07/02/1945ril vj Erg 247 July 21 1945. A special meeting of the President and the Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by the President Robert S. Alexander at 8 P. M. for the purpose of discussing the purchase of certain properties for municipal purposes. Roll call— Present— Trustee Bradt, Cazel, Mercurio, Scott, Stanger and Tennis. Absent— None. Trustee Mercurio made a motion that the following resolution be passed as read. Motion seconded by Trustee Oazel. Roll call resulted as follows. Yeas— Trustee Bradt, Cazel, ' Mercurio, Scott,__Stangerw and Tennis. Nays -_ None. Motion carried. RESOLU'PION . _ • 1 '511EREAS,'the,.V311age,,'of Deerfield maintains a separate fund n which is deposited income received'by.theYMunioipality from it's system of Water works, and from the payment and, colleotion of water rents and changes, -and' from which fund are ,`paid , the - operating expenaes .of, said grater works' systea; -. AND WHEREAS there is ' in saaid fund a surplus representing,,' a profit. Zrom the . operation Of-the water works syatomot the . Villago of Deerfiolds ktD rmEREAS the - President; and the Board of . Truste is of- the Village. of Deerfield have taken action to purchase a certain promises described, as follows; y That part of the :North beet . quarter of the North` East 4 quarter, Section* 33 ` ,Township 43 North,,: Range 12' ' East of the Third Principal. Meridian, ia�ke. County,_ Illinois, `.described by aomcisencing Mt , an old cross .on the ' concrote s - pavement at the'North :hest corner of said quarter quarter E- see tion,---being.,in' the - center -line' of Deerfield-'Road; thence South "along, the test line of said quarter quarter s section`23•`.feet to a•.link wirelbnce; thence East parallel = with. the, center lineal of Road and along said .,Deerfield' :- link wire fence:',43 feet; thence. South parallel with, ,. the West line of said quarter quarter section 329 feety ._ . thence East parallel with.the center line of•:.Deerfield Road 65 feet; - thence 'South parallel Frith. the 'CYeat line of said quarter quarter' seotion 15 .feet; . thonoe ;East , parallel with ;the center line of Deerfield Road 8 feet ;" thence South parallel with the lest line of said quarter, •'quarter section ,22 feet; thence 'East parallel with the center line of Deerfield Road 50 feet ;;.thence Vortheast" erly 39,feet to* d' point located 150 fact;Eaet'- parallel ; Frith the " center- line ' of Deerfield Road and South ` 339 ' feet parallel with. :the test; line of' said quarter .quarter section from the.. place of beginning; ,thenco` Borth parallel' with the w6st, line, of, said quarter :quarter section.339 feet to said -link wire fenoe; thence West parallel with the center.11ne .of Deerfield Road and along - said 'link wire' feet to`'t2ie place of beginn3aa; for a- Qity .lull or Municipal Building;:".k. 'pay AUD WHEREAS it is desired to for the acquit'ition of said' premises ,out .of said surplus monies In-said water, fund; NOT THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVLD: by the 'President and the Board' of Trustees of. the Village of Deerfield.that use ,of said , 248 t ` water:;fund surplus e amount of to . h be alloied and said sum bo. applied to the'purahase and improve= a�ez�t og P said, premises for a City Dall by the Village . of De' erfield. PASSED Ix, 2�ETIl � ASSEMBLED this a7'. of i A.Dt1945. J AXE3 t 11AYS. APPROVED thin dap or A.D..1945. �I j r, s dent of -t o lags of 1 Deerfield,!i Lake Count pt Illinois ATTEwTs Vt1lage Glo r y= It was moved by Trustee Cazel and seconded by Trustee Scott' that the following resolution be passed. RESOLVED that the purchase of,the following described real estate: That part of the North West quarter of the 'North East quarter, Section 33, Township 43 North, Range 12, East of the Third Principal Meridian, Lake County, Illinois, described by com- mencing at an old cross on the concrete pavement at the North - Wrest corner of said quarter quarter section, being in the center line of Deerfield Road ; - thence South along the Wrest line of said quarter quarter section 23 feet to a link wire fence; thence East parallel with the center line of Deerfield - Road and along said link wire fence 43 feet; thence South' -, parallel with the Wiest line of said quarter quarter section 329 feet; thence East parallel with the center line of Deer - field Road 65 feet; thence South parallel with the West line of said quarter quarter section 15 feet* thence East parallel with the center line of Deerfield Road 15 feet; thence South parallel with the West line of said quarter quarter section 22 feet; thence East parallel with the center line of.Deerfield Road 50 feet; thence Northeasterly 39, feet to a point located 150 feet East parallel with the center line of Deerfield Road and: South 339 feet parallel with the Wrest line of said quarter quarter section from the place of beginning; thence North parallel with the Wrest line of said quarter quarter section 339 feet to said- link wire fence; thence Wrest parallel" with the center line of Deerfield Road and along said link wire fence 150 feet to 'the _ place of beginning; for the sum of Ten Thousand and no /100ths Dollars ($10,000.00)-in cash and that the contract as submitted for the purchase of the same; and the acts and doings of the President and Board of Trustees of _the Village of Deerfield in.connection with the purchase of the above described real estate be and the same are hereby approved, confirmed, , and ratified. BE IT FURTHER' RESOLVED, that Robert S. Alexander, a President of the Board of Trustees'of the Village of Deerfield, Lake'County, Illinois,.z 249 and,Ohester I. 'Wessling, as Clerk of said Village, be and they are hereby authorized, emporered, and directed on behalf of the said Village to execute the contract of purchase and any other necessary documents in connection with said purchase, and to take such other and further steps that may be necessary to effectuate the purchase of the above described real estate. Trustee Bradt made a motion to table the resolution and this was seconded by Trustee Stanger. Roll call. Yeas- Trustee'Bradt and Stanger. Nays— Trustee Cazel, Mercurio, Scott and Tennis. Motion lost. *, Roll call on the original mots, N resulted as follows. Yeas— Trustee Cazel, Mercurio , and -:$aott:F ays— Trustee Bradt, Stanger and T r ' Te is . T le— a2he Mo ri Moved, seconded and carried 04 Village Cler Hoard. N i. ILI i II i � • ,YY1I \ \�`UJI jr� IL e