10/13/1942164 Roll call resulted as follows. Yeas- Trustee Benz, Cazel, Mercurio, Scott and Stanger. Nays- None. Motion carried. A motion was made by Trustee Benz and seconded.by Trustee Mercurio that John Huhn be notified to repair or remove the barn located at 1111 Deerfield Road which has been condemned as unsafe. Upon roll call the following vote was taken. Yeas- Trustee . Benz, Cazel, PIercurio, Scott and Stanger. Nays- None. 11otion carried. Motion made by Trustee Cazel and seconded by Trustee Mercurio that the salary of Chester "lessling as Village Clerk and Collector be increased from ^118 to X143.75 per month, the same to take effect as of July 1, l 2. Potion unanimously carried. Those vo g ",dye" being Trustee Benz, Cazel, Mercurio, Scott and Stange Tho voting; "Nay" j. being None. Village Clerk. P esident Eoard. October 13, 1942. The recular meeting of the President and. the Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by the President Victor E. Carlson a, 7:30 r^. " � L_ —.Ale � Roll call- Present — Trustee Benz, Cazel, irercurio, Scott and Stanger. Absent- Trustee Crush. v . j,.Platt, representing the Syly in Gun and Rod Club requested permission and..this was granted, to explain why he believes that the Board should rescind the action taken at the July 14th meeting whereby the perr:.it granted them to operate a rifle range in the llational Brick. Co. clay hole on County Line Road had been cancelled. The President Victor E. Carlson appointed Tr�ytees Benz and Cazel as a Committee of Two to meet with Sr 020 A- Platt on Sunday afternoon, October 18th in order to make5a further check j up and then report back to the Board at their next meeting. ' The following bills having been read by the Chair-man,of the Finance Cor.nittbe, Trustee Stanger, it wa3 regularly :roved by Trustee Stanger a.nd duly seconded by Trustee Cazel that the bill of Frederick. H. Meyer be tabled and that the balance of the bills be approved for payrYent on receipt of the proper funds. w "otion unanimously carried. Those voting flAyelf being Trustee Benz, Cazel, 1"ercurio, Scott and Stanger. Those voting , "Nay" being None. Swigar�Paper Co.----------------- $57.60 Zion Office Supply Co. - - - - - - - - - - - - 5.32 HiC land Park Fuel Co. -- - - - - - - - - - 44.28 Perfection LeEa1 Blank Co. - --- - - - - - - - - 1.61 J. R. T-TotzHardware Co. - - - - - - - - - - - - 3.50 .ercer Lumber Co.- -- - -- - - - '- - - - - - - - .67 Deerfield State Bank - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . 2.40 American Decalcomania, Co.- - - - - - - - - - - 66.50 Illinois -Pell Telephone Co.- - - - - -- - - - - 35.00 .:'Frost's Radio & Electric Appliances- - - - - - - 11.43 Cooksy Oil Co. - -- -- - - - - - - - 83.00. Concumarc Co. - - - = - - - - - - - - - - - - 5.45 Purnell & 'Wilson, Inc. - - - - - - - - - .- -35.35 Moore, Case, lyraan & Hubbard - - - - - - - - 27.01 . Reliable Garage - -- - - - -- - -- -- - - - - - - 28.08 Public Service Co. - - - - - - 213.¢9"` Fred Horenberger - - -- - - -- - - - - - - 17 0. 62 Forrest Pasley - -- - - - - - - --- - 2.25'n ,Herman Hertel- - - - --- - - - .- - Kathryn James- - - -- - -- - -- - - - - --- 27.60r, ailliam.H. Barrett - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - 201 George Stic%en,Sr- - - - - - - - - - - - -- 262.75 t� L-1111 I U-M 21 165- A motion was made by Trustee Stanger to continue The Deerfield State Bank of Deerfield, Illiiioic and the First :rational Banik of Chicosr as the depositories for the funds of Charles J. Turner as Treasurer of the Village of Deerfield, Ill. This motion was seconded by. Trustee '.�ercurio. Upon roll call the followinL- vote was taken. Yeas- Trustee Benz, Cazel, Mercurio, Scott tind Stanger. Clays -. 111one. Lotion carried. 11oved by Trustee Cazel and seconded by Trustee Stanger that an invitation be extended to the Student Council of the Deerfield Grammar School to attend the next regular meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield with the privilege of presenting any problems in which they may be interested. Roll call resulted as follows.- Yeas- All. Nays-None. Potion carried. Trustee Cazel, Chairman of the Road and Bridge Com-itittee reported that.James Ycllilfald, Road Commissioner of West Deerfield Township ha.r, ar,reed to grade the- unpaved portions of ITorth, Hazel and Central Avenues. • A motion wwas rrj3de by Trustee Scott a d duly .seconded by Trustee Cazel thvt the report of Police :Lagistrate Hunt showing $31.00 in fines col ' lected during the month of August and :$'16.00 during the month of September be received. I --t following vote was taken. Yeas Trustee Upon roll call he .4 Benz, .Cazel, 1rercurio •Scott--and Stanger. hays- hone. , ;lotion carried. A motion. vlp.s 1-0,de by Trustee Stanger that cor.,plimentary, vehicle rlicenses be issued *durinL the duration• to active commissioned officers residing in the*Villn.Ce of Deerfield. -I!otion seconded by Trustee•Cazel. 11-o-lu-ion unanimously carried. Those voting flAyell being, Trustee Benz, Cazel, 1!ercurio, Scott and Stanger. -Those voting IT 1111ray" being, .one. 'loved by Trustee Cazel oral seconded by Trustee Scott that the lease as read. between the Trustees of the property of the U. _I% St. P. & P. R. R. Co. and the VillaL.--e of Deerfield for use of property as ' described in said lease, the same to be used for the storing of junk, be accepted. 'Roll call resulted as follows. Yeas- Trustee Benz, Ctc).Zel, Mercurio. Scott and Stanger. hays- None. Motion carried-. A motionrac made --bKr Trustee Mercurio and duly seconded by Truste'e Stanger that we purchase two American flags as requested by The Deerfield Office of Civil'-an Defense and these flags are to conform in•size to our fla.0 Tole. Up on roll- -:call the following vote was taken. !Yea.s- Trustee Benz, Cazel, Scott, 1.lercuriol:,and Stanger. 17ayr, None. 1,!o t ion carried. Trustee--Stan;,,er--made a motion that the-,resolution as submitted by the Deerfield-Bannockburn-Fire Protection District, be -accepted subject to the approval-of the VilleCe Attorney. .potion; seconded by Trustee'Cazel. Roll call resulted as follows. Yeas- Trustee Benz, Cazel, Yercurio; Scott and Stanger. Kays- IT I .one. 0 n carried. seconded and carried to-vo n raved, "o 0 ' c n. • V &il 1tave 11M c r E. 'd. 'dent of -the h e�- Boar Pre e ji (L