07/09/194078 July 9, 1940 The regular meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by Acting Presi- dent Marshall Pottenger at 8 P.M. with the following trustees responding to the roll call: Cazel, Cole, Crush and Schneider. Absent: President *Wi2ma= - and Trustee Palmer. The minutes of the meeting held June 11, 1940, and the special meeting held June 18, 1940,.were read and approved. The following bills were read by Trustee Cole, who made a motion which was duly seconded by Trustee Cazel that these bills be approved for payment on receipt of proper funds. Roll call resulted as follows: Yeas: Cazel, Cole, Crush, and Schneider. Nays: none. Motion carried. Paul McHugh - - - - - - - - - - --- 8.50 John Krase, Sr. - - - - - - - - - - 2.00, Paul Knigge - - - - - - - - - - -29.54rM. F. T. F. $19.75 Ed Beckman - - - - T - - - - - - -35.00 Berry Divine - - -- - - -..- - - - - 28,00x-_ Jack Krase, Jr.-- - - - - - - - - - 20;00 1', Gerald Culver - - - - - - - - - - - 12.50r M. L. Kerrihard - - t - - - - - - 11.10 E. A. Meyer Construction. Co. M, F. T. F. $45.00 Highland Park Hospital Foundation - 1.00n Graydon St. Claire - -.- - - - 1.00% M.F.T.F. $ 7.Ogl Public Service Co. - - - - - - - 35.56 M. A. Frantz. - - - - - - -- 4.72 Pittsburgh Equitable Meter Co. - - 79.19 James B. Clow.& Sons - - - - - 161.42x,, Mercer Lumber Oo. - - - - - - - - - 13.370 -. William H. Barrett - - - - - - - - 48.66 Zion Office Supply - - - - - - - - 1.73 Florence E. Page; Village Collector. 32.00 McMaster -Oarr Supply Co. - - - 11.92 Frost Radio & Electric App. - - - - 2.2¢ Essco Mfg. Co. - - - - - - - M. F.T.F. $ 6.23,E American LaFrance 'Foamite Corp. - - 13.23,v Herschberger Impl. Store- - - - - .6.. Red Horse Service Station - - - 6.67 J. R. Notz Hardware Cos - - -•- - 29.02 • Public Service Co. - - - - - 180.81 M.F.T.F. 18.32 ' Consumers Co. - - - - - - 48.49 M.F.T.F, 826.04;,o City of Highland Park - - - - - .- - 18:41% Deerfield Garage & Service.Station 87.17% Deerfield News - - - - - - - - - - . M. F. T. F. 3.30" Chester Wolf - - - - - - - - - 40,50,-M.F.T.F. 826.50,t Henry Tuttle, Sr.-- - - - - - - - 122. 00r Henry Tuttle, Jr. - - - - - - - - 6.00' Reliable Gara.ge - - - - - - - - - 25.84 Illinois Bell Telephone Co. - - - - 8.60.. Milton Olson - - - - - - - - - - 63.00 Rylander Co . - - - - - - - - - - - 4.45 The following Appropriation Ordinance was presented and read. It was moved by Trustee Cole and seconded by Trustee Schneider that the Appropriation Ordinance for the Fiscal Year beginning the 1st day of•May, 1940, and ending the 30th day of April, 1941, be passed as read. Upon roll call the following vote was taken: Yeas: Trustees Na s• none. Motion carried. Cazel, Co e, Crush and Schneider. � � AN ORDINANCE- TERMED THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATION APPROPRIATE B UC ;SUMTOR SUMS- OF Y'WHICII MAY -BE DEEMED; NECESSARY TO DEFRAY.ALL NECESSARY EX= 1PENSE AND ALL LIABILITIES - OF THE VILLAGE OF DEER FIELD, LAKE COUNTY ILLINOIS, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BE= GINNING THE FIRST bAY OF MAY, A. D. 1940, AND ENDING ON THE THIRTIETH DAY OF APRIL, A. D. 1941, AND SPECIFY - LING THE OBJECTS AND PURPOSES FOR WHICH SUCH APPRO. PRIATIONS'WERE MADE, TOGETHER WITH THE AMOUNT AP., ;,PROPRIATED FOR' EACH OBJECT, OR PURPOSE. € BE IT ' ORDAINED ' "BY THE r PRESIDENT "AND BOARD $OF' TRUSTEES - OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE COUNTY,. ILLINOIS . SECTION .L That the following sum or sums of (money, or 'so muchthereof as may be authorized by law,, be and the same are hereby apppropriated'for.the objects and purposes herein specified to defray all necessary expenses and liabilities, and.for. all corporate purposes of 1 tho Village' of Deerfield Lake County, Illinois, for the fiscal year 1,�Ybe 19d1 ginning the first day of l f ay, A. D• 1940 and ending pn the thirt ieth ,LZI ppropriations ---------- WAT ER' DEPARTh1ENTYFIIND A - Purchase of Water - _- __ - - -__- -_ . 17,000.00 B - Salary of Water Superintendent ----- 1,600.00' C - Maintenance, Installation and Meter Repair ----------- - - - - -- - - - - -- 600.00 , D - Repair of Pipes and Equipment 2,500.00 E - Tapping Supplies and Expense _,_____ 200.00 F - Purchase of New Equipment ___ ___ 500.00 G - Contingent ----------------- -- -- 500.00 Total Water Department Appropriations $ 22,900.00 STREET AND: ALLEY FUND -. A - Labor ----------------------- - - - --- 1,000.00 B - Equipment and Supplies - 450.00 C Insurance 180.00; D. Rent -- ------------ - - - - -- - -- 300.00 E Expenditures for Improvements Paid from Village Share of Motor Fuel Tax r (1) Labor - -- 49000.00' (2) Materials _______________ ______ 5,000.00 F - Contingent ----------------------- 200.00 Total Streets and Alleys Fund Appropriations'_ _ -- _ $ 11,130.00 ` ' POLICE DEPARTMENT FUND 1.1 SALARIES ' A - Village Marshal _____ _____ __ __ __ 2,100.00 B - Night Marshal ---- --- - - - - -- - -- 1,400.00 C Emergency Salaries -____ ' 600.00 2. EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES . A - Insurance ------------ - ----------- 90.00 B - Telephone and.Telegraph _ __ 100.00 C - Gas and Oil -_ _ ________ 350.00 D -- Repairs in Equipment ______ _________ • - 500.00 E -- Purchase- of New Equipment :_- ______ '500.00 F - Contingent __ ________ _______ 100.00 Total Police ,Department Appropriations ------------------ ________ ______ $ 5,740.00 BONDED INDEBTEDNESS FUND A - Payment of Maturing Bonds _- '_ -_ -__ '1,000.00 . B - Interest on Bonded Indebtedness ... 1,370.00 Total Appropriation for Bonded Debt FURY ` $ 2,370.00 STREET LIGHTING FUND I. STREET AND ALLEY LIGHTS A - Ornamental Lights ----- ----- - - - - - -- 4,000.00 B -'Traffic Lights __ 240.00 2. INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE Street. and- AllwvTfghta ____ 150.00 A \ -ua ug u1 nlg pvq aABq lsnut . a r sue• .. , to » •g > n.q, a f slu73o1iddd " •sagauglq lguo ?ido snot -agA 11vaA a 0091Z$ 14u1nmSsu UNDA,ti I 00ftt . `8julaossu - !jvaA V. 0091ft • 'aoluas "Vai V 0081£$ 'aaan1$u3'; .lkgpgl1lq p37u1413t1 10 ,.'LT dlnp 'dgpsaupa& 'ui •g 11 Ev uaAl2 aq of o2vom ul uinasnjq z?agl passed aAgq loo lsnut. A.01J �1a13 lg ollgnd 1g1aua2 aq; zoI znol 'aauauadxa .2u?lfsap lgallnuuoaae • yanlaal -ap1n2 g ;o ' 3oa[gns aql s7 pug , 'aauauadxa ao �u. .18.4 ,x 8u ?:- a ;iZ;alloislgaxa, pug slgzau ?I4�� �llgap;`t'tivawala, p10q,QAgq`lsn1U as xa ulnasn g : $uuaawt2ua lum nguolag u? dpnls K;o uoijnllisgns aqi ao3 ;ldaaxa • `pug ' sznoy aanjawl -apmE) lispnls Ioogras -g21q ulgi taa p7iq BAg�{ j ` lsnuz Sl1Lga?1ddV •1gaS n 02911$ `luv.t ' I islsse -!1gaS 1i 0001Z$ `aoluas !1gaA 71 ?Nnoa Wivs 7NOYN `lvdlouad:zgaS 13' OO£ 009 :`da?g1L1gaA g 0081T$ I olav) jumusiJulp ': 2u1j0au?3u !1 luaaxad 9/1£ Io. uoli .. �ry .anpap g cl laa,gns aw,em gaga 1 - ' 3/ u? _uraAl2 sa?1g1ge rpz>;Atisaed' fj 1' U saIgiS pug opg10100 uroa; paniaaal 0Y6T : `8 -3snSn V: ugq xnvl, IOU pug. bpglo1op ;o lsga saig3S',mo1; pan ?anal I1 4 ' lsn2nd ' aggi salul J low .e07,go >• uol2ulgsBjJjj ;:. s,uolssitu -coop aql: T41!& pal!; aq .1snut'. suoll .wjlddy,• ,; Atolaq pals l saolllsod / 7 GENERAL FUND 1. EXECUTIVE SALARIES ; A - President and Trustees ___ ___ ____ ____$ ' 500.00 , B - Village Clerk ------------------ ____ 300.00 C -- Village Treasurer ___ 500.00 D -Village Collector ----------- 1,200.00 E - Comptroller __ 500.00 2. 2. 7- LEGAL - EXPENSES • A Corporate Counsel Fees - 700.00. -.., B - Extra Legal Expenses - Contingent . _ 1,000.00 3, 'OFFICE EXPENSES A' Auditing g Tr__- _r____r_ 500.00 , B - Stationery and Supplies -- __________ 400.00 C - Office Equipment 100.00 ' D - Printing and Publications ------ ____ 750.00 E - Insurance _____________ __________ ___ 750.00 F - Telephone and Telegraph _________ -- 100.00 G - Contingent ___ ___ _______________ _ __ 200.00 4. OTHER EXPENSES - A - Election Expense ____________ __ 200.00 ' B Interest on Obligations 200.00 C - Publishing Ordinances _ ______________ 250.00 • D •-- Surety Bond Premiums _____________ 300.00' E - Building Commissioner _______ _______ 500.00 5.. F - Special Assessment - Special Salaries RENT 500.00 FOR VILLAGE OFFICES - 1,900.00 Total Appropriation for General Fund _____________ _ $ 11,350.00 FIRE DEPARTMENT FUND' 1. SALARIES A - Wages for Firemen _______ " _ -__ -_' 750.00 2. EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES A - Maintenance of Motor Equipment ____ . 500.00 B - Gasoline and Oil _- __ - -__ 50.00. C - Installation and Maintenance of Fire Alarm Equipment _________________ 100.00 D-- Insurance ------ -- __... -------------- - 300.00,. E - Chemicals and Supplies ------------- _ 150.00 F --, Purchase of New Equipment ________ :1,500.00 G Contingent ____ _________:__ 100.00 ,LZI ppropriations ---------- WAT ER' DEPARTh1ENTYFIIND A - Purchase of Water - _- __ - - -__- -_ . 17,000.00 B - Salary of Water Superintendent ----- 1,600.00' C - Maintenance, Installation and Meter Repair ----------- - - - - -- - - - - -- 600.00 , D - Repair of Pipes and Equipment 2,500.00 E - Tapping Supplies and Expense _,_____ 200.00 F - Purchase of New Equipment ___ ___ 500.00 G - Contingent ----------------- -- -- 500.00 Total Water Department Appropriations $ 22,900.00 STREET AND: ALLEY FUND -. A - Labor ----------------------- - - - --- 1,000.00 B - Equipment and Supplies - 450.00 C Insurance 180.00; D. Rent -- ------------ - - - - -- - -- 300.00 E Expenditures for Improvements Paid from Village Share of Motor Fuel Tax r (1) Labor - -- 49000.00' (2) Materials _______________ ______ 5,000.00 F - Contingent ----------------------- 200.00 Total Streets and Alleys Fund Appropriations'_ _ -- _ $ 11,130.00 ` ' POLICE DEPARTMENT FUND 1.1 SALARIES ' A - Village Marshal _____ _____ __ __ __ 2,100.00 B - Night Marshal ---- --- - - - - -- - -- 1,400.00 C Emergency Salaries -____ ' 600.00 2. EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES . A - Insurance ------------ - ----------- 90.00 B - Telephone and.Telegraph _ __ 100.00 C - Gas and Oil -_ _ ________ 350.00 D -- Repairs in Equipment ______ _________ • - 500.00 E -- Purchase- of New Equipment :_- ______ '500.00 F - Contingent __ ________ _______ 100.00 Total Police ,Department Appropriations ------------------ ________ ______ $ 5,740.00 BONDED INDEBTEDNESS FUND A - Payment of Maturing Bonds _- '_ -_ -__ '1,000.00 . B - Interest on Bonded Indebtedness ... 1,370.00 Total Appropriation for Bonded Debt FURY ` $ 2,370.00 STREET LIGHTING FUND I. STREET AND ALLEY LIGHTS A - Ornamental Lights ----- ----- - - - - - -- 4,000.00 B -'Traffic Lights __ 240.00 2. INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE Street. and- AllwvTfghta ____ 150.00 A \ -ua ug u1 nlg pvq aABq lsnut . a r sue• .. , to » •g > n.q, a f slu73o1iddd " •sagauglq lguo ?ido snot -agA 11vaA a 0091Z$ 14u1nmSsu UNDA,ti I 00ftt . `8julaossu - !jvaA V. 0091ft • 'aoluas "Vai V 0081£$ 'aaan1$u3'; .lkgpgl1lq p37u1413t1 10 ,.'LT dlnp 'dgpsaupa& 'ui •g 11 Ev uaAl2 aq of o2vom ul uinasnjq z?agl passed aAgq loo lsnut. A.01J �1a13 lg ollgnd 1g1aua2 aq; zoI znol 'aauauadxa .2u?lfsap lgallnuuoaae • yanlaal -ap1n2 g ;o ' 3oa[gns aql s7 pug , 'aauauadxa ao �u. .18.4 ,x 8u ?:- a ;iZ;alloislgaxa, pug slgzau ?I4�� �llgap;`t'tivawala, p10q,QAgq`lsn1U as xa ulnasn g : $uuaawt2ua lum nguolag u? dpnls K;o uoijnllisgns aqi ao3 ;ldaaxa • `pug ' sznoy aanjawl -apmE) lispnls Ioogras -g21q ulgi taa p7iq BAg�{ j ` lsnuz Sl1Lga?1ddV •1gaS n 02911$ `luv.t ' I islsse -!1gaS 1i 0001Z$ `aoluas !1gaA 71 ?Nnoa Wivs 7NOYN `lvdlouad:zgaS 13' OO£ 009 :`da?g1L1gaA g 0081T$ I olav) jumusiJulp ': 2u1j0au?3u !1 luaaxad 9/1£ Io. uoli .. �ry .anpap g cl laa,gns aw,em gaga 1 - ' 3/ u? _uraAl2 sa?1g1ge rpz>;Atisaed' fj 1' U saIgiS pug opg10100 uroa; paniaaal 0Y6T : `8 -3snSn V: ugq xnvl, IOU pug. bpglo1op ;o lsga saig3S',mo1; pan ?anal I1 4 ' lsn2nd ' aggi salul J low .e07,go >• uol2ulgsBjJjj ;:. s,uolssitu -coop aql: T41!& pal!; aq .1snut'. suoll .wjlddy,• ,; Atolaq pals l saolllsod / 7 An ordinance concerning the prevention of fires in the Village of Deerfield was presented and read. It was moved by Trustee Crush and seconded by Trustee Cole that this ordinance be passed as read. Upon roll call the following vote was taken:' Yeas: Trustees Cazel, Cole, Crush and Schneider. Nays: none. Motion carried. AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING 3ECTI6 N ' 3: This . Ordinance THE PREVENTION OF FIRES shall ;be published in an official IN THE VILLAGE' OF DEER- FIELD, LAKE COUNTY, ILLI- newspaper of Deerfield, Lake Coun- ty, Illinois, according to law. ' NOIS. SECTION '" 4: This Ordinance ' ,BE IT ORDAINED BY THE shall be in full force and effect from PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE and after its passage, approval and publication, in accordance with the " OF DEERFIELD, LAKE COUN. a'• TY, ILLINOIS, THAT: M. A. POTTENGER Acting President of the SECTION 1: No person or per- Village of,Deerfield. sons shall start a fire or fires on Presented and Read July 9, vacant propperty or on the prairie within the Village Limits of Deer - A. D. 1940. passed July 9, A. D. 1940. field, Illinois, without first receiv- Approved 9, A. D. July 1940, ing written permission from the t I Chief or the'. then Acting Chief of published July. 12, A. D.'1940, the Fire Department of said Vil- ATTEST: 1 lage. SECTION 2: Any and each vio- ` C. J. TURNER i Acting Village Clerk. lation of the provisions hereof shall be punishable by a fine of not less Approved as to form July 9, A. D. 1940. ± than FIVE DOLLARS ($5.00); nor ; than TWENTY -FIVE DOL- MILTON O. OLSON ,. more , LARS ($25.00), for each such of- Corporation Counsel An ordinance concerning the covering or filling -in of open wells and cisterns in the Village of Deerfield was presented and read. It was moved by Trustee Crush and seconded by Trustee Cole that the ordinance be passed as read. Upon roll call the following vote was taken. Yeas: Trustees Cazel, Cole, Crush, and Schneider. Nays: none. Motion carried. AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING THE COVERING OR FILLING IN OF OPEN, WELLS AND CIS- TERNS IN THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS: BE :IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF. THE . VILLAGE 'OF DEERFIELD LAKE COUN , TY, ILLINOIS, TfIAT: -SECTION is 'No`person'or per- sons shall permit or allow any open [well, . cistern, or. any . deep, We (dangerous to human.life to exist '-or prevail upon his, her or their Gropperty within the ,Village Limits .of -the Village of Deerfield, Illinois. ;,.of well, cistern, or deep hole ;dangerous to human .life, and ' all f,such wells, cisterns, or, deep holes dangerous to human life shall be either completely filled in a safe manner; or covered -with a four - 'inch concrete covering or a cover- ing of equivalent construction as to safetyf approved by the Building Commissioner or the then- Acting Building Commissioner of said Vil- '" S- gCTION 2: For, the first -day of each violation of the provisions of this Ordinance after August 1 '1940, there, shall be assessed against such violator a fine of not less than FIFTEEN DOLLARS ($15.00) and not more .than ONE HUNDRED 'DOLLARS ($100.00); ;and each day of such violation thereafter shall , constitute an addi- tional and separate offense pun- ishable by a fine of not less than ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS HUNDRED DOLLARS b($200 00)a SECTION '3: This Ordinance shall be published 'in an official newspaper of Deerfield, Lake Coun- ty, Illinois SECTION 4: This Ordinance shall be in : full force - and effect from and after its passage, ap- proval and publication, in accord- ance with the Law. M: ' A. ' POTTENGER Acting President of. the Village of . Deerfield. [presented and Read July 9, A. D. 1940. , Passed July 9, A.D. 1940. Approved' July 9, A. D. 1940. , "Published July 12, A. D. 1940. ATTEST:' C. J. TURNER Acting. Village Clerk. Appproved as to form July 9, A. 1940. MILTON 0. OLSON Motion was made by Trustee Cazel, seconded by Trustee Cole,. that Fire Chief Uchtman purchase six pairs of rubber boots and six raincoats for the Village firemen. Upon roll call the following vote was taken: Yeas: Trustees Cazel, Cole, Crush and Schneider. Nays: none. Motion carried. r