04/02/1928TFLFPHON'F 'PAY STATION IN C. M. & - 8t.0F: R. R. TTg�ot.. Upon reconven no as a;. �3oard of Trustees - I was- moved�by Trustee G nary and seabrr.ded by Trustee Selig that the- Clerk be, instructed, to request the Illinois Bell Telephone, Co., to- ' install a Fay Station Phone in the C`. M. & St. Paul R. R=. Depot. Upon roll call :the- following vote- was, taken:- Yeas, -- Fng'atrom,, G nary, Huhn, Labahn, . Seg ert and Sel ig,. Nays- None. 11 Carried. t t SALANCra IN WARRANTS I5 & I7 TRANS. TO INT.; ON DEPOSITS: FUND. Tt waa movsis , 0 q 3`rus `ngs rom a ­5 -6—c n3 —W(T. rua ee` a ahn to transfer the balances, amounting to approximately • 00 1 of t • ire, Assessments, No. I5 and I7' to the'Interes_t on Deposits, Fund,,- the° amount being too small to rebate^ to all the- property, owners, assessed under Assessments, No. I5 and I7 Upon roll call the following vote was_ taken : - Yea's,_ °Engstrom, ., C ehry, Huhn:, Labahn, S:egart and Selig . Nays -- Nona. Carried." HENRY HOFMANN' APPOINTED ACTINn FIRr, 0HIrF It was movb y -fieary and seconedTy Trustee Huhn' to have Henry Hofmann, acts as Chief __of_ the Fire Department at, -,a stated salary of $25.00 per month. ' He� to be reapons.ible for the•carz -of the equipment. Upson roll call the• following vote waa. taken':- Yeas_- (:ear-YT Huhn, Labahrr, S'egert and Selig. Nays- Yone-. tTat.riroting- Frrgs,tro,a. Carried;.' ; It was. moved b y Trustee Geary and seconded by Trustee, Selig to adjourn. Carried. �fi1T" a I;I ark oa A . -- r April , 9u 8 . A. regular meeting of.. the President and Board of Trustees.. of the' Village, of Dee-rf ie,1 d waa called to order by the, Preaident, Jamea J. Hood at 8:00 P'. M. y Roll call:- PIreaent- Fng atrom, Zabarhrr, Y?Seg a rt and Sel ig Absent- • G ear y and Huhn.. . The minutea of the, regular meeting, held March 5, I928` were, read and approved. They minutes. of the special meeting . held March 19s, I928 were> read and approved. P ±e-aident James. J. Hood made-, the- following appointments of Judg ea and Cl erk s_ of the, Village, election• to be held April I 7) I928:. First P'reoimct } Jude es Fdw.' Faaton Julia Feteraen Chester Wessling- Clerk a lira. Patterson lira. a:. P. Hutchison lira. Alex Willman a.r:cond Frecirrct ea �Ptil . F. Pl agg e J. A. Reichelt, Jr. Mra., Laura, Dietz. C1 erk a Mamie- K a rc h bIra. Floyd Stanger Mra. Che-star Rolf It was moved by Trustee 9,el ig and seconded. by Trustee, Labahrr that than appointments be-, confirmed. Upon roll call 'the following vote, was taken:: Yeas- ,Fngstrom- Labahn, Seg art and Selig. Nays- None. Harried. P!reaident James, J. Hood appointed Mr. Paul DYeta, Mr. ,Fred Stryker and Mr. _Fre-d Meyer as. duagmmitctee to canvass th+- ,=returns df the- election to be- held April I7, IW8. It was moved by Trustee S-eg art and aaconded by Truatee, Labahrr.. that the appointments: be,confirme-d. . Upon roll call the following. vote waa takf;n :- Yeas. ratrom., Labahm,` 3 art and Sslig . Nays -, None. Carried. 395 BILL FOR FIRFMFNS SFRVIC .9 APPROVFn. A bil or -39B -- for- eervicea rendese� y members of that' .00 Fire, Department, was presented and read. It was moved by Trustee- Labahn.and aeconded by Trustee-.3.eg eit that the bill be paid. a. Upon roll call the following votevaa, taken:- Yeas- Tngstrom.. - abahm, Segert and Selig. Naya- Nbn¢. Carried. L,J1 Effi__.F11-1