11/14/194422 ) a November 14, 1944. The regular meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by the President Victor E: Carlson at 8 P. X: The following truetees responded to the roll call; Benz, Cazel, Scott and Stanger. Absent- Trustee Mercurio and Tennis. The minutes of our regular meeting held October 10, 1944 and of the special meeting held October 16, 1944 were read and approved. The following bills were read and a motion made by Trustee Stanger and seconded by Trustee uazel that these bills be paid, if, as, and when funds, are available. LW Roll call resu3ted as follows. Yeas- Trustee Benz, Cazel, Scott and Stanger. Neys- None. Motion carried. Mid- Continent Petroleum Corporation ------------ $ 35.66 - Highland Park News---------------------- - - - - -- - 2.50 M.F.T.Fund. Mercer Lumber Co .------------------------ -- - - -- 43.01 Oooksy Oil Cc -------------------------------- 74.23 Horder's, Inc.--------------------------- - - - - -- 3.57 Frost's Radio and Electric Appliance----- - - - - -- 5.66 Deerfield•Garage and Service Station------ - - - - -- 6.67 Dominick Sherony Hardware ---------------------- 3.75 Singer Printing and Publishing Co.------- - - - - -- 17.50 , Peter Baker & Son Co.----------------- --- -- -- -- 18.00 M.F.T.Fund Consumers Co.---------------------------- - - - - -- 27.73 2.24 Reiland & Bree ----------------------------- ---- - ' 3.86 - ---------------- - - - - -- S� aukegan,0i1 Co.-- - - - -- - 26.93 Purnell & Wilson------------------- ----- - - - - -- - 12.00 Fred Horenberger------ - - - - -- ------------ - - - -- 96. 00 William Behnke--------------------------- - - - - -- 53.73 Reliable Garage--------------------------- -----' 10.60 Illinois -Bell Telephone Co.----- -------------- ,_ -- 9.30 Illinois -Bell Telephone Co.-- - - - - - - - - - -- -- - -- 170.61 _ Public Service Co -------------=-- ------ ---- --" 64.63 Moore, Case, Lyman & Hubbard-------- - - ---- - --- • 10. F5 _ ` Lighting Products, Ina -------=--- - - --�- - 12.87 George J. Mayer Co.---------------------- - - - -- 6 Robert Herrmann- - ----------------------- - - - - -- .00 The report of the Auditing Committee on the review of Auditor Albert L. Roderick's report for the fiscal year ending April 2,0, 1944 was read and a motion made by Trustee Benz and duly seconded by Trustee Stanger that the report -of the Auditing Committee be tabled for action at the next regular meeting. Yeas- Trustee Upon roll call the following vote was taken. Benz, Cazel, Scott and Stanger. Nays - None. Motion.carried. Moved by Trustee Cazel and seconded by Trustee Scott that Water Superintendent Johnston be authorized to purchase two-- - manhole covers and also a root cutter. Hotion unanimously carried. Those voting "Aye" being. ` Trustee Benz, Cazel, Scott and Stanger. Those voting "Nay" being None. Trustees "Benz made a motion that we equipfthe tDi Diamond T and the Iaternat. al.Trucks with suitable of pulling.trai er pump toand from fires with the definite under - standing that the Deerfield- Bannockburn Fire Protection District assume all liability in case of accident while using either truck in this capacity. This motion was'seconded by Trustee Scott. Roll`call resulted as follows. Yeas- Trustee Benz, Cazel, Scott and Stanger. Nays- None. Motion_ carried. It was moved by Trustee Scott and seconded by Trustee Stanger that the report as submitted by Police Magistrate Hunt showing $73.00 in fined collected during the month of October, 1944, be received.- Upon roll 'call the following vote was taken. Yeas All. Nays None. Motion. carried. �4 i 223 A motion was made by Trustee Benz and seconded by..Trustee Stanger that the following resolution be passed as read and on z_ roll call the following affirmative votes were taken; Trustee Benz, Cazel, Scott and Stanger. Negative votes- None. Uotion �r carried. RESOLIITZOa MIEREAS, certain installm.e3nts, of certain special assess- ments which have been levied against the following described properties are unpaid ;. UNIMPROVED PROPERTIES Robert Uau Lot. 30 in Block S,; Deerfield Park Land and Improvement Association. Total principal delinquent - - - - .. - - ;183.70 4 James ofConnor Lot 15, Owneres Subdivision, Deerfield Total principal delinquent 217.90 J. C. walfe and 9 Hazel Gannon That part of Lot 1 in Block 2 of the original town of Deerfield described uy commencing 100 feet rest of the S.I. corner of said lotf thence Borth parallel with the East line of said lot 100 foet,• thence west 25 feats ' thenco South to the South line of said,. 61 lot; thence Last along the South line of said lot 45,J feet to the place- oY..J beginning, � Deerfield. Total principal.delinquent AND WLTREAS the President and the Trus tees of the. ,Village of Deerfield are willing that proceedings be' instituted. for the foreclosure of the lien of the unpaid `installmenta of the aforesaid. ' apeeial assessments leviod }against the above described. property; BE, AM IT IS HTMEBY RMOLVED. by the, Trustees of . the Village of Deerfield that Ervin Seago,­as attorney for the Village be and'he is hereby authorized.and,direeted ; to institute proceed- . ings on behalf of -Vie., Village of Deerfield for .the foreclosure of .j the _ lien of Special- assessments against the above deaeribad property;' BE, A:r'D , IT IS ITEREB'Y, sFURTIMR RESOLVED that Erwin -, Seago,' as attorney for that Village of 1';earfiald be -and . he is hereby author- ized to institute said by the filing- a 4 A, �- proceedings of Complaint on behalf of the Village far , tho foreclosure of the lien of special assessments levied against the above de,soribed .property, , all in accordance with the statutes of ' the state of Illinois' in such case r rti tt .f c r:'u �� ..r:i BUT. ` i�s a' a ",A '.t'.;�� ,..:ci. t nod© and "pr4v ded: 'lnu L > BE* AID IT IS MEREDY FURTMM RESOLVED that the fore - Going is on the condition 'that- the Villaga of Deerfield shall be held.harmleus from and shall not be required to pay any costs, foes. ,or charges in connection with such foreclosure proceedings. � 3 PA.SED III tiL_TI216 ASSEMBLED this day of CDR 13P�✓z� / AYES: J a o T T �"' sT N� �� ?LAYS : /IV 01VL= f}l3SG NT�r %~/�!/STfE Ile 1- C U R/.a 44 TC/VNIS•; APPROVED THIS /14d day of A. D• , lfl4�i • res on uee.o D©erfield, Cook County, Illinois i '.ATT.STis r •� liaga, Clerk Trustee Benz made a motion which.was seconded by Trustee Stanger that Trustee Cazel and his committee confer with Village Attorney Seago for the purpose of drafting a letter to all property owners whose sidewalks jeopardize the welfare of the community. Roll call resulted as follows. Yeas- Trustee Benz, Cazel, Scott and Stanger. Naya- None. Motion carried. A motion was made by Trustee Benz and seconded by Trustee Cazel that the resolution to secure the dismissal or.vacation of Special Assessment Dockets No. 62, 63, 67 and 79, be passed subject to the assurance by Seago, Bradley and Vetter that there will be no coat to the Village of Deerfield. Uotion unanimously carried. Those voting "Aye" being Trustee Benz, Cazel, Scott and Stanger. Those voting "Nay" being None. a 11r.-SOLUTION ItEAS, on 11ay 2J, 1928 asseaements.'rolls were filed' y y, Illinois ` in connection' with"'. in the County .Court of- Lake'Count the following contemplated Deerfield gpocial assessments: Special - ADsenament, Docket 11o. fit, for watermaina In Second Street and other .atreots, Roll filed May, 29# 192130 not yct' confirmed, payable in E3 install- ments, unpaid of r000rd. t special assaoament, -Docket n. o. 63, for douse water services in *Zoccnd Street and other atroeta, Roll f filed ;Iay, 20 lot �ccnfirmed,`Apayable In 4 Inatallmenta.. unpaid of record. 225 Spacial. l►nsessment, ; 7ockot lfo. , F7, • for sanitary and s ,. storm ,pater severs with house services in-,Seeond Street,` ` Roll filed nay;.,29, 1928, not yet,. confirmed f.. 'payable in .10 installments, unpaid of records AUD MIEREAS, on October . 29, 1029 'the following. contem- plated special assessment ivas. ,,confirmed in.,the 'County Court . of Lake County, Illinois: Special Asseesnent$ Warrant No. 79 for paving`Second Street (between. dstorman Avenue and :Deerfield' Avenue) 1 confirmed October.. 29 .1929, payable in 10 , install -`. merts, unpaid_ of record;, AND XMREA3, the contemplated improvements for: the pay-. ment of which the above• special assessments were to be 'imposed and collected Were, neveb commenced, and nothing is nor, or hereafter, can - - become, duo thereon; and ' & H:REA3, the abovo'four contemplated'special assessments constitute a cloud upozi the title to a11. of the. properties. montioned in the assessment rolls and the order of confirmation entered therein,• and F. 1 REAs,, it is no, longer contemplated that these ,improve - ments be made and no reason exists for the above mentioned,four con. templated special assessments to remain pending in the'Couinty,Court of Lake County, Illinois, and; , -MIEREAg, the' Village of Deerfield should .take steps to dis- miss,and vacate,said four contemplated special assessments to the end that the clouds upon the title to the properties against which said s :'special assessments Caere to W imposed may ":be, removed; � THEREFORE, be and it is hereby resolved by. -the; Trustees' of the Village off`, Deerfield that geago,Bradley h Vetter, a's attorneys for the Village of Deerfield bo' and they are hereby, authorized and directed to take such steps andY institute such procoedirigs 'in-the County Court of :Lake ,County, Illinois or elsewhere, as may be : neces- sary to secure , the`dismi.nsal or vacation of the, four contemplate$ Special 'asessamenta above mentioned.