04/18/1942146 It was moved by Trustee Stanger and seconded by Trustee Benz that these bills be paid,1when and as funds are available. Motion unanimously carried. Those voting "Aye" being Trustee Benz, Cazel, Mercurio, Scott and Stanger. Those voting "Nay" being Note. Motion by Trustee Cazel; seconded by Trustee -Benz that the Village employ Mr. E. M. West as a truck driver and laborer when and whereever needed. Roll call resulted as follows. Yeas— Trustee Benz, Cazel, Mercurio, Scott and Stanger. Nays— None. Motion carried. Moved by Trustee Mercurio and seconded by Trustee Benz that Deerfield State Bank Agreement covering•Special Assessment Bonds No. 57, be tabled. Rd Upon roll call the following vote was taken. Yeas— Trustee Benz,-Cazeli Mercurio, Scott andcStanger. Nays — None. Motion carried. It was moved by Trustee Mercurio and seconded by Trustee Benz that the Village Clerk, Chester Wessling be instructed to notify Mr. Richard M. Harvey that water service will be shut off at-his premises unless delinquent bill be paid within ten days. Motion unanimously carried. Those voting 1'Ayeil being . Trustee Benz, Cazel, Mercurio, Scott and Stanger. Those voting IfNay" being None. Motion was made by Trustee Mercurio and seconded b�: Trustee Stanger that the Chic,,igo Childrens Benefit League be given permission to hold Tag Day in Deerfield, Illinois, October 5, 1942. Motion unanimously carried. -Moved by Trustee Mercurio to adjourn. Motion carri C� Vi 1 ge Clerk. Pro tem, and secon,�epKby /t1ufiJez_,Benz April 18, 1942. �... • A special meeting of the President and the Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by the President Victor E. Carlson at 4 P. M. for the purpose of adopting an ordinance for-the Prevention of Offensive or Objectionable Atmospheric conditions in the Village of Deerfield, Illinois, and other matters which may be:brought before the Board. Present- Trustee Benz, Mercurio, Scott and Stanger. Absent Trustee Cazel-and Crush. An-ordinance for the Prevention of Offensive or Objectionable Atmospheric Conditions in the Village of Deerfield, Lake County, Illinois* was read and it was moved by Trustee Mercurio and seconded-by Trustee Benz that the ordinance be adopted as read. Roll call resulted as follows. Yeas— Trustee Benz, Mercurio, Scott and Stanger. Nays - None., Motion carried. C "SECTION 2. No premises, shall `'SECTION G Any person, firm; ' 1 t' of the AN ORDINANCE FOR THE Abe let; used, or allowed to be used or corporation v a mg any the Village of Deerfield, Illinois, provisions hereto shall fined not PREVENTION OF OFFEN- kin ($ where any such objectionable 6r' less thap Five Dollars ($5.00), nor Ii SIVE `Oft OBJECTIONABLE offensive noise, smoke, fumes, gas,' more, than One Hundred Dollars i ATMOSPHERIC 'CONDITIONS vapor, odor or dust might be ere - ($100.00) for each offense; and a IN THE VILLAGE OF DEER- ated, caused, or increased. !separate offense shall be deemed FIELD, LAKE COUNTY, ILLI- SECTION 3. Any such business' on each day during, or �_ , VIt,"TOR E.�CARLSON. --"�" NOIS. I ' _committed `or trade that might possibly be;on which such violation occurs or president of the Board of Trustees BE IT ORDAINED BY THE Fclassed as so objectionable or so'continues; provided that the pro- of the Village of Deerfield ` PRESIDENT, AND THE BOARD toffenaive shall not be permitted to visions hereof shall not preclude,' ATTEST: . on with- the ' Village of Deerfield, Illinois, C. J: TURNER t OF TRUSTEES" OF THE VII, be established or carried the approval of the President -from an other legal or r y equitable.., . Village Clerk, Pro tem. GLACE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE: out the Board of Trustees of the remedy available. Presented and read, April 18, COUNTY, ILLINOIS, THAT; SECTION -1, No business and Village of Deerfield, Illinois, first SECTION 6. This'o r d i n'a n c e -A. D., 1942. or trade shall be established or car+ had and obtained. - - f shall go into and be in L full force Passed and approved, April 18, The ' of and effect from and after pas - A., D., 1942. tied on in the Village of Deerfield, Illinois, so as'to create, cause, or SECTION 4. provisions' ,its this ordinance shall prevail over sage, approval, and publication, as, Published, April 24, A. b., 1942, increase any objectionable or offen. any of the provisions of the zoning;. is . nmvWed.-bx- lass:. = -y APPROVED: ' give noise, smoke, fumes, gas, va- ordinances, or any other ordinane- _ MILTON 0-, OLSON Corporation_ C,outpsel. pot, odor, or dust; . or that might fi ea of the Village of Deerfield, Illi - = create; cause, or increase any such Hole than are in conflict with the noise, smoke,-, gas, vapor, provisions- hereof, and " such con - o as'.,; odor, or -dust so as'.to be prejudi- . flicting provisions elsewhere in the ,ordinances" of- Deerfield, ; Illinois, ra ctc.hX aUS..AMIL !.T a X of