03/19/1928li�, 9 be and is- hereby,instructed* to draw warrant for -OvZG.00 in favor of the-• Illinois- Municipal League, for annual membership-. dues. and au%- acriptions to the Illinois, -Municipal fiev4',avr. It '.was moved by Trustee Labahn and,seconded by Trustee- Selig that the- resolution be- adopted as read. � I. uporr roll call -the- follb-ilving vote L ab ahn., .,Seg er.t . and Sel ig . traya-, None. was 'taken:.- Yeas- Huhn, Carr i ed. WOODLANTYMATMR FLAT TVN-ATIV;1'Y- ACCFPTFT).. T_p at 6f-X`o­Bd1T—Cfa—or a proposed subdiviaion -in Se-c. 29,, Twp-. :43 N.,Ro- IZ. p,, of 3rd F. It. by. Deerfield presented Ill. present- by,Mr., Frank Russo, for approval. It was -moved Trustee Labahn and seconded by Truaiee, Selig;, that the plat be tenati'vely accepted with the,underatanding, that improve- me n t a; b(-- installed withirr two year& irroluding some,kirrd, of hard pavement. Upon roll call the following vote, was taken:'.- Y,---aB-_.Huhn, Labahn-,, Segert and Selig. Nlrys.- Tone. Carried. MR.-G. F.- -7NGSTROM RTPTAINEI) A" 001APTROLLrR. WF LaBah 'Trustee Sal ig ,It .was moved by frudYe in-. anE[ seconded 5y Tr that Mr. G. r. Trg-strom be- retained as comptroller for the ,.Village, of Deerf ield.b inning May 7, IM until the- year, ending May 192'9, at a. salary of ) 75. 00 per Month. Upon roll call the following vote, was taken:, Yeas- Huhn, Labahrr)IS.egert,,and Selig. Nays- None. Carried. 'The- following billa were read: Public Service Co. 20.50 pater Fund 464.91 r,--neral Fund Illinois Bell Tel . Co. G. 95.' North Shore Gas Co. 9.374 Stampograph., Co. of America .45 Frederick: H. Meyer., Foatmauter S.II Thilo H. Toll .12.00. Lake- Co. Lumber., Coal & K. Co The- Glenview, Press, 49.75 A. V. Knaak 2.1a., 3-1-4. 'Tat er Fund, 5.16 Road & Rridg e Fund W'*-.'&ticken 3,,00 Water Fund T 3. Zarley & Co. J0hnaon,,&,,T)ahl 2.56 'Highland -P-tirk Fuel Co. 1.50 Th ilo H.. Toll ' ;.00 - 'American Railway Fzpxess, Co. Mercer Lumber Companies: 19. 6tz Road & Rridge� Fund The, G-. H. 'Hanson Co. 10.00 (,;eo. M. Pettis: MOO C'. A. Wolf - Se-1 ig It was moved by- Trustee Lab and seconded by Trustee 'ahn that the- bills be Paid and charg e-d to their re.spectiver, funds. Upon roll call tha following vote was taken : - Yeas- Huhn, Labahrrq Beg art and Selig, It as. moved. by "rust toe - Labahn and seconded by Trus tea Huhn: to is adjourn. Carried. V 11-utz u March 9;18 A: spaicial of the P"re-aident -and Board' of Trustees of the Villagg T of Deprf i6ld,was z called to order by the, P,):e•sident, James Jr. Hood It "800"Pl. M. -Roll Call- Pre-sent- Fngatrom, Geary, Huhn., Labahn,.. Segert and Sewl ig . Absent. Nona. POOL Room P`rR4,IT TO VARN7Y & NUM AUTTiORIZFT). It was move y Trus.t e_e_7F,_-_a_iy1,_ and seconded D—YT—rustee Labahrr that a 'permit be, issued for a pool room in - the•. Zeiss, Ruilding to C. F - Varney and V. Murik, Jr. • with the understanding -that- the business b-1 conducted in a, resP*ectabl6'manheT. Upon roll call the, following vote, waa taken:-e- Y-,aa- Fngs-trOmi, Geary,, Huhn., Labahn and Beg-rt.. Nays - None-. Carried. -,, It ,3 was movd by Trustee r; --ary and se-conde-d by Trustee Labahn:. to adjourn as Board of Trustees and convener as. ;a Hoard of Local Improv,ments-0 Carried:, a