08/06/194082 It was moved by Trustee Oazel, seconded by Trustee Crush, that the Liberty Oil Co. be awarded the contract. Upon roll call the following vote was taken : - Yeas :•Trustees Oazel, Cole, Crush and Pottenger. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion made, seconded, and carried to adjourn. F ,4 President of the Board August 6, 1940. A special meeting of the President and the Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by the President C. M. Willman at 8 P. M. for the purpose of adopting the Tax Levy Ordinance for the fiscal year beginning May 1, 1940 and ending April 30, 1941, to take up the matter of sidewalk damaged during the construction of SBI Route 42A, Section AP,-BR and also to pass Motor Fuel Tax resolution. Rgll call- Present- Trustee Cazel, Cole,. Crush and Schneider. Absent - Trustee Palmer and Pottenger. The Tax Levy Ordinance was read and a motion made by Trustee Cole and seconded by Trustee Crush that the,Tax.Levy Ordinance for the fiscal year beginning May 1, 1940 and ending April 30, 1941 be .passed. Upon roll call the following vote was taken. Yeas - Trustee. Oazel, Cole, Crush and Schneider. Nays- None. „Motion.carried. AN ORDItI ANCL OF LiLFiFI Ly, ILLINOIS FOR THE LL VI, , OF TAXES FOR` THE CUiiR, IT FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING IUX `115T, 1940, A1DXGT1:G APRIL ;3)TtI„ 19 ,1, Bt IT ORDAINED BY Till: PR SIJ)Z1 JT ' A!1D BOARD, 01"- TitU3TE: 3 -,OF- THE; VILT.. AZE OF I :2; Ism, LAXE COPSTY, ILLINOISs . SECTTOn l.s That the,-'rum of � 2,130.00, this..cu;a bein'9 .the total, amount of all appropriations for specia1 and corporate and purpase+s,..lc,;,+lly made, and to be colleaotud from tho tax levy of the fiscal yt iar beginning.Lay• tat, 1940 and esndinC April )0th,, 1941,- shall, bay end <the came is horaby luvled'on'all property nubjcct :tai taxation within• then Village: of Daurf1 1 as th ' maid property is aasoaaed f'cr 3ti to and County-purposes for the �currunt year, ;,IXT.101, 7: The purposes for which said levy 'id made, ', and the a= and azount levied for each Furpose respectively, are as follovz: ' GLt'LRAL FUIL 1. MCUTIVE HALAFiILi rd 83 2. WILL EXPENSL8 <' j A —.Corporate Cuuntel F et's 700000 B — Extra Legal xpenne.s - Contingent 1 400.00 OFFICE ZPM'1�3 A — nu3itin�, 500-00 D — Stutianory. anc: Supplie ,0?.JV f.• /A C — Office Lquip: ent 100.x.0 D — Printing wart Publication 750.00 x� E — Ineurance 750.00 F — Telephone and TeleEraph 100.00 G — Contingent 200.00 • w, arfY�.� ����; s 4 A -» Eloction Expanse 'B — Inter-bet on Obligations 20,040 C = rublichinc Ordinances 250.00 Curety Bond Premiuls 300.40 E — Buil.di.nC Commissioner 500700. F~ - Special. Assessment — Special Salaries. 500.00 5. WMT FOR VILUGE OFFICES 1,93.3' . Do . ............. TOUL LZVY FOR CrE LPIiAL HIND . ..:.,.... $11,e350.00 1 FIRE DEPAR"T4 ."3T YUID 1. SALARIES f A Wageo for Firumen 750.00 ZQUIPBSNT� UATLRIALS AND SOP PLIL3 A 'Wntenance of Dotor Equipment 500.120 B. --- Gazoline -,and'Oil 50 «Oa C `» Inutallation and i"aintenanco-of Firs: Alarm.Equipment lOJ.00- • D~— insuranaa a 300.00 E — Chemicals and Supplies 150.00 { ., F — Purchase 1 of fear Equipment 1 � 503.00 G — Contingent 100.00 TOTAL FIRE WIMTWIT LEVY j STRMET AND ALLEY FUID - A Labor 1,000.00 B -- Equipment and Suppliva C — Insurance 1£0.04 " • ,� : : , o ..�....: 0.00 - D — Rent .. -- F, Contingent 200.0,0 2 }].3O.vO TOTAL LX FOR STRE_. T A31) ALLEY 1U14 � . . .` LUX FOR 84 POLICE L?.TART,Ze'12 FUID ' :,°.11s� cs gar hall ?Piti+1�QJ -- Tt;I;ht Marshall. 1,400.00 C — raerCency, Saluriut� 6W.00 2. D'VIPUi 3T, i:AURIALS OUPPLIF3 A — Ircurance 90.00 +II I3 - T I phu�ro an Telvgra.ph i C —'Gas, and Oil = 5+0.00. ' B -- Repirdrs to ' B — Furc hsse of Ne�:-j I~aaull,..!7t 5 .%?'3 _ I — Con tin,Z &ant " DaXA . FOLIC. DZPARNI::: T t ,W UVY .:... • . ,. • .,.... v 5,740.00 I3G'�I,rL' I'1 �;iil'cr✓'i.:,'. ":.FU' A — ..Pnyr.Lnt of U&turing &-nds - U Intoruvt on Banded Indebtodnoss l,3'10.OJ - *rJ ♦AL L..vVY 1,010. L7JiIJJ'4i�� I *1�w 1�,.j,1�iZ.a�J l'V rIJ • • • • • • • • • i • • • • •w 2070.00 i STR!:ET LTGRTVI lx IM i L. STSEL`T ,ARIL` AT"LY`.ZIC:i25.. A — Ur,a.��ontal Lights D --- Traffic Lil h.t . 740.00' ..2M 1=1ALLAi ION A r, i iNCt A — .".tr.ae,t and All, y Lights C _ T Affln Lltvhta r' TO iAL LEVY 1011 STRUT LICHAING FUND . • • • • 4 PLAYGR3U IrS AND RSCiZrATIU?I:; A — falarios and Wiages 500.00 c,uipnent, Uaturiaal and Supplies 500.00 TOTAL UV'I MR PLAID -R UII%a ,�N , W'C { �aTI{1a:3 • .• CONTIMIr.RT F'U11r; For Contir.Csnt, Nimcrallan ous and -Goneral q Unforoee n Expenses not 1ncludcd...i .. J� _. e 1 a 85 %Geneml Convrate1 Purposes" . C,; w .` s 411,350.03 , Fire 1; �rtment Fund . . . t s: . 3,45C.40 . trcet and.Allcy 'Fund Polico Lepartzent Fund • 5,7�a.+3O Sondud Indabtednesc Fund 2,37090,3 Streut Lirlitirg Fund . . 4,590 *00 i Playgroundo and Racre atiana . a Contingent Fund . , . '. 195W *00, -T-,G TlA'L . .:µ.,.. 4320130.00 SrC:IOhi 3s The,,Villri,ge7' Clvrt is bereb; directud to °'filer a certified, copy of this Ordinance: with the County Clert of. Lake County, Illi.nol.s,` an pro- vided by last. SfeTIO11 !rs "This n OrdS;s►rzzca ahaLl be in fUi1 force and effect from and 'after its passaeer# adoption and approval, in a %xordance with the lay. _ -... Pty .1: IWNT 011'. ' fill; 130AR OF TAU;ST:'.LS OF' :fig OF, 1;:1 UILLDp .Ur I COU'ITY, ILL150 ..:.. A.- ted and read' 6 1940 r: i Pase3diurld Ad6pted AuCust 6. 1940 1b proved Aul;ust g 1940 ; „ 1 ATi ES t , CLL.M OF T1 VILLAGE• OF 1; HFULw� LLKS COUI1TYt ILL1 018 , AP 11.Z VIL Ai TO FORUs Aukust 6�940 , • 1 _ A letter from the Illinois Division-Of Highways, Elgin, '111. with reference to- damage'to sidewalks during the course'of construction of SBI Route 42A, Sec. AR -BR was- read -a.nd” a motion was. made by Trustee Crush and seconded- by-Trustee Cazel that the State-Highway Department be informed that_.the Board - -of Trustees.,request that.an order for sand. and gravel drawn in-our favor on some reliable .material concern for-an amount equivalent to the cost of material and labor for the construction of 1100 square feet of sidewalk as we are not'at. present ready -to- accept -the material. On the receipt of this order we will give-the -- State - Highway Department a release relieving them of all future responsibility --so-far as the walk is concerned Motion unanimously- carried. Those.voting "Aye" being Trustee .Cazel, Cole, Crush -and Schneider. - ''Those voting' "Nay" being None.