12/05/19279 It wa+s sroved by Trustee Geary and the bills be paid and chargled to their Upon roll call the following vote Labahn, Seg ert and Selig. Naya— None. It was iucved by Trustee Selig and adjourn. Carried/. il a� Cl erk seconded by Trustee Huhn that respective funds. wasi taken. Yeaa —= Geary, Huhn Carri .ed. seconded by Trustee Gary to C IJ6,c�, I927. A regular meeting, of the Prea.ident and Hoard of Truatees, of the Village of Deerf ield waa. cal led to order by the Preaident, Jamea J Hood at 8:.00 P'. M. Roll call:..— Priuent- C, eary, Huhn, Labahn, , Seg -r t and 8e1 ig Ab.aen t— 'Eno, atroin . The. minutes of the regular c:ieeting held Nov.. 7, I927 were read and approved. It was rnov °d by Trustee Labahn and seconded by Trustee Huhn that the hearing on the- naming- utr -eta in the Villa; of ne';rfield• be- tabled until Feb..6', 1927 at. 8:.00 R. M. at which tifae the Board of Trustema will rn ; -t tivith the, Plana. Coy %niisas3ion. Upon roll call the folloi7in„. vote' wa3 tak,!n:- Yeac- Teary, Huhn Labahn', Sqg ert and Selig. playa- None. ^arri ed. FLOOD LIMITS FOR SCHOOL HnUa''.. It wa75 inov =d 'oy Trus3ter' j 1 and seconded by Trusttle seg nrt that the Public S- rvice- Co. be- instructed to install two 500 watt Flood Lights at the Deerfield Grarn,nar School to burn from dusk to dawn. Upon roll call the following vote -sac tr1'en:- Y-aa— Geary;'-Huhn, Labahn, Seg ert and Selig. Naya— None. Carried. A. bill frow Rand McNally & Co. for $85..00 for the •printinz of two thouuand voucher checks, was presented and r,-!ad. It wau cuoved by Truatee Selig and s.:econded by Truatee• Huhn that the bill be paid. Upon roll call the fol1o,trirg. vote was taken : - Yeaa.— G ear y, Huhn, Labahn, Seg -rt and Selig . Ways— None. Carried. A03370'303;4711T OF ROAERT PM TTIS PROPERTY AC ^T.. 'VAR RANT ^4� REDUCED. " t waa- inov -ci sy �Tr -u� * Ffu�and secon-�1- by Trustee Laba n tHa, the as;aeas�ment on account of Warrant X43 knee:t De- rfield Pav- ing) against property belonging to Robert Pettis3 and desacrib -d as :. Am,a inning'- 665.5 ft. 71pat of the Northeaut Corner of Section 32, thenc South 95.5 ft. thence 'Neat I83*.92 ft., thence, North along center of . Grand Ave. 95.5 ft. to North line' of Section 32i,: thence Fast I83..92 f.t.. to P.O.R. in the tJ..�'. �;, N,F,.4 of Section 32, Tv;p... 43 N., Range I2 Fast of 3rd P.11. is aiae38ed in error and that said a►:s;- asr.,ent ahall be, re-- duacd from $426.60 to $3I6..47. Upon roll call the following vote 'vas taken:— Yeaa— Geary, Hahn, Labahn, 3egert and Selig. tlayra- None.Carri -d. A bill from Alvin "t. Knaak in the amount of �-;i 99. I I for collection fe-ta acct.. special aaraessaiatnts for Month of Novniber 1927 was i)r- aented and read. It waa moved by Truute;- Selig and u,!conded by Trust° Labahn that • the bill be paid. Upon roll call the following vote wars taken:- Y-aa— ( - -ary, 11uhn, Labahn) Se�,f, -rt and Selig. hays— None. Carried. BOXIT', Ar)UT3 AIITHORIZFD. A 1 et t °r I rOr, tie Asp -r i can Legion r equ -sting that the Vill ag Board authorize- the holding. of boxing bouts in the Village of nierf i!ld; wa3 read. it was moved by Truate.i Labahn and aiconded by Trust: e 3 -g -rt that the Alserican L e; ion be. authori2ed to carry on boxing bouta in the Village of Deerfield. Upon roll call the following vote viaa taken::— Yeas3— Geary, *Huhn, Labahn, Seg, ert and Selig. ]Jaya -- None.. Carried. The f ollol.v ing bills ;ver e read:: u-rvic CO. 63.90 Wat -r Fund Public n rr 10.72 Gen -ral Fund T. J. Knaak A. J. riider 32.40 m "' J . n. Stryk -r 35 ..0 0 n n • Illinoisa Bell Tel. Co. 9• � Lake Co . Lbr . "oal Co . I9.51 The GI erivi env Pra'as3 75.35 •, lair" ni .1- 1I1L.'Ine lnr '.e1..I'011011....Ur . .. •en'1l010 No