Hazel Avenue- between Orchard Street and Prairie- Street, in the Village of Teerfield, Lake County, Illinois., and providing for paying the cost of said improvemmt 17y. Special'Asaeas- ment and the issuing of improvement bonds, waa.. read. It was moved by Trustee Huhn and seconded by Trustee Selig that a]i, uon�rary, rules be suspended and the ' o rdinance placed on i try passag e,. Upon roll call, the following zfo te, was- taken:- Yeas- Barrett � . Geary, Huhn, ST art) Selig and Uchtman. . Nays - None. Carried. ' , It was, moved by Trustee- Huhn and seconded by Trustee- Selig - that. tin ordinance be passed as read. Upon roll call the- following vote-, was. taken : - Yeas- B'arsett, .Geary, Ij- lhn, Beg ert, Selig and Uchtman. Nays - None. Carried. DFFRFIFLD Ar,RFS PAVING ORDINAN03T PASSF.D. fin; rdinance providing�or ,t He =ra I , Paving, curbing,: draining , and otherwise improving the roadways of Stratford. Rodd, Prairie- Street,, and Orchard Strut Between Greenwood Avenue- and Hazel Avenue, Meadow Street Between- Green -wood Avenue, and a line parallel with and two hundred fifty ft. south of the- south street line of Somrnerset Avenue,,, Some-reet Avenue, between. Meadow Street and Potomac Avenue, and Hazel Avenue- be- tween Orchard Street and Potomac. Avenue-, in the- Village- of Deerfield, , Lake, County, Illinois, and providing for paying the cost of said Im-� provement by ,Special Assessment and the isauinrg of improvement bonds., was read. It was_ moved. by Trustee Huhn and aeconded by Trustee Selig that all contrary rules, be suspended and the- ordinance- placed on its. paaaage,. Upon roll call the- following vote was. taken Yeas- Barrett, Chary, Huhn, Seg ert, Selig , and Uchtman. Nays- None-. Carried. It was moved by Trustee Huhn and seconded by Trustee Selig that the ordinance be passed as. read. Upon roll call the following vote was_ taken:- ,Yeas.- Barrett, Geary, Huhn, Seg er t, Selig and Uchtman. Nays - None-. Carried.. It was moved by Trustee' Uchtman and s- e-conded by Trustee- Geary to adjourn. Carried. i l a; e (;l 1r k -- - - Nov. I 9, I w 8. A. ape-cial meeting of the President and Roard of Truateea of the Village of 17eerf ield was called to order by the President, Jamea. J . Hood at 9::00 P. M. F: Roll Ck14- P -ras .;nt- Harnett , C, eary, Huhn, S g ert, Selig. and: U htrnan. Absent- None. H. M. CORNFLL C0'S. BRIARWIODS SURDIVISI011 PLAT APPROVV.D.. 71 to o �Fi °_� It. Corne -11 Co- r3- BHarW03da, a reauEdly ion of Rlocka 4', G, 7, 8, 9, II, I2,c7Lots. I to 24 both inclusive R1ock..20, also Blocks_ 21,22,23,6235,27.28 and29 in H. 0. Stones & Cola Addition. to- Deerfi9ld in Sections 28 and 29, Towniihip 4; North, Range, I2 Fast of.•' Third Principal IZeridian, Lake Co., Ill., also the-H. 11. Corned Co" Addition to Briarwoods being a reeubdivision of Block I0 &nd;I►ot.v I td. 2l both' inrclusi; re, Block 24iin H r 4 atone & Co"a Addition to Deerfield. in Sections 28 and 2 -9, .iownship 43, North, Range I2 Mast of`' the 3rd P. M. in. Lal :e Co.., Ill,, were presented. for approval. It was moved by Truatea, Uchtman and seconded by Truster. Selig that 'thee plats be, aec-, ted -as submitted by Mr. H. A4. Cornell for the, first.one -third of his subdivision. Upon: roll call the follo�iing vote was taken : - Yeas. -. Rarre-tt,' ;eary, Huhn, Segert, Selig- and Uchtuian. Nays ;lone. Carried. 222000 00 A83F340"11ATTIT BONDS_ DUT, Oct. I, I929, to be retired. It was move�•c�Trusta •nary an aeconded by Trua.tee .A.1. -fit asaeeament bonda in the amount of $22,000'.00 due Oct. I, I929 b:a re tired. Upon rollcall the following vote was taken : - Yetis;- Rarre-tt, Leary, Huhn, Segert, Selig and Uchtman. Naya None.. Carried. BILL OF FRANK JACOB Sr. , BUILDING ITTSP7,11TOR APP ROVFD It Nara —moved cy Trustee Hum• and seconded by. Trustee i chtinan that thee- bill of Frank, Jacoba, Sr., for building inspe-ctora, fees, from May 7, I928 to Nov.. I9, I928 in the amount of "9.0.00 be approved. Upon roll _call the follo,,ving_' vote- ivas taker:- Yeas - Rarrettj' Geary, Huhn-, 7egert, Selig.and Uchtman. Nays.- done. Carried. I" C