10/01/1928 + 10/03/1928✓`� . 2 3 . Oct. I, I928 � A regular meeting of the President and Board of Trusteea of the- Village of Deerfield was_ called to order.by the President, James_ J Hood at 8:00 P. M. Roll call:- Present- Huhrr., Segert, Selig and Uchtman_. Absent- Barrett and Geary. The, minutes. of the regular meeting held. Sept. 41 I928 were- read and approved. The, minutes; of the special meeting held Sept. I7, I928 'were, read. and a� proved. :.II13.00 ANTICIPATION WARRANT acct...11UNICIPAL RANT) PAID. It was moved by Trustee- Se ig andseconded by -Truatee egert that the- Treasurer- be. instructed to pay to the Deerfield State-,Rank the. amount of V113.00 due, on account of anticipation warrant issued eZ.a.inst tax levied for the-support intenance• of a Band for Municipal pport and ma p -- purposes. in the Village of Deerfield. Upon roll° call the following vote- was taken : - Yeas -- Huhn, .8eg.ert, Selig and Uchtman. Nays,- None. Carried. . FIRE STATION LEASE FOR ONE YEAR ACCFPTFD. It was u`oveEby Trustee ae ig and aeconaed by Trustee, Huhn that the President be authorized to sign a new leaa.e-. f or one year for the entire- firat,�floor of the brick building situated approximately IIff feet We -st' of , 77aukegan Road and 80' feet South of Deerf ield Avenue-, to be- used for Police and Fire Stationa, at $40.00 per month. Upon roll call the following vote- was- taken:- Yeaa- Huhn, Segert, Selig and Uchtman. Nays- None. Carried.. It was movedby Trustee' Huhn. and aeconded by Trustee Uchtman. to adjourn as a board of truate'" and convene- aa. a board of local improve- m.enta.. Carrired. After. reconvenir.R as. a board of trusaeea. the- following bills_ were- read. Illinois, Bell Telephone Co. 5.Z General Fund Public Service Co. II.OPa '" - " 0 "1 50.90 Water Fund F. H. Meyer, Postmaster .60 General Fund C. M.. fit. P'. & P. R. R. .5I A. W. Knaak I.94 +" 13,. 9I 'gat -or Fund I.32 Road '& Bridge Fund Deerfield Filling Station 3.35 General Fund B . & L. Oaf e I.45 "' 0. Thilo' H. Toll I5.00 J. R. Notz Hardware: Co. 3.90 Water Fund . ", . " .62 General Fund G. W, Sticken 6.00 Water Fund The- Glenview Press 19.7,-) General Fund Mutual Coal Co. 4.29 Road & Bridge Fund Edwin Beckman 7.00 Water Fund City of Highland Park 3706.83 Percy McLaughlin (Deer. Chevrolet Sales Co. Y 35.00 General Fund National Office-Supply Co. x.90 "' tr Neptune Meter Company In. 00 Water Fund It was moved by Trustee- Belig and Seconded by Trustee Uchtman that *the bills be paid and charged to their reapective-, funda.. Upon roll call the following vote- was taken : - Yeas- Huhn, Seg ert, Selig and Uchtman. Naya None -, Carried. It was moved by Trustee Uchtman and seconded by Trustee Selig adjourn. Carried. in.] Oct. 3, 1928. A special meeting of the President and Roard of Trustees of the- .` Villag Per of Deerfield was called to order by The Pre-aident, J ea J. Hood, at •8:00 P. 11.. Roll call Present Barrett, Huhrr, Seg ert and Uchtman. Absent - C.eary and Selig . ADVFRTISING SIGN_' FRFCTED BY JOHN A. HOFFMAN DFCLARED A NUISANCE. was moved by Trustee 3eg ert and a.econdee b y T rust ee u� that John: A. Hoffman having erected a a_ien 15 ft. by 6f t. on the property wned by Mrs. F. H. Willman in violation or .the sign ordinance, that �he, Village Board of Trusteea in session declar..ar the sign a nuia.ence and to instruct the Fire Department to remove this sign from it'a up-