01/09/1928Fr -d -rick H. Frank Jacobs Sr. A. W. Y.naak ,r Po a tmas ter Stty -n6 Malon -ty & co. MI. A. Frantz North Shore Gau Co. Tom. H. Rarrett Mu- 11 1r ^.o. A .. L . Taylor & no. C A. Wolf Oa car `Schwab. r'. H. Hanson ^o . G . W. Stick -n I09.30 r -n -rat Fund 66.00 1.42' n „ 75.68 flat. -r Fund 44.16 r tff eral Fund 3'.50 T'E.t -r Fund 4; 7'.1,2L, '* "' 'f m ,r 9.12 80.00' 2, 3'.50 Road & Arid; - Fund 11.25 84.00 , rr " 32.00 m „ It saa mov -d by Truate- Huhn and second -d by Trutt-- 8-1ig that th- bills b- paid and charg *.d to th -ir reapic.tiv funds. Upon roll call the following vot- was tak en :- Ytaa (: eary, Huhn, Labahn, as -g -rt and Selig. Naya- None. .^,arri -d. It I,vaa moved by Trust -e Huhn and s- cond -d by Tnist-!e, Selig to ad- journ as a Board of Truuteeu and convent as a Board of Local Improve menta; . Carri -d J. L. VFTT :;Rla RV SURDIVISInNi A ?PR(WFT). Aft -r r- conv�!n i g au. a F�oard of Trutt =e a plat of J. L. V -ttcrs R-- Subdivision of Lots. I to 9 incluaiv:- in Block 8, Dpt:rfield Park, Land & Improv:rn -nt Association Subdiviaion was pria,!nt -d for approval. It Was ►aov -d by TruatA- r-ary and ae- condo -d by Trutt -e Labahn that, they plat •b- approv -d as pr- stinted, Upon roll call the following vote was taken:.- Yeaa- Geary, Huhn,, Labahn, S- •rt and S-1ig . Nayaa- None. Carri -d. � 'FLMVI77 SUBDIVISION PLAT A?PROM.. A.- 'plat of Flmview''auodivi ion, of tF South of Lo t ' 2 in Th -odor? Sch- urmann' a Addition 'to n- erfi -ld in th- S. F. w, of th -. a.. 11. 4- of Sec. 2,9, T.43'T "., R..I2For the 3rd P.M. in Lak County, and in the Villag- of D-- rfield, I11., was pr- arnt, -d 'for approval. It war; moved by Trueter. Labahn and uicondtd by Trustt- C = -ary that the Tat be t•- nativ -ly aec- pted. Upon roll call the followinC vot :vas tak -n:- Y -aa- Geary, Huhn, Labahn, 3 -g -rt and Selig. Naya- None. larri ±d. It 'fflea moved by Truster.- Selig, and atcondsd by Trustee Segert to adjourn. (Ia'rried. i 11 a - . ^,1- rk . r` • . / A a-� Jan. Au regular meeting of the President and Board. of Truats -a of the, Village of Deerf ield wan called to order by the Preaident Jamea.J. Hood at 8::00 P. td. Roll call:.- P'reaent- Rhgs:trora,_ G eary, Huhn, S:eg ert and Sal ig. Absent- Labahn,. The alinutea of they regular meeting held Dec. 5, I927 w:erT read . and approved: A. brill for a.ttorney1,a; f sea, in; connection with the vacation of S.BCOnd S.treat in F7dwiW P, . Oaterman"a Sub.diviaion was pxesented� to they Board by Mra. F. F'. Osterman . It was moved by Trua.tee C eary and seconded by Truatse Seg ert that the, bill ber paid. .Upon -roll call the, following vote, was taken:r- Yeaa- Fngatrora, Geary, Huhn, aegert and Selig Naya -- None. Carried. PUBLIC-LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUST'TFS APPOINTMENTS:. k 1 e `r o-fiir . •amen: Troec , ayo r froca Wr-.-' A3il iam '9 ;. r'eary, ?'resident of the Deerfield Public: Library, Association requQating that the President and Board. of Truatee-s of the Village of T)serf ield rem appo int a new: Hoard of Directors of the Deerf ield Library Asaoc.iation wau: preuented and read. Ths� following appointments were- made by, the Ptoaident and approv- ed by the, Board. For the• tern of I year, Wm- '.Y-. Geary Kra. Frank Rusao Fir . Chaa. Kaps chull M For the term of Z year&, W. A.. Flo o de: Mra Tuxene- Ender. ElmeT M. avey