11/05/192824' right position and posts inr compliance ;Kith the ordinance- now in Upon roll call the following vote was taken: Yeau- Barrett, S g ert and Uchtman. Naya None carried. It was moved by Trustee- Huhn. and seconded by adjourn. Carried. -Vil lag e rQ1 erk . I1ov. , 5. - A r Tular meeting of the- President and Board of Trustees- of 'the - Village of Deerfield .vas. called to order by the President, 3amea .T.• Hood at 8:.00 P. M. Roll call : - Pre-Sent- Barrett, Geary, Huhn, aevArt, Selig and 'GTcht en. Absent- None. H. H. CORN%. L CnIVANY PETITION FOR RFVISIOII ZON!NG ORDINANCE. ?resident Food announced report o tFA C irman FiMhe Poard or Appeals on the H. M. Cornell Company petition, proposing to .permit thT intensity of use, of certain lots as described in notice of public hearin,� for the erection of a single family dwelling in "A "', reaidence district, laving an area of not less than 8I00 _ aquare- f set instead of 10.890 square -feet as provided in the present Zoning Ordinance. sf f sc t. Huhn., C Trustee-Barrett to The Boar.d of Appeals advised the -Board of Trustees. that-they had rejected the petition to make, this change-. The Chairman of the, Board of Trustees: explained that, as the vote-by the Board of Appeals against this change- was a three- to two vote and that as a vote of four to one, either "Aye " or Tay "' is required, the report of the Board of Appeala aho wli� that o action was taken in the matter • by this Board and in this event it now becomea the duty of the Board of Trustees. to make a. d:eciaion either for or. against thin change. Am ordinance amending the General Zoning Ordinance. of, the, r Village of Deerfield, Lake- County, Illinoia, and- said ordinance, au. amended by changing the intenaity of use of lots in certain portions of the Village of Deerfield, Lake, County, Illinois, described in, said } ordinance, -.vas read. Mr. Roeenstone) r;rpreaenting the H. Id. C'•ornell Company,. upon being questioned as to. what improvements• he intends to make if this permiosion to change- the size of the lots. is given, stated that the H. M. Cornell Company proposes to develop sixty acres of the one hundred ten acres from Deerfield Ave. to Wyndotte-, Ave., and that he-- has made application to the. Board of Trustees_ for sever and .water and has let the contract for planting and beautifying this tract, which work is now being done. He- also stated that in the spring of I929 he will install pavement, aids- :•ialks and. a lighting system, Hr. Rosenstone waa asked whether. he .vould specify on copy of plat recorded •,vi th the County Clerk of Lake County, Illinois, ' that he ,will make the improvements specified by hire at this meeting. Mr. Roeenstone agreed to this stipulation. A motion was made by Huhn and seconded by Uchtman that the ordinance amending the present .zoning .ordinance- of the Village-. of Deerfield, be passed as read, provided the H.. Ili. Cornell ^,ouipany specify on coi.iee of the plat recorded with the County Clerk, of Lake County, Illinois, that they sill put in all improvem enta_ specified at this meeting and that paving and other neceasary improvements. be- put in in the Spring of I9u9, in that portion lying uouth of Wyandotte Avenue and that other improvementa in the balancer of mar one` Wndred ten acres will be- in within three- years. from the passage of thia ordinance, and that all contrary rules. be suspended and the ordinance- placed on its passage. Upon roll call the following vote wao taken : - Yeas Barrett, (2eary;- Huhn) Se; ert, Selig and Uchtman. Nays- Geary.. Carried. A •ujotion ;waa wade by Huhn and seconded by Uchtman that the ordinance amending the present .zoning ordinance be passed, Upon roll call the following vote vas taken:- Yeau- Parrett, Huhn, Seg er t, eel ig and Uchtman. Nays G eary. Carried. FLOOD LIGHTS FCR WILMOT SCHOOL A petition was presented- to have, flood I ig hts installed in the �"ilraot School district. Motion by Geary and seconded by Uchtman that authority be given to install these lightu and that the rnatt,r be taken up with Mr. Harry 'ling . UF 25 Upon roll call the following vote was taken:- Yeas- C wary,, Barrett, Huhn, -Seg ert, Selig and Uchtmarrm. Nays- None. Carried. P' TTTION FOR SIDF.MALKS ON' W. CFFRFIrLD AVF. A petite on way presented for - t�natallat on of sidewalks in each side;, of Deerfield Road between Wilmot Road and the present walks to the Fast. I Moved by Selig and second by Uchtman that this matter be ref ered to the Ong irrerr for estimate -. APPLICATION FOR STRrFT LIP *HTS Applicat` n was madam or_fErQe street lights. in Clavey"s Sub- - division,,, for alight on Second Street, tJ'orth of 'De-erfield Avenue- and to two 1ighte. on. Central Ave. 'hest. .Mr. Geary asked that- -the lights- be, reconnected *on the posts at the Tntrance- to Rrierhill Subdivision. A motion was made b-y Huhn and seconded by Selig that two lig hts. be installed on, Central Av:enue-, 'pest, one-on Second Street and three in, Claveys. Subdivision and that the rl Clerk notify the Public Service Co . to have the lights at the Rrierhill Subdivision entrance re-conne-oted. Upon roll call the following vote- was taken : - Yeaa Barrett, Geary, Huhn. i Segert -and Seligand Uehtman. , Nays -- ,None -. Carried. The matter, of employing a policeman for the protection of the People_of Deerfield during . the hours -of the night- this policeman to be: a, =nig ht man, only- waa disousaed. Mr. Flrner Clavey Volunteered to to help out financially toward this necessary addition to the pol ice, force -.- 11'r. Alexander Tavlor stated that he believed that the Chamber of Commerce will also help and that hey will interview his Board and re-- port back to the Board of Trusteez.. what action they take in the- matter. The H. M. Cornell Company also promised a dobat ion of 4. 500.00 to this cau a e-. The, following bills mere- presented for passage: Public Service- ^.ompany. $ 923.96 General Fund Illinoie' Bell Telephone Co. JI.60 National Office- Supply Co. 129.30 Lak e County Lbr . C & R. Co . I8.2I pt--:�rcer.Lumber nornpanis.a 1.55 'Shur -line Linen Supply Co. 3'.00 John Huhn 7.50 Hunters. oport Shop 7.50 Reliable (Iarag 23.25 _ A�n�r scan Cas. Accumulator Co . I3.00 Deerfield Temple A3sn. 40.00 Public service Co. 7.50 J. R. No tz Hardware- Co. 5.36 Central Foundry Co. 20.35 water Fund Mercer Lumbar Companies I17.90 Road 8. Bridge Fund To. ­Tie Barrett 5.56 dater .Fund Leslie Stryker 26.00 " '•'' I ::i4.. Nole 100.60 Road & Bridge Fund " 2 8I.4 O Ceo..M Pettis 5I.00. "' Julius Johnson 22.95 "' „ G eo . Burnett Fdv.;-Whitcomb 79.80 It :.vas m oved by Trustee Huhn and. Seconded by Trustee- Selig that the bille_.�be paid and charged to their respective• funds. Upon roll call the following vote was taken:-.Yeas-,Barrett., Geary, Huhn,,_ t, Selig and Uchtman. Nava- None. .Carried. It ways moved by Trustee Selig and seconded by. Trustee. Huhn to adjourn as a Board of Trustees and convene as_ a Board b-f Local Improve- ments - Carried, After reconvening as a Board of . Trustee-u a letter from the C. M. St. P'. & P. R.= R. relative to . the- repairs. on Hazel Avenue- crossing was read. It..was moved by Trustee Huhn and. seconded by Trustee Uchtman that the 0 'erk ne advised to than: the` C. It. St. P. & P. R. R. for the C- xcallent -work done on this. crossing. Carried. A bill from Conso.�!r, Older & Quinlan for rodmans services. on. Central .Ave. west of Brice e during, kTonth of October 1928 in the amount of $12.00,1 waa read. It Wascmoved'.by Trustee- Huhn and aeconded by Trustee Uchtman that the .bill be `paid. Upon roll call the following vote- was taken:- Yeas- Barrett, Geary,.Huhn, .Segert, Selig and Uchtman. Nays.- None.. Carried. DEFRFIFLD ACRD'S SFTYFR & NATFR STUBS ORDINANCF PA--)D-FD. An.ordinance,providing for, the construction of vitrified tile pipe house connection aevIars in Somerset Avenue between Meadow Street And