08/06/192819 in the- ..Villag'e .of Deerf ield, Lake- County, Illinois., . and providing- for pay ing the cost of said improvement by Special Asses -sment and thee, issuing of iMprovem.ent bonds_, was read. ' °` It was moved by Trustee Huhn and aeconded by Trustee Segert that, all- contrary rules_ be suspended -and the- ordinance placed''on- its pass, ' age`•. _ - ...., _ Upon "roll call the following vote was. taknm : - Yeas Barrett, Geary, Huhn; Segert;aBelig and Uchtman. Naya- None. Carried. 11 It wasp_ moved by T-ruatee- Huhn and seconded. by Trustee- Segert- that the ordinance b.e­ pasaed, as read. ' _ Upon roll- call they foolloving± vote` was taken:.- Yoga- Barrett,` Geary, Huhn;'* Seg ert, Se3.ig and Uchtiran. Nays- None =. Carried.` FI RK Wowff, ORDINANC7, RFQUESTFD,. _ . "It was moved by Trustee Huhn and seconded by Trustee- Geary that ,the Village Attorney be instructed to draw up) an ordinance- to prohibit the sale of f ire -wo rice. 'in the- Village- of Deerf i el d. Upon. rolh.'.call the following vote- was taken : - Yeas- Aarrett, Geary, Huhm,._ Seg ert,;,�'3el.ig and. Uchtman. , Naya None.- Carried The- following, bill's were` read:. Public "Service=. Co. _ . 465.90 G eneral Fun d- ... " Z6.50 7Pa t er Fund I11 no is, dell Tel*.­ Co. . 8..00 General Fund Lake Co.' , , 4.40 n o. Lbr. Coal & M. Co. r Deerfield Interiors Finish' Co. 3'.20 " Deerfield`Temple Assrr.. 80.00 n' B• , &.L.. Cafe A ." W. Knaak 4.01 n 8..9I Water, Fund. n 5.2E . Road & Bridg e J.` R. No tz' Hdw. Co . 4..02; General Fund -The- Glenview- Press 28.25 G eo Burn ett 32 ..00 Water Fund, Deerfield Filling Statiofr. 4.Ia' G • IT. Stickerr, 1e.00 James B. Clore & Sons. 84.* 15 ." Reliable-,Garage _ - 3.00- Road & Bridge JuliusJohnson. I8.75 Austin Western.. Raad Machinery Co. 28..00 It was ,moved by Trustee' O'eary and aeconded by Trustee- Barrett that the bills. be, paid and chard ed to their respective furrds.' ' Upon roll call the following vote was taken Yeaa- Barrett*,, Geary, Huhn, Seg ert, Selig. and Uchtman. Nays.- None Carrie-d. It was .moved by Trustee Huhn and seconded; by Trustee-- G eary to adjourn. Carried. 1 e Cl er 6 28 . A regular meeting `o, the Prey ident and Board of Trustees of ' the Village of Deerf ield was =11 ed to order by the Preaident,' James. J Hood at 8:00 P M..: Roll call :. - Present- ITarrett, Geary, Huhn,, Seger't,• Selig and! .Uchtman... Absent.. None. 11 ' The minutes of the meeting held June 4, I92.8 were• read and approved. , The- minutes, of the, regular- meeting held July 8, 1928 mere` read and.,. approved. GFO. ` BURNFTT APPOINTED - INSPECTOR ON SPECIAL f61 President • times-J. o Sapp io h eX- lb�r."Ge ^o; Burn as- 'irr PGPGtor orr they Goldmans- Sewer -:& Water Stubs job, Tarrant J611_ Said appointment was: approved by *thy _Rcard.• �P; 1AL3IIN MFYPR -APPOINTFD INSPECTOR ON SPECIALS Nos.. 64 and 65. Pyres ident J amea U, Hood FppointeZI Mr; Min Meyer as inspec o r ;on the Central Ave. newer and Rater Stubs. jobs,, Warrant NoB. 64 and 65. Said ppointment was approved by the Raard. 74MFNDU NT TO'- ZONIh(: ORDINANCF RFFFRRFDT TO BOARD OF APPFALS. An ordinance amen ing t'Fie`fioning rdinance tfor e Village- of Deerf ield, Lake County, ill., was presented and read. It was_ moved by Trustee- Huhn and seconded; by Trustee- Barrett that the ordinance' be referred to the Board of Appeals: for Publics Hearing. Upon roll call the, following vote was. taken:-.- Yeaa Barret, Geary, �• Huhn, Seg ezt, Selig and Uchtman. Naya Noni. Carriexi. 20 RFCOMI.1ENDATION- OF BOARD REGARDING REZONING STONE SUBDIVISION, It was moved by Trustee Geary and seconded by ,Trus tee, - hat tha Village Clerk be• instructed to write to the,- Plans Commis ©:ion a4> ­ C follows_;: The Village Board of Trustees3 recommend to the Plans, Coa - mission that they reconsider with H. 0. atone & Co. the subject of re -. subdividing, their subdivision with the- possibility of changing. the frontag,e,,of come` lots to sixty feet. All those lots✓• however North of Eugene Avenue, and West of Seminole Avenue, to remain as, they.'are, -'also lots on Deerfield Avenue. to remain as they are,. In consideration `of' this; ewe further recommend that H'. 0. Stone, & Co. furnish a.bond:.to, assure good faith to all parties concerned that they will install all, improve" - ments in thin, property such aa. 'pavirg, sidewalks, sew,ar; water : g aa. and Lighting aystem.' To _erect at least aix sample houses: on -the prope`r'ty` and consider the, proposition of assisting the, Villae e- to - acquires a Community ; Center possibly utilizing as part that'lot now used by -the Township:. A repo tt, and if the Plans. Commis ion deem wise, & joint meeting~ of 'they A Village Trusteem, H.' U. Stone, & Go. and the.. Plana Commission, &t the, next regular Hoard. meeting to be held in September, is 'suggested: Upon roll call the following vote was takem :- Yeaa- Barrett,, C eary, Huhn, S.eg art, Selig and Uchtman. Nays - Noone. Carried.' FDWIN- P'. OSTERMANS- SUBDIVISION OF LOTS: 5 7, and 58 APPROVFD. .. , at o dwon P.' Os ermans Su ivi a.ion o Lo s, an ins Edwin P'. Ostermans, aubdivision of Part of the- N:r'. w of a^ection 32', T-wp,. 437. Rang a I2F. o f 3rdi P,. M. all in t he- Villag e- o f . D eerf ield`, Lake? County, Ill . , was. prea:e'n ted:. f o r approval. T • ` ' - ; by Taus tee, Huhn by Trustee• Uchtman, It was. moved and seconded. that the, plat be accepted acid approved as, p.reaent'ed. Upon roll call the` following vote was, taken:- Yeast Barrett, Geary, Huhn, Segert, Selig and Uchtman. Naya,- None. Carried. ' JOHN HUHN APPOINTRU CHIEF OF FIRE DEPARTMENT Thee- reo, na ono scar c wa , as hief of�the Fire, Department wary tendered and was accepted by the President, James, J. Hood; President Hood appointed John Huhn as. Chief of the, Fire itepart last. The appointment was. approteci by the Board. - ., ` , . t .. The following bill's were✓ read: G eo . Burnett I6 8.0 0 G en er al Fund Chester A. Wolf 22,.50 n• IL7.6:CT Road & Brie e- Fund A o ehm In our an c e, Ag eney 2I O . 76 General Furred -_ F. A. Taylor 164.00 J. R: No tz Hdw. Co . UI_. 05 Essco; Manufacturing Co. 6.I2 F. H. Meyer', Postmaster .6Q, A . W. Rnaak I.7a; n. 2.31 Water• Fund m 2.I6 Road & Bridg a Fund: Deerfield Filling Station. 5.23' General Fund Public S.eriri•ce Co. _ _ 489.50- "+ " m 12.90 Water Fund :. Illinois. Bell 'del Co. 8..7U:. General Fund Deerfield Fire= Dept. �_ 30.00 n+ "+ Ol en do r "f s aI.75 G . W. Stickers 3.O(Y Water Fund ;fiercer Lbr. Coa.. 2.4Q,_, W Blackburn Wel ding Co . 7.50 Im M. Hole 25.30 )toad &' Ari %'a Fund Mutual. Coal CO . 3Z .46 James, B. Clow, & Sono t. 7.71 It was moved by Trustee, G eary and se- conded by Trustee. Uchtman that the bills and:- chaxg ed- to - their respective• funds. ,be .paid Upon roll calf - the following vote was. taken ; - Yeas - Barratt; Geary. Huhn, Seg ert, Sel ig and Uchtman. Nays- None-. Carried. It was: moved by Trustee, (teary and seconded by Trustee Uchtman•toat adjourn. Carried: _.. i age ,l e k ar I"i Illo P1iIg1' F Fyn iry 1"11, , rnun