03/05/1928Will Krumbach . J. R. No tz Hardware, Co. Wirt. H. Barrett A. Vf'. Knaak J. C. Willman Illinois; Bell Tel. Co. The Highland Park Preaa Mercer Lumber Companies Standard Oil Co. Alvin W. Knaak n• n• Public Service- Co. n•• A. T. Pearson Aadg er Meter Mfg . Co. North Shore Gas Co. Neptune Meter Co. Cheater A. Wolf It was moved by that the bills be pa, Upon roll call Huhn, Labahn, 3egert It wasp, moved b1p adjourn. Carried. I5.50 C eneral Fund a.B4 " "'.. _ I.35 " m 4. 00 6. 70' 10.30 8'.00 " "• . as n e, 79 Water Fund Ia.08 Road: &-Brf'dg a Fund 45 a,.9t G"en er al Fund B8'.56 Water Fund fl.00 f,• ff 3'7..46 "' " 9..68 n .85 " "' 6I.00 Road & BVidg e, Fund Trustee, Geary and a,ecomded bj - Truat-ee-'Labahn ld and charged to their re-spective funds. the- following vote was taken : - Yeas -- Geary, and Selig . Nays -- Nbne. Carried. - Trustee Geary and seconded by Trustee Selig i� A. regular. meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village, of Deerfield was called to order by the- Fresident, 'James. J.. Hood at 8:00 7. M. Roll call :- Preaent -- Huhn,, Labahn:, Segert and Selig . Aosaat- Rngstrom, Geary. STRFFT' LIGHT AT CORNER OF OAK AVFNUF AND SUM7RSr, . ' It wasp: moved by Truatee• B:elig and seconded by' TYus3tee Huhn that a atr.ee-t light be installed" at the corner of 0'ak Avenue and Som erae-t.• _ Upon roll call the following vote was taken,- Yeaa- Huhn, Labaln -•, Segert and Selig. Nays ;- None. Carried. :- Rxtens.iorr_s of Business District reg� ected. A.. lat7er-TY`Km qtr:- France Tempe-tead, —(,'hairrnan of the Board of Appeals, to the- Village Board. advising that at a public hearing• held on Feb:. I5', 1928 said Board of Appeals. did re j e-ct a. petition: to extend the preaent buaineza district to include the- gremise-a to wit:: 'From 'a point beginningT at thee South Line, of Orchard Street, thence running North parallel: to the Fast Side of Lincoln Avenue to the South.' Line- of. Maryta Court, and running parallel to the cleat Side of Lincoln• Avenue•, from the` North 'limits of the preaent buainee.s. district, contin- uing North to Hazel Avenue -, now zoned as residential property'' also that they regected a petitiorr to extend the bTaaxnta bus.irreaa: district to indludethe• following, premises_ to--irit :: "L'ota. 57', 60, 6I and 64 in Goldmants: North Shore Subdivision, now zoned as residential property"'' was- red. It was moved by " Trustee Huhn: and seconded. by Trustee• Labahrr. that the• Board of Trustee& uphold the Board of Appeals in their f inding and that they approve and conf irm the action of said Board of Appeals, in the matter of the proposed extention of the present• buaineu& diatrict. Upon roll call the following vote was itaken, Yeaa- Huhrr, Labahrr, Seg ert' and Be-1 ig ; Nays- None. Carried. It was moved by Trustee Selig and aeconded by Trustee- Huhrr. to ddjourn' as a Board of Trustees. and convene- as a Board of Local Improvements,. C`arr_ied. ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL LFAGUF MRIBFRSHIP' RFNFWFD. After recoriven g as a hoard o1Tr`uaYFis t iF-e�oilowin' rebolution was read:: B11 IT RFSOLVFU, by the President and Board of Truatees, of the Village of, neerf ield that this Village reneir it! a membership in Illinois, Municipal League, and that the Village Clerk