03/12/19406� March 12, 1940. _ The regular meeting of the President..and the'Board.of_. Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called'to'order by the President C. M. Willman at 8 :15 P. M. Roll call._.Present; Trustee Cazel, Cole, Crush, Palmer, Pottenger and Schneider. ..Absent; None. The minutes of the regular meeting held February 9, 1940 were read and approved. The Civic Class from the Deerfield Grammar School•vrith their instructor, Mr, Ray Cox,were extended words.of welcome from the Board of Trustees by'the Village Attorney, Milton Olson. The following bills.were read by Trustee Cole and a motion wab mado by Truatee'Cole, duly seconded by Trustee Crush that these bills be approved for payment on receipt - of proper funds: Roll call resulted as follows. Those voting "Aye" being'Trustee Cazel, Cole, Crush; Palmer,-Pottenger and Schneider. . -Those voting "Nay" being None. Motion carried. i Badger Meter Mfg. Co.------ - - - - -- $ 18.74 ' Ray Meyer's Standard Servic8----- -- '7:16 _. W. S. barley &_Co.--------- - - - - -- 1.96 Paul Knig e. - - - - -- Ot, gg --- �------ - - - - -- 9.0 M. F. T . F. ..1 '. 00 M. A. Frantz---------------- - - - - -- 2.10 George Stickens, Sr.------- - - - - -- 2.40t, 'j Zion Office Supply-------- - - - - -- 84.00 James'Anderson Company------ - - - - -- M.F.T.F. 114.95 Deerfield Garage and Service Sta. 38.89f -, Public Service Co.---------- - - - =-- 245.91/.F.T.F.- 16.72.. Frost's Radio and Electric Appli. 30.35 . Deerfield Temple Association - - - -- 787.501,11--\-- Lumber Co -------- --------- •5ec-,, A. G. Meier & Co.---------- = - = = -- 5 0. 00 I Standard Oil Co.----------- - - - - -- 23.851-,,, j " Reliable Garage------------ - - - - -- 31.86r Cooksey Oil Co.------------ - - - - -- 2.10 t— L i Pure Oil Products Co.------ - - - - -- 46.01}-. - -.- Illinois -Bell Telephone Co.- -- - --- 5.45n, ' F. 71. Stryker - - - - -- - - - - -- 24.00t-,, Milton 0. Clson -------- 7 --------- 43.75 Village Firemen------------ - - - - -- 62.50c-, J. R. Notz Hardware Co.---- - - - - -- 5.19 ti Chester Wolf--=------------ - - - - -- 22.50 v., .A letter from Mr. W. L. Keady, President of the Village: of Bannockburn, to Trustee Cole relative to the rate for grass' fires being reduced -to $25.00 per fire was read and the clerk . was instructed to write to Mr. Keady and inform him that the matter has been referred to the Fire Committee and will come up for consideration a't our special meeting to be held March 26, 1940. The Chairman of the Police - Committee reported three - arrests and $18.00 in fines collected for the past month. An ordinance amending an ordinance regulating the sale of- alcoholic liquor and amending any and all amendments thereto was read. ?loved by Trustee Schneider and seconded by Trustee Cole that this ordinance be passed as read. Upon roll call the following vote -was taken. Yeas - Trustee Cazel, Cole, Crush -and Schneider. Nays— Trustee.. ti Palmer and Pottenger. Lotion carried. ... Alt ORDIHItiiCE 1LlEtIMW W ORDINARCe REGLUTIM THE SALE OF ALCOHOLIC LIDOK AND JOtENDYtKi `A.Y COPY ! AND ALL A3dEHIUEJ1TS MMUTO. = r z ` BE IT `ORDAINED BI THAT, PRWID,:..'�T A13D BOARD OF TRUSTM OF THE � VZLt.ACE, 0I`. DZEAFIELDv LAKE COMM ,' ILLI2028t 6% I!� lection Ores, That an,, Ordinance regulatin the sale of alcoholic 'liquor and any sued all A�aendnenate therato'bm and the came�'ar+e here�,'amendod in the follow - any respectnt � �i (1) The annual fee for Class A licenses, as, eat out in said Ordinance and in any Amendment or Amendments thereto, shall be one iiundr.ed Fifty 6 Dollars ($150.00). (2) The annuc See for Class C licansea, as sat out in said Or- dinance and in any Anendme nt or Amendments thereto, shall be Three hundred Fifty Dollars (6350.00)y and this Class shall be taken to includes only.publie orri- vate golf clubs or courses (as differentiated from any .club classification here' tofore in offset). Any and all: references to Claws C licensees hereafter shall mean only those with reference to golf clubs or courseasV and the definition of a club as heretofore defined is hereby declared null and void and all provisions with reference thereto of no effect. no such golf club or course" shall, advertise or allow , to •be advertised. about its premises- on thoiautside thereof or anywhere i an' oaid golf course: that it dispenses alcoholic liquor or beer. There shall bee' only one (1) such;Clacs`C license issued during; °any, one year. (3) The annual to for Clues U.Ti.c ass, ats,oet out in raid Ordin- ance and in any Az endmaz t or Amendments tharoto, thall ,bey Six Hundred Dollars 0 00 payable one -half on or before May 1, •, an$ ono -half on or before Move _ (fib° ' . )' p � � bear 1 of each year, and .there shall be only two (2) such licences issued during any one year, regardleis of the number heretofore issued. (�) ~ Any provision heretofore to the effect that eny'lieeanseea • may renew �hio .licenser at the expiration thereof is hereby express repeaaled and de- clared null and void, except as provided herein.. . (5) If the owner of'any licensed premiseas'or any, person'from whom any.liconsou hereunder derives the right to possession of. said pre=lses, or',the !! agent of such owner or such rson shall. knowingly permit the said ,1iconsee to use tail • licensed preAr,03 din violation 'of any, or the te=s � of this Ordinance 1 ; said owner• agent, for oiher+per:on�shrall be deemed; guilty of a violation of this Ordinance ,to rho• seams extent °ao said licevaes, and be -subject �tother same pun- _ ishmant and .remedie's', $fiction '+rot ;'T hat all Ordinances or parts; th+�reoS or any Aten z4n.t•,o: ,fiend.. =onto thereto I �GOafll :c with the terms., of this Ordinance are hereby,expres y! ' repealed, and'ol1 Ordlnancoo or, its theira6f or any A�ie }ndnent or Anon cents thereto net' ln'conflictlherewith are' hereby .`exprosely ratified'and confirmedi . 'And made 'a part of ` tliia Oreiini a'ne' a. ' 129x' n Threat Tiuet any ponalty. for niolrition provided`for,.heirein shall.not be halal ,tQ exclude 'any, other legal mothod- of �deialing with any, violation hereunder. . goection Fours ThatRtho invalidity of any part of this Ordinance sh&21 not f affect the validity of `L`�a rtmaina"Ur' . -"action Fives 'hat this ordinance shall bri in full i•orce and eftact f rom and 1after the mate of its pussage approval, and publication, as providod by.lair. i Una U AA P SIDE31 OF THE SILT, OK DEL MELD RFIr.LD. Presented and Read �'Y�,dt,�i�. I r� A. D. 1940 Passed cy'l "t i v A.D. 1940 - Approved A.D. 1940 Published , A.D. 1940 ATTESTt,:;��. VILLAGE CLER.S. ! . Approved gs to fora A.D. 1940 CORPORATION COUNSEL _ Trustee Crush asked to be excused and the request was granted. .A report from Police Magistrate Daniel S. Hunt was read and a motion made by Trustee Palmer that the report be accepted. Motion lost for the want of a. second. A motion was made by Trustee Cazel and seconded by Trustee Palmer that the Treasurer, Police Magistrate and the Justices of the Peace be instructed to make monthly reports to the Village Clerk as provided by law. Roll call resulted as follows. Yeas— Trustee Cazel, Palmer and Pottenger. Nays— Trustee Cole and Schneider. Motion carried. A tentative plat for proposed subdivision in part of Sec. 341 T.43N, R12 and Sec. 33, T.43N, RI2 lying within the cor- porate limits of the Village-.of Deerfield was submitted by the Chicago Title and Trust Company and Robert L. Johnson. It was moved by Trustee Pottenger and seconded by Trustee . . Palmer that the proposed subdivision plat of part of Section 34, . Twp 43N, R 12 and Section 33, Twp 43N, R 12 lying within the corporate limits of the Village of- Deerfield, submitted by Chicago Title and Trust Company as Trustee and Robert L. Johnson, as shown on sketch prepared by William B. Douglas -dated April 17, 1939 and sketch of proposed roadway prepared by William B. Douglas, dated February 17, 1940 be given tentative approval with the definite understanding that by said tentative approval the Village does not assume any obli- gation to give final approval of this plat at a later date - unless all conditions relating to said plat of subdivision meet the requirements of the Village at the time said final approval is requested, provided, that the approval of the Zoning Committee be obtained subsequent hereto. President Willman declared same out of order and there - fore no vote was taken on the motion. A motion was made by Trustee Cole and seconded by Trustee= Palmer that the resolution be passed without any reference to �J [�l U111