06/13/1944202 June 13, 1944. A regular meeting of the President and the�Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield,,vas called to order by the President Victor E.-Carlson at '8 P. M '- Roll-call- Present- Trustee Benz, Cazel,- Mercurio' and Stanger. • Absent .Trustee Scott and Tennis.. special The minutes of the /meeting held-May 2, 1944 and the regular meeting held May 9, 1944 were read and approved. The President Victor E. Carlson appointed the following to serve as a committee to make a-eheck -up pf our lighting system; oil Trustees Cazel, Benz, Stanger and Mercurio. It was moved by Trustee Cazel and deco ded�bg Trustee Stanger that the application and resolui"i& n'"Ybr`"^the repair of our lighting system at a point 72 feet west of the center line of Rosemary Terrace in Deerfield�Road and also at-a point 90 feet east of the center line of Waukegan Road in Deerfield Road be adopted. Roll call resulted as follows. Yeas- Trustee Benz, Cazel, Mercurio and'Stanger. Nays - None. Motion carried. n A motion was made by Trustee Cazel that the report as sub - mitted by Police Magistrate Hunt showing $20.00 in fines collected during the month of May., 1944 be received. Upon roll call the following vote was taken. Yeaa - All. Nays- None. Motion carried. Trustee Benz that the Annual Appropriation Ordinance for the Fiscal Year beginning May 1, 1944xand ending April 30, 1945 be passed as read. Motion unanimously carried. Those voting "Aye" being Trustee Benz, Cazel,' Mercurio and Stanger. Those voting "Nay" E being None. i Trustee Benz made a motion that Cater Superintendent Johnston be authorized to proceed with the necessary repairs on sewer .line and septic tank on the East'Side Sewerage System. This motion was seconded by Trustee Mercurio. �! Motion unanimously carried. Those voting "Aye" being Trustee Benz, Oazel, Mercurio and Stanger. Those voting "Nay" being None. i` The following bills were read and a motion made by Trustee Stanger and seconded by-Trustee Benz that these bills be paid if, as and when funds are available. Roll call resulted as follows. Yeas - Trustee Benz, Cazel, Mercurio and Stanger, Nays- None,. Motion carried. The Urban Press 16.50 John � McLachlan-- 3.00 Meroer Lumber Oo ------- - .. ------- -------------- 21.79 M. A..Frantz -- - -- ------ --------------- __ - - - --- 13.25 Frostfg.:Radio and Electric Appliance----- - - - - -- 5.73 Reliable Garage- - - - - -- ----------------- --- - -- _ 78.90 Herman Hertel---------------------------- - - ---- 7.50 City of Highland Park-------------------- - - - - -- 2126.70 National Brick Co*­-- 8100 Addressograph Salea Agency---------------- - - ---- 1.10 McMaster, Carr Supply Oo.----------------------- .3.76 A Deerfield Tailors------------------------ - - - - -- 46.92 Zion Printing and Office Supply---------- -- - --- 6.56 S. G. Adams & Oo .-------- --- ------ ------------ 3.74 Dr. F. B. Erwin Animal Hospital---------- - - - - -- 6.00 Consumers Co.-------- --- - -- - -------- -- ---- 45.79 Purnell & Cilson ,Inc ---- -- ---- ------------ - - ---- 8.68 Dominick Sherony Hardware -------------------- 4.00 Mid- Continent Pet. Cop,».-- _�____ --------- - - ---- 4.62 Illinois -Bell Telephone Co-------------------- 20.85 Public Service 167.85 George 8tieken------ ------------------- --- -__�. 187 13 . Sam Rookenbach ______-- NM___--- .__�w_�___ -___ 44.25 A motion was made by Trustee Stanger and seconded by Trustee Benz that the Annual Appropriation Ordinance for the Fiscal Year beginning May 1, 1944xand ending April 30, 1945 be passed as read. Motion unanimously carried. Those voting "Aye" being Trustee Benz, Cazel,' Mercurio and Stanger. Those voting "Nay" E being None. i !+i Mp t�r'nC r,..t�i� L...1l+ Y{ iul' �� i.'N ILL A i�`• y�.►: ve.6 a�9 y* %�,t►�.Y /w.M L'�ril��T�1 �ji,J'{iyl� i�6 #b /A . \� ��� •6� J / /A•p�ia s .�� I.I.L 111110b, ie.4i1'1 aJ .;.It. IWii i :i fi.N At f.1 rir i,,.. a`l*.iC 6L �.�,M° All lid #� A I? I' cj:, 'v; .'Di by t3..e ',�realdent aana Board of , Trustaaa ' of the `jillaga or, Loortiold, Lake k1ount7,, xllinoi,a; i t t he rollovine sums of, money are doemed noa 4 canary :.o do ra; all nucesssary ox.,cnaas and li�ahilitioa of the villa a. of D en rrield ,tor tho rizeal 7car Lot;1rning 117a ' It IN.4 and ond:ua April 34, IV4,5, ac1:r-- "�-- -- for tho objocts ara"'i purposer. herein spaoiriedo vita _\\ � ! s)i'or1i1to.�l� � N3 j A• oaut+ a �oal�riuu •• f sidat,t and Truua oas 2 ' :ilLo%hc clerk ;500.00 S - V1116Z- Treasurer vaU.C3U 5 - V1l1u%, —C , Comptroller I3• Lagsal 93P011008 - 4 , f3.�r • �. - Corpor_ +to oo1anael fees 'gib 01001 .0 � 2C- �,exer+ la�r�I uxtitise t l2' "' A dit UJ./.g - �:� lei -- office oquipm4 ent la i'ri, M ». rd jsL: lic ti ns 760,00 ,00 16 Inturance 17, - olcs hono and t l+ , 100-00 q, 1-3 contin-gout 200 0 00 Ether V.tpeznzet1 0150100 . F welt . *'. 42 izt e iK:t - a1v :Ja. :P r+, `?�� .. �;�acS.t32. `.:alla,r.��t3' -► ��caial . . � ' ;arts iiYti -VW 204 AMOUNT Gib , 2b - Repairs to eewern and septic 2 *000,00 G t( 1t fiNr► of t n Hass }` • . 4 t TOTAL TarAL 10� 335.00 r� t,I 1;* *PATlVrR1T 110:10 z -F, 1 - Vi lluger marshall w 2, 4U0.00 2 - 111sht zararall 10000.00 , Lmurganoy police 000.00 'TOTAL 4 9000.00 Be' Lquip :unt,matc:rialas and cupplien • Insuranat 150.00 1 3 - elophono and tulegrapb 11Q�00 0 •- Gasoline uzid' oil 500.00 7 -► rurchana or now police car 1,0.:0.00 f3 • IYapalra to poliao equipment b00.00 6 .. Coz�tlzziazzt . xCxAL 100.00 2,010.00 ;r .. CTAL P0TilCF. btI*AnT- M - � . • y ,fir t Y 61y ;. 1. 1 - k'ay=ent aP c.aturing bonds 2 000.00 Intare:at on'bonds ''Q2AL 4,0 1139 075, T MITI 11 1,171D O. E. '30 - Curro t- ornzzu ntal '.1ighta 3,500,Q0 31 - Currant- trarrle'.11ghtu 250.00 _ 34 -► Xnutallation and- =airtesr/anco of ; (a j Street . antl ral2er;� lit klta 300. a0 € (b) ornancntal lig4to 10030.00 (o) re��i'Iio<<yy 13,jata . , ,1 ©C}.it}�;y y * + } s.....++.+.+r. n..... cs.. .e..vw.a"•`°.•4.�wnwew'..r... :a larie a and vagos ;r 250.00 3t3 » 1 „gc:ip +ant, matari,alu, and 1 - aupplion ;_'L0.00 TO TA L L004. t)o i i : a 20 A'4' TNT O 3 I-IV r(11 A G' IfZ 7t i3:xPet, T°411"D ANI :Zin ; "i►:r11K .r. 1 - Tabor 452000.00 2 - !;ateriala 200v00.00 I:;nginearItc., nervioeea 50000, 00 • . _ • L*Val morviaeta b *000.00 k t TOTAL 3VN4RTi 1,13P057', L r' G.F. 40 .. TOTAL G*,YlIIl:flAla'iiOR?ORATE FU14Y/ 101PRIATMN!) - 1049073.7:1 1 z ROAD r Axil: I FtII.0 � f u"D Y ... 1 - Labor for atroets, ropialra 2,100.04 a 2 - vatorials for atreat` repairs 000.00 3 - , Inauranoo can equipment -` 100000 ` 4 ,13 - ,ront for eq,uipmont - Itwpaira to equipmant 300.00, 250000 f 0 - CantinGent 200.00 VAT ri LT PAr',°r!r., T 1,LIIL «.b ". 1 - Purchase of water 170000.00' ' 2 - Salary of water superintandent, 20,400.100 3 Lator inatnaslalr�aaeti, on, maint- ' and retpa rs 1000,00 '4 — Labor for repairing of hydrants r water ;pipe. loalza 2,t100.t1U 6 - Tapping Cateri.als and, expense 200,00' o .- Iiapairs to cquipmcent 600.00 ` 7 - Purchase of now, equipment 0 - 3alur7 of water 'oollcotor 720,00 0 �- hunt of Villago ixull 376.00 10 - Auditing and offioe expense 35000 11 Gasoline and oil — equipment 76.00 I 12 - Loatit %prat . NT MOTOR -TJFL 7"A:X MID . {' ♦ w R 1 — Labor • 4$000.00 2 - Naterlal s T TAu xdGl'G OF "t: TA ;e o ,om 00 Pon Y' u i:'.ITA8E, C: p ,0.71 Zractor For snow removal authorised under Section 0064%, Chapter C4. Illinois Revined Statutes 134:3 SV, * ARY 3F' APpP0PnTA 3 TOO? 3 ....�.....�......� 0000.. Gonor a1 Pund Administration expense, 'Police department fund Bonds and interest fund Street lighting fund Flay ;rounds and recreation Uvoragc deposal fund Contin6ent 3Ai. C :M ►rtAh I�tfi+ Iload and vridge Fund ester dopurtment fund !rotor fueal tax fund Purchaso of Zno•:: Plow Suction 6JO A 1,000.00 10,325.00 7,410.00 4, X86.75 8,140.00 500.00 75, 000.00 1,~00.00 v 1049073.75 30630.00. 200220.00 0 030000 1,000.00 1�3,�23."l5 7 10'Z ,` TkIat any 3= of cncy hcretforc approp toted and not herotufaro expanded, and now In tho rx"re asury of the �dilla�5ro, or 1 that may horaufter come Into th© Treasury of tho Village, is hereby appropriated b;f thin .ordinance.,' . w 42)ECTM 31 Viet all unexpanded balanced of any item or Stars o: any appropriations, mado by thxe ordinance may be Oxpondod in mAking u 4 any insuf4ficienay in any .tem or Items in this appropriutian. . !JYC IG71 4; That ull ordinanuea or parts of ordinancos incon -. niatant horawitb, be, and tho nac� c are her a b f repcaled. 3 WRC IM; 5s That this ordinance ohall be in full forco urd arfec3t from and after its pacaa , a,.�iroval9anci­ U- blina'ticn accord- .. - i ._,, ink; - t o lair. w . Fh3 Ali to is / 3 day of , A.D. 1944 0,00,0. 0000._. °.nM0'1 :Ta thia day of r c ;:aunty, Illinois, � T-A IL: D and pIit� th�.a day o 19►4 _ Y111UGQ 0 erx