05/20/1941✓11.8 A motion wgs made.by Trustee Cazel and seconded by Trustee Crush thatastop� "sign be erected at Chestnut and Hazel Avenues for East bound "traffic on Hazel Avenue, one at Hazel.and Park Avenue for south bound traffic on Park Avenue, one at the same intersec- tion for north bound traffic on Park Avenue and one.at Park Ave. for west bound traffic on Hazel Avenue. Motion carried unanimously. It was moved by Trustee Crush and seconded by Trustee Stanger that the requests for the refunding of cash deposits made at the time of.granting Class D Liquor licenses be referred to the License Committee. Motion car{ °A Moved, seconded and carried to i Village Clerk May 20, 1941. A. special meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by the President Victor E. Carlson at 8;00 P. M.__with the following trustees responding to the roll call- Benz, Cazel, Mercurio, Scott and Stanger. Absent- Trustee Crush. An ordinance regulating the sale of alcoholic liquor.in the Village of Deerfield, Lake County, Illinois, was read and a motion was made by Trustee Benz and seconded by Trustee Mercurio that the last sentence in Section 5, Class C be made to read "This class of license shall be issued only for six consecutive months of the license year." Roll call resulted as follows. Yeas- All. Nays -None. Motion carried. Moved by Trustee Stanger and seconded by Trustee Cazel that the liquor ordinance be passed as corrected. Motion unanimously carried.. i Beale a at tretailgoof AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE course shall be efor alcoholie liquor containing not more SALE OF ALCOHOLIC LIQUOR IN �jiF VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, than four,percent of alcohol by weight, over the counter, and for sale at retail LA$E COUNTY, ILLINOIS. of alcoholic liquor in the original pack - BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESI- ' DENT AND THE BOARD OF TRUE- gge. Such licenses shall be one in num- ber and in the amount of $250.00. This TEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEER class of license shall be issued only for FIELD, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, six consecutive months of the license I THAT SECTION 1. This Ordinance shall be year. SECTION 6. The retail sale of alto -' holic. liquors containing not more than called and known as the ordinance reg- alcoholic liquor in four percent of alcohol by weight, over ulating the sale of the Village of Deerfield, Lake County, Illinois. the counter and for consumption on the premises, shall be in a separate build- 'SECTION 2. Unless the context other - ing, and in a separate location from the retail sale of alcoholic liquors in wise requires, the following terms used in this Ordinance shall be construed ac- the original package nad not to be con -i sumed on the premises, in the Interest! cording to the definitions following: liquor—any spirits, wine, y spirits, of public policy and morals and for the a. Alcoholic beer, ale o other liquid more better administration and enforcement, of the law pertaining thereto. i than one -half of one percent of alcohol -SECTION 7. • In the Interest of public' by volume which is fit for beverage pur- policy and morals, no retail liquor li -, poses. tense shall be granted to any firm, cor - -! b. Sale at retail —the sale for use or and not re -sale. pporation or person whose principal bus -, iness is the sale at retail of groceries consumption, c. Original package —the phrase "orig- inal means in bottle, flask, jug and /or meat products, and /or drugs,; and /or any other merchandise whereby: package" can, cask, barrel, keg, hogshead or other such license might be detrimental to, Nothing, receptacle or container whatsoever used, or capped, sealed and labeled by public policy and morals. herein contained, however, shall inter- ;corked Ahe manufacturer of alcoholic liquor, to Pere with the granting of a permit to! " contain and to convey any alcoholic liq- a drug store for the sale of alcoholic liq- - uor. SECTION S. The sale at retail of alto- uor for medicinal, mechanical, sacra mental and chemical purposes only, sub - <holic liquor containing more than four ject to forfeiture and subject to the lawni percent of alcohol by weight, except in of the State of Illinois applying thereto.) j the original package and not for con- gumption on the premises, is hereby pro- SECTION 8. Application for said It. tenses shall be made to the President in hibited, and declared to be and is lle- in the Village of Deerfield, Lake and the Board of Trustees writing with the proper signature of the appli -I gal Illinois. cant, and shall contain such information County, SECTION 4. The provisions of Section and statements as shall be required by the President and Board, in accordance i 3, herein are in accordance with the results of a referendum vote which was with the State law with reference thereto., No person or corporation shall held in said Village on April 15, 1941, the of which have been polled and be entitled to a license unless qualified results declared to be as set out in Section 3, in accordance with the State law rela- five to the same. above by the majority of votes of said Village, in accordance with the law of. SECTION 9. Each license granted hereunder shall terminate on the 30th the State of Illinois. day of April next following its issuance. SECTION 5. Licenses for the retail Any applicant for license must pay the sale of alcoholic liquor as above set out shall be and hereby are divided into the fee for the fiscal year regardless of the'. time when the license is issued, and no' following classes: refunds will be made or fee prorated. Class A— Licenses for the sale at re- All applications for licenses must be , tail of alcoholic liquors of not more in the hands of the President and hoard " than four percent by weight, over the of Trustees within ten (10) days after counter, and to be consumed on the the publication of this Ordinance, and premises. Said licenses shall be in the all applications for renewal hereunder amount of $500.00 each, and shall be not must be in the hands of said President more than one in number. License Class and Board not later than the first list) C following, however, shall be in addi- day of May of each year thereafter. tion thereto. SECTION.10. No license of any class; Class B— Licenses for the sale at re- or character shall be issued.unleas the tail of alcoholic liquors In the original applicant shall have deposited with the package and not to be consumed on the,!, premises. Said licenses shall -be in the amount of $350.00 each, and shall be not more than two in number License Class C following, however, shall be in addi- .tion, thereto_-_