04/23/1928 + 05/07/192810 'Deerfield Avenue- to the Fast and Werat centerline, of Section 33,. Township 43' Nbrth, Range I2 ».ast of the Third- Principal Meridian, in the- Village- of Deerfield, Lake County, Ill inoia. and providing for paying the c -,omt of said improvement by spacial "a- esament and: the issuing of improvemeftt bonds, was: rea•d. - I It was moved by Trua t ee• r eary and s econded ' by T rust ee- Labiahn that all contrary rulea b.3 suspended and the ordinance- placed: uporr. it "s passage-. Upon roll call the following _vote was talon:- Yeaa -- -'eary,,, Huhm, Labahn: and Segert. Naya None. Carried. It was moved by.Truatee, r'eary and seconded by Trustee=Huhm that the ordinance be passed as read. ._ Upon roll call the, following vote was. taken-:: Yeas - - r eary, Huhrr, Labahm, S.eg er t : and S el ig . Ways- None. c:arri ?d. It was moved by Truste -e- -•eary and seconded by Trustee- Beg err to adj ourn. Carried. April I928' A. special meeting of the- Freaddent and A'oard; of Trusteea of the Village- of IIeerfield was calle-d•to order by the President, Jame*al J. Hood at 8::00 P'. M. Roll call:.- Present -• Fngatrom, teary, Huhn,, Segert and Selig. A.bs -F;nt- Labahn. President Hood instruote•d the Board. of Trustees to canvass, the returna of the Village Fl ection held on April I7, I928 for the­ election of thr.eQ Trustees. Their report ahowa: the candidates hav- received votes as follows r. T. V. •r eary 3UI vo t es, v7m. H. Farre1t 352 John F. McArthur 309 " 0onrad Uchtman 361 Carl Anderson 297 n .T. F. -Flanagan 322 It was moved by Trustee Huhn and aeconde1 by Trustee- S.%srt that Mr. -'eary,, Mr. Barrett and. Mr. Uchtman ba declared elected as, Trustees_ of the, Village of Deerfield. Upon 'rol l call the, following- vote' was. taken*.-.- Yeas.- Fr4,y atrom, Geary, Huhn.. Segert and Selig . Naya- None-. • Carri ed. . It was moved by :Trustee Geary and aeeonded by Truatee Huhn that Daylight Saving be- declared in the• Vil1ag a of Deerf ield to take- effect April 29th at 2::00 A.. M. Upon roll call the following vote• was- taken:-.- Yeas -- Fngs.trom; >. r eary, Huhn, Segert and Selig-. Nays - Nbne,. Carried. It was, moved by Truate-e, r eary and seconded by Trustee Seg art to adjourn as a Hoard of Trustees and convene as. a Board of Local lmp•- rovementa. Carried. . Vil lag e- Cl er . Ter 6aT May 7, I928. A. regular meeting of the Presiva nt and Board' of Trustees of the Village, of Deerfield was called to order by the - Pte.siden.t, James. J., Hoo d at 8::00 P. M. - Roll call :: - Fveaent F.ngatrom, Geary, Huhn, Segert and S•alig . Absent Labahn. The rdinute-a of the, regular meeting held April 2, 1928 werex read. and approved =. Thee uinutea of - the special meeting held April 9, 1928, war--'read: and approved. The, minutea of the apecial meeting- held. April 23', 1948 ware, read. . and approved. AUDIT BY RRUMMFL:, CURRAN & COMPANY, APPROVED. An audi=t report by Brummej, Curran & Company- of the book and records: of the, Village= of Deerfield was presented and read. ,It was coved by Trustee r eary and seconders by Trura.tee, Selig that the, audit report be accepted- Upon roll call :the, following vote was taken:- Yeas- r.nga- tromp C. eary, Huhn; � Seg art and Selig, Naya^ N'one�. Carried,, I" C 11 It was moved by Truate-e Huhn and seconded by Truatte--r Seger t that the' Board of Truatraez adjourn sine, die'. Carried. The new, Board of Trusteeti was. called to order by the, Fr�!aident James J. Hood;. �I Roll call::- Fresent- Barrett, Gear y, Huhn-, Reg ert, Selig and. Uchtman. Abeent- None. E OROINAN07 CRFATItx'. AOARU7 OF LOCAL IMPROVERFiITa PASSFTT. An o dir`inanc.e, designa ngg ai m� enters o the, oar o ruatsea• of the Villao e, of neerfield, Lake County, Illinois,, who shall, with the Pre -6ident of said Village, constituter the Roard- of Local. iTmprovements of said Village,, for the year ending, April 3II, I9R9, was read.. Tt was, mo verd by Trustees Huhm and ae-co nded by Truat ee (Teary that all contrary rules V-- suspended and the, ordinance, place-d upon i ti's• ' passag e. Upon roll call the following- vote- was taken : - Yeas.- Barrett, G aary, Huhn, Seg ert amid, Selig- and Uchtman. Nays- None. Carried. It was moved by' Trustee- G-eary and aeeondecL by Trustee, Huhn-, that the ordinance be, passed as read. Upon roll call the, following, vote, was taken::- Yeas-, Harrett, Geary, Huhn, Segext, Se1ig- and Uchtman. Nays None. Carried. It waa moved- by Trustee, Uchtman and s.econd:ed by Trustees Barrett to adjourn as a Board of Trustees, and convene as a Rea rd of Local Improvem,Qnta:. Carried. After'reconvening as a Hoard of Trustees, the following appoint - menta were read . by President James J. Hood. Cbmmitteaa f Or ' I928. F I it A M C F• - -q'M. ED tARD H.SELIG. Idr.' 170 W. Geary Mr. C. S. Iiulin i— i" i"#— i— M— i+ w- i— i" ft" i— i"' i— f— A�' i— i." i�A.+# �„ i— w�lY"' i— i— +t— #— i— #— �- 11.'A- i�•i —i► — #— i WlLl MLA1f — — — w r r ,- w — w - — — w — w w — « r — r 0• W. UGH=AU ur. F.dr+ard P. gegert Kuhn • ���a' y1. �rM+ i' ri— i— i— i— i— i— M— M— i.' li—*— N— i— i— i-' �"' �— i— �—r— i— i�'t— i— s— +It— �— i�+1.�'i —#—+U l.CIAR2. CiidIl' - - - - - - - - - -- «- -- - I3. Cte'Ve 0ARY mr. Co E. Huhn mr. E. II. Salil;. i" 'R'- +R""M"�- 7— �— +�"#— l— M —t-1Y— III"' M—#"' M' �— i— i— i—#' yt—' �— i�— ►— !"'i— i— �— +"'+R"ii- 1R— s— It — *' • � �� — — — — — — — — — — — — -.- — i --- — — —ilL.. • He SHLI(I Er, Vt.' W Geary *—+ �— �—*—#" M— i�1M—+ r— iN— i— i�'1t- i— i— i— +M�Mr•i —i—i— iii— i— i— ,F�t —�' ii' � *Ir' • ���rt• n PRIMIM AND AUDITI?'ai._ �� t�� QTaIkJ A►1 « — — w — — « — w — .. — — a — .— .. — r r r — rM C& E♦ LU M i i♦ i i• i* i—Y i i i #'1�— i�'M"+1 M 4 i i L— t"f� —t i"'+� i t iE •�'i i i CHAMM - - - - - - - - - - - - ` w - -- -qM. 1.,: H. BAIMTT . • Nr. 3 H.50119 o Be Pse art. A� t MH WTI -I Me � t.�y� • CHAIitLiAlt — — — — r w �. r . — — —. — — — r «' — « — r w —'I�t . E117ARD F. SIMEM LIr. 1 . , W. Geary . u r. E. H. ' Selig" ., :' �,{ v+} ty— �i! �' p# �- 1►—+ r- 7R+ i+ i—#— i— i—#— i— M"'*' �i�i" yR�#« t— i— �— i— i"" i ." #.'i'- *+qR— y— �— irr- �►— � — #�'IL .�:. ,' ;' '' lW DI lUlW �— — —. — — w w w ,r — — w -- w r — -r w•— - BPiUFL l� CUMUXt . BUILDIM COII.,'ISSio7a - :- - - - - - FitlulR S. JACOW 5r.. CO LMC M11- ALYIIt 1'140. YCIAAIC. Co:►S TROLM FII7AIICIAL SEC'- ; - - - GEJRG sGS 4 , CORPJRATIOZ. C=r.S',7L- - `- - - - - - OItbIiAi3Irl UAaTIX C. MCF£R. M49ITWIMS - - - - - - - - -- : -I} RFIULU; a'1'A E BANK lot ITATIONAL BASK HICAGO (PINLAIT PIR MARWUI,1, - - - _ w `..':. HARRY ICU= y - ASrT. PII?E, ,ii,M53.1ZL - - - , - "- _C9� Z ;.� ` IBALTH OFPIC r -C. J. DAVIS i D. POLICC CHIEB' : -- - - - - - ITiRY Ff:RS ♦OR .TEiA:J�l►:W -- .w. r -- — — — :— — — —. — --- — - — .r .. w w'`�iJ.. ':�• �I+.�GG�• ' 1 T'MANT OFFICM- - :._ w .. - - - - iI<AMT MAIRSC3II: 7AZZ, TAPi's:R :- - -- ...- .... - `w .... _ ..... Gu08CE 5 ^iZCI •. 8err tar, Ho d f Lo a I ov w t PtLul Dietz ,y TFR14 Ngp AI'POINTB.F:NT - - - - - - - - IM SFVff GOODRR 1928 •• 1932• 21=AINING LTZE RS - - - - - - - - -I'T. FRANCIS WUPSMAD 1927 ­'19310 " .• - - - - - - - MR, VRANX IUSSO 1927 1930. fM. - A.C:C. TIIiX 1927 - 1929. „ -- - - - - -- -- 09,INO 1927 - 19290 AND TM MSID= - ax- officio. - - - - - - - - - - - - - This Board should convene and select a Chairman for the s- ensui lIg ^yQar. VILA "'�aR.: raFI . . zo LNG u;n F"MI. jjrTG C01tdI3SIO17y 1 ii.' M APP01 =3MIT2 - - - - - R- - - - Xr. A. J. ' Taylor 1928 - 19320 ,� -- - - - - - - - - - - -1r. To J. F. ak.. 19213 1922. s R621AIMPG 1r-A ffi - - - - - - - - - - -- -YrR• A J. Ender 1927 - 19Z1. 1 -?:r• -.To L. Danter _1,9Z7 - .1929. -� - - - - - - - - - - -L'r o "B a ,H. I0•ess: 1927' 19"90. and the President - --es- officio. 8uggast this Board arrzngos to have regular stated meetings in the F i Colleotor's Offcs, at least once a month. f _ A t the first' icesting a Chair=nn for, this, yoar should be elected. It eras. moved by Trus.tee� Geary and seconded by Trustee scI.ig � that the' aippointmenta b confirmed" as read. Upon roll call the, following vote was taken : - Yeaa- Barr att, Geary, Huhn, Seg ert, Selig and Uchtman. Nays, None,. Carried. ORDINANCE TO ACQUIRE S.30ft. TURFSDFILS 2nd Ann. PAS3Fn An oiMinancT. provide, f Y the, acquiring of the, �o- TER7hir ty f set of Truesdell "a Second'. A`A,li tion to Deerfield, Lake County,. Ill. a plat of which subdivision was, recorded in the Recorder Pa'offiom. of Lakes County, I11. on $.spt A:35, I874, in Abok '"^' of Plats' on Pag a I9, beingr the, South ,Thir.tyy feet of all that. part of. said, plat- designated thereon as ffRFaFRVyD "', for the purposes of a Public Street in the Village, of Deerfield, Lake-_ County, Ill., was 'rea:d. Moved by Trust —'Huhn and s"onded- by Trustes Segert that all 'contrary ' -rules ba,.suspponded and the ordinance placed on its pasea_g e,. Upon .roll call llow:i vote 'wa ®s taken. Yeas, - Barrett. Gear. , YIUHN, aeg ert-. __ { and Selig .. Naye. -Nona. Carried. It. was moved by, Trustee- Huhn and aec-- onded by TrjYusteettUehtaian the ordinance be, passed as read. Upon roll cal .j thep�R ert gel i Uchtman li�Jllrt 1Narvg- �ibne.g' rried. An. Ord Hance` providing for the construct ono a n w. with sanitary house` connection sewers, and. a storm water. sewer with storm- mater house connection a�,vars., ° tog -ether with manhole•a, catch- basina, pipe connAr.,tiong catchbaeAns... to manhol ea, houar connection Y branches,:; and all appurtencnaeu_,thereto, fully completed. and in place7, i in Second: Streit between Deerfield Avenue and Oa.terman Avenue,: in the Village? of neerf ie-ld; Lake,- Gounty, Illinois,, and providing for-paying the,'coat of:,said. improvement by special, ass essment and the issuing of improvement- bonds was read. _ p, It- was roved by Trustee anci s„conded by Trust Uchtman that ee all. contrary, rulas -. be suapande-d., and .the, ordinance,. placed upon its, pa ;3 aag e.. Upon: roll,, call the_followingT, vote, was 'taken:- Yeas -- Barrett, Geary, Huhn., Seg ert Selig! and .Uchtman. Nayar None,.: Carried. It_wao•moved by Truatee Hiihn: and a.econde­dd by Trustee Uchtman,, that the, ordinance,b.e passed as read. 4.. Upon roll,. call, the, following vote w.aa taker, : - Yeas,- Barrett, G'ear.y, Huhn, ,Seg Art, Selig and Uchtman. Nays- None,. Carried. ORDINANC'; FOR WATER STUB'S IN 5. m,,OTM AVF. SOUTH PASSED. An. ordina`n6T providing 'or,i ie, cone-truati f lea7l water service- Pipes) including brass, taps,, brass atop cocka., and;, spiral cast, iron - shut -off boxers in Second Street between, Deerfield Avenue and Os termand Avenue•, in the Village of,neerfield, Lakg County, Illinois, and providing; for payi rg the coat - of said ` improvement by Special assesam°nt_and the' issuing of, improvement bonds,,was read. It was mov" by TruBteg Huhn and aeconded� by Trustee, Uchtman that all contrary rules, be, auapende -d and the,. - ordinance, place -d upon: its. Upon roll call the following vote-,, waa. taken:, Yeaea- Barrett, u:r:eary, Huhn, aeg ert, Selig,, and, Uchtman. Nays^- Nbne,. Carried. . It was moved by-Trust,ce Huhn and aeconded by Trustee,. Uchtman that the ordinance, be pasacd as, _ read. .:.Upon, roll call - the, followirg, �ao:te; was taken:-.-. Yeas.- Barrett, Geary), :Huhm; Seg art, - -Selig and Uchtman. Nays- Non6. - Carried.. ORDIN'ANCF- FOR C'FNTRAL `. SF.W7R STUBS PASSED. ordinance, pxovi i.rg or nip: cc aTruct ono tile, pips house t connection aewera in Central Avenue, between .the Union Dv inag e• Ditch and Grand Avenue , in the Village, of Deerfield, Lake,_County, Illinlia, and providing for paying the- coati of said. improvement by special assessip,ent;,and, the issuing of improvement bonds:, was, read. • .I t `+vas move-d by T-ruata s Huhn . and ae-conded'. by Truatee` Uchtman that all' contrary., rules; be-, anspended and the- ,ordinance, placed upon its pass; age;. - Upon, .,roll,,call _:the, following vote, was, taken: -. Yeaa -_ Barrett, r^ary, Huhn., Seg-ert, Selig and; Uchtman. Naya- Nbne. Curried. It was.. moved by Truate'e, Huhni and a,econded; by Truste& Uchtman' that tha ordinance be, aaae p � as; read MpaA Upon: roll. call the: following- vote was; taken:? Yeas Barrett, Geary, 117hn, Seg er t, Sehig- and Uchtmarr. Nays- None.: Carried. O'RDIN'ANr,F FOR WATTR MAIN' IN SFCON -0 AVF. SOUTH APPROVFD,. Arr ord�nanae° provi.c U _r e, cona�ruo ion -o_f a cast on water supply pipe of six inchea internal diameter along, a line, parall el with and twenty two feet Eas=terly of the 76aterly atreet line , of ; 8Acond. Street from. and properly connected with the Sbutherly terminua.' of am existingy six, inch water supply in_ Second,- Street a -.t the, :Sbuth-rly a.treet. line., of Deerf ield Avenue, to and. properly connected with, the, exia,tirky six inch water supply pips, in Oaterman:. - Avenue, An,, the. Villa, a of Ue erf iel d, Lake Cbun ty, ;Illinois., and providing for paying the, coat of aaid improvement�� by_ Special Assess meet. and, the issuing of. improvement bonds., was read. _ It was-, moved by . Trusteee, G eary and. seconded by Trustee Aarre�tt that all contrary rules be suspended and the ordinance, placed upon. its. pa a aag e,, Upon roll call the following vote urea taken:- Yeau- Bs:rrett, Geary, Huhn, aegArt, Selig and; Uchtman. Nays- Norte-. Ca=rried. It..waa moved by TruBteT Meary and, seconded by Trustee^ ftr -rett that the ordinance, be- passed as. read. Upon roll. call• the, following-. vote was taken. Yeas- Barrett, Geary, Huhn, Seg A'rt, Selig and Uchtman, Maya- None. "Carri,ed. CENTRAL S:TRFFT WATER STUB ORDINANCE PASSED'. n- or id nance- provid ng-?or t e� construct on of lead water servicel pipes, in' Central S.txeet between the, Union D'radnage, Uitch and Grand Avenua -, 7'in the `Village.of Deerfield, Lake, County, Illinois,; -and providing' for paying the coat of aaid� improvement by special- Assese -- ment and the issuing of improvement bonds, was read,. It. waa moved by Trustee Geary _and• aenan'ded. by, Trustee Rarre,tt V that .all contrary ruleu b., suspended and the ordinance- placed.4upon: its paa sage. i "C Upon roll call the foll On, ing vote w.as taken ::_ Yeaa- Aarrett, .Ge•ary, Huhm, S'egert, Selig and Uchtman.: JTaysr None. _Car rie,*d*. , . . 4 It was moved by Trustee, G eary and seconded by Trustee:. Ahrrett, that the ordinance be pass -ed as, read., b. Upon, roll call the following vote- was, taken:: Yeas Parrett; G sary, Huhn -, Seg e-rt, Se-lig and Uchtman. Naya- None,.. Carried-. G'OLTMANZ SUB'. STWFR & WATFR STURa. ORDItrANOK PASSFD'. F orrcinancm prov`ic�iiRF of . con�ruc i� oT Teem water service pipes,, storm water housir connection aew,.wra, and, sanitary..houseF. connection s.ewerrs- in portions. of Whittier Avenue; Longfellow. Avenue,, Hezmitag -e, Vrive,, Byron Court and Kipling Avenue;. in the, Village. of Deerfie -ld, Lake, County,' Illinnia,- and providing- for, .paying- the cost of aaid improvement by special assessment and:; the- issuing of improvement bonds, was, read. s It was moved, b.y Trustee` Huhn, and ae-conde-d by Truatea _-3:PZ art that all contrary rules, leer suspended an& the o rdinan ce•' pl aced, upon its, pas sag e,. ' Upon roll call the, following- vote, wa : taken: Yeam Barrett, C;eary, Huhn,, Segert, Selig and Uchtman. ' It was moved" by Truatee, Huhm and ae-cond:eci by Trustee) Begert that the ordinance b:e, passed as readi. Upon roll call they following vote was. taken:- rea.a•- ` Harr e•tt, - `i Geary, Hi;hm,: Beg ert, : Selig a:nd Uchtman. Nays- Nbrre. Carried. FIRFMENS ITILL FOR SFRVICE3. APPROVFn. A bi�liom- ie'hePsi�rld�F` re�epar�ment in the, amount of $II0.00 for aerviamwa•ren-dered fighting fires, for period frorn•A -pril, 20, 192'81 to May 6, - I928 waa presented and read. It. was moved- by Truuts-6 Huhn and aeconded by Trustee, Seg ert, that the the- bill be paid. Upon roll call the following, vote- was taken:.- Yeaa- Aarrett, t G ear y, Huhn,, Beg er t- and' eel ig . an& Uchtman. - Nays- Nbne.. :w. Carri ed . LIN'CILT PFTTIS (:'RANTED PrRMIT FOR I"' �PATTR TAP IN NORTH AVF;. T wa's moved. by . rustee- Seg fr and - secon3 sy- '`�r -u ee oe g that Mr. Lincoln Pettis ber granted permission to install` a one inch water tap; in North Avenue, mean Crali, Tree Lane,. Upon roll call the, following vote, was taken:.- Yeaa,� Barrett`, Cr-eary, Huhn, Segert,` Selig and Uchtman. Nays.- None,;- Carried. POLICF AUTHORIZEn TO PURCHAS.F UNIFORMS' & RILL TO VILLARF*.- 7- was moves yTrrwate`T- arre and seconded UT, rus ee• _jig that the, Police- be author iwed• tm purchase-, new uniforms, and have; >> same, charged to the Village of Deerfield. • • Upon roll call the' following voter was taken::- Yeas- •Rarrr:tt, Geary, Huhn, S'eg ssrt, ae>lig and. Uchtman. Naya- None, Carried. Thee following gills, were read':: Deerfield Temple, Assn. 60.00 General Fund'' Lew! A. Hendee, County Clerk 10.00 _ n The, Glenview P'resa 4&.00 Albert Larson .75 F. H. Meyer, Postmastar .60 " A. R`. Knaak 3.56 "} 72.4I Water ..:.:: .. Or 9.33 R & B Frublia Service Co. 466. e-2 (Taneral. Fund i. 2:0.50 Tat -r Fund Joyce- & Company 67.50 General Fund:.. Illinois Fe11 Telephone° Co. II.60 "• " Herman Froat 5.00 J. C. :'9illman 6050 ". Fdw. Bl eim a -111 8.00 Frank Jacobs;, Sr. 46.00 Tad a.t tCk on 24..75 m - 42.00 Mater Fund National Office Supply Co . 7.3-0 G ener4;1 Fund I Hattie Wessling 6.00 n H. ateffis, 6.00 Julia Pet arson' 6.00 Loretta Rillman Helen L. Patterson 6.00 Sylvia Hutchison 6.00. Wm. F. Pl ag g e, 6.00: Laura R. Dietz _ 6.00 J. A. Raichelt, Jr. .6.00 n Mamie, Karch 6.00 � n mertrudez W61f 6.00' Una Stang-er 6.00 `4 ,� ..0