03/26/1940the report of the Zoning Board. Motion withdrawn by consent of Trustee Cole and Palmer. Motion made by,Trustee Cole and seconded by-Trustee Palmer that the plat of.proposed subdivision as submitted by the Chicago Title and Trust-Company as Trustee.and Robert L. Johnson be tentatively accepted and that final disposition be made at the special meeting March 26, 1940. Upon roll call the following vote was taken. Yeas- Trustee Cazel, Cole, Palmer and Pottenger. Nays- Trustee Schneider. Motion carried. , A'motion was made by Trustee Palmer and seconded by Trustee Cole that permission bQ granted to the Salvation Army to collect papers, old clothing, etc. Motion unanimously carried. Those voting "Ayell being Trustee Cazel, Cole, Palmer, Pottenger and Schneider. Those voting "Nay" being None. It was moved by Trustee Pottenger and seconded by Trustee._ Cazel that the resolution requesting permission from the Division of Highways of the State of Illinois to cut pavement on State Aid Route ll,,Section Z.,,-in.order.to repair water leak be passed. Roll call resulted as follows., Yeas- Trustee Cazel, Cole, Palmer, Pottenger and Schneider. Nays- None. Motion carried. Moved, seconded and carried to- adjourn. Village Clerk. -....President of the-Board. March -26, -1940. , A special meeting of the President and the.Board of . Trustees of-the Village of Deerfield -was called to order by the President C. M. 'Willman at 7 :40 P. -M. for the purpose of discussing a-reduction in rates for grass fires in the Village of,Ba.nnockburn and also to take into consideration proposed plat of subdivision as submitted by the Chicago Title and Trust Company as Trustee and Robert. L. Johnson which was tentatively accepted..at the regular meeting, March .12, 1940. Rolle ,call -- Present; Trustee- Cazel, Crush, Palmer, Pottenger and Schneider. Absent- Trustee Cole. ,Mr. Robert L. Johnson whose plat for a proposed sub- division in parts. of Sections 33 and 34, o n .12, ,E..of the 3rd P. M. wa.s tentativel at ourr�'"`��•,�.; .regular meeting, -'. March 2, 1940 a a e h _ is ed to a uJ n. A motion was made by Trustee Crush and seconded by Trustee Cazel that the plat of proposed subdivision of Parts of Sections 3'3 and 34, Township 43N, Range 12, E of the 3rd P. M. lying within the corporate limits of the Village of Deerfield, submitted by the Chicago Title and Trust Company as Trustee and Robert L. Johnson, as shown on sketch pre- pared by William B. Douglas dated April 17, 1939 and sketch of proposed. roadway prepared by 71illiam B. Dou s ed February 17, 1940,Lprptented and tentatively ed at the `y meets ,kf� dent and Board of Trustees, larch 12, 1940A, e with awn rom.further consideration. Motion unanimously.carried. Those voting "Aye" being Trustee Cazel, Crush, Palmer, Pottenger and Schneider. Those voting "Nayll being None. The, matter of rates to the Village of Bannockburn for grass fires will be taken up at the regular.meeting of the Board on Tuesday, July 9, 1940, at which time the Fire Committee will give a report of the result of their meeting with officials of"Bannockburn. i Yotion.made, seconded and carried to adjourn. Village Clerk. President of the Board.