01/09/194062 a� V� action of the joint committees on recreational development of the Civic Association and other organizations• to promote and develop the High School property as a recreational field for year round activity. Motion unanimously carried. Those voting "Aye" being Trustee.Cazel, Cole, Crush, Palmer and Pottenger. Those voting "Nay" being None. A motion was made by Trustee Pottenger and seconded by Trpstee Cole to extend a vote of thanks through the Deerfield newspapers to all persons for their co- operation in making Deerfield Days Carnival a success. Roll call resulted as follows. Yeas- Trustee Cazel, Cole, Crush, Palmer and Pottenger. Nays - None. Motion carried.. Moved, seconded and carried to adjourn. Village Clerk President of the Board. January 9, 1940. 4 The regular meeting of the President and the Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by the President 0. M. Skillman at 8:20 P. M. with the following trustees responding to roll call; Cazel, Cole, Crush, Palmer, Pottenger and Schneider. Absent- None. The minutes of the regular meeting held December 12, 1939 were read and approved. The following bills were read: William H. Earrett��------------ - - - -w� The Mosler Safe Co --------------- --- A. G. Bade & Sons------------- - - - - -- . Robert Mau -------------------------- 'Kapschull and Company--------- - - - - -- Consumers Company------------- - - - - -- George Sticken,Sr. ------------------ The Rylander Co --------------------- J obn Hitt le------------------------- Henry Tuttle------------------ - - - - -- Graydon St. Clair------------- - - - - -- Paul Knigge ------------------------- Village of Deerfield---------- - - - - -- Henry Geist------------------- - - - - -- Neenah Foundry Oo ------------------- Frost's Radio and Electric Appliance Reliable Garage--------------- - - - - =- National Brick Co.------------------ Theo. J. Knaak ---------------------- Andrew E. Decker-------------- - - - - -- Pittsburgh Equitable Meter Co. - - - --- M. A. Frantz------------------ - - - - -- r Albert E. Neal---------------- - - - - -- ' C. J. Turner(Stamps & Reg. bail)---- - Zion Office Supply ----- - - - - -- - -- W. S. Darley & Co ------- ,� - - - -- - -- Village Firemen - �- Public Service Co.------------ - - - - -- Chester Wolf------------------ - - - - -- Illinois -Bell Telephone Co ---------- J. R. Notz Hdwe Co.---------- - - - - -- - Jack Krase,Jr.---------------------- Cooksey Oil Co.--------------------- Mercer .Lumber Co -------------------- Milton 0. Olson--------------- -- - - -- The Rylander Co.-------------------- American Decalcomania Co.----- - - - - -- 2.65n 9.05 13.85 11.33 4.0044.F.T.F.$ 18.00 M.F.T.F. 331.50 • M.F.T.F. 144.28 7.20rM.F.T.F. 18.40 3.00 4.00vY.F.T.F. 10.00 M.F.T.F. 36.88 5.0(__ 24.25XII. F. T. F. 30.50 M.F.T.F. 45.75 6.00`X-- 19.36 M.F.T.F. 64.00 22.70 r-... 26.90c --. M. F. T. F. 11.33 .10q 6.04 12.34v 2.18 ' 1.60 2.64-.-,, .26 10.62. -, 66.00. 119.12 c-- - 231.24 t-U. F. T. F. 19.36 22.00t�U.F.T.F. 66.00 9.05,. 23.21 .F.T.F. -14.00 41.20 `U. F. T. F. . 51.70 5.87 �.F.T.F.t, 10.49 . 55.00 3.65v- 63. 3 4*--,. V 63 Moved by Trustee Cole and seconded by Trustee Pottenger that these bills be approved for payment on receipt of proper funds. Upon roll-call the following vote was taken. Yeas— Trustee Cazel, Cole, Crush, Palmer, Pottenger and Schneider. Nays — None. Motion carried. The chairman of the Public Works Committee reported that the lighting system in Briarwoods Subdivision has been repaired and lights again in working order.. Trustee Cole stated that he wished to compliment the Fire Department on their efficiency. Recentl fire was discovered at his home. and within two and d'fi 1_a_11f after the call was made, the Fire Truck was at his .residence. A motion was made by Trustee Pottenger and seconded by Trustee Cole instructing the Treasurer to send an initial payment of $100.00 to the Central Fire Truck Corporation for fire hose ordered December 12, 1939. Roll call resulted as follows. Yeas— Trustee Cazel, Cole, Crush, Palmer, Pottenger and Schneider. Nays— None. Motion. carried.. It was moved by. Trustee Cole and seconded by Trustee Crush that the $100.00 Cash Bond deposited by Cassius Easton with his. application for .a Class D Liquor License be revoked and transferred. to the General Fund. - Motion unanimously carded. Those voting "Aye" being Trustee Cazel, .Cole, Crush. almer,'Pottengei and Schneider. Those voting "Ray" being None. A meetin& of the License Committee.to discuss the issuance of Class D- Liquor Licenses for.the coming year was called for Tuesday evening, January 16,. 1940 and the clerk was instructed-to notify the present holders of Class D `j Licenses to attend this meeting. The Chairman of-the Road and Bridge -Committee reported that Oakley Avenue is-now graded -and graveled.. .A motion .was made by-Trustee Cazel and seconded by .Trus.tee.Palmer that the clerk be instructed to send registered .lettems.to the.Police Magistrates.and Justices of the Peace .notify.ing .them .that they shall file a report each month .shoving .cases heard, fines collected and the amount paid to the Village Collector with "the Police Committee and that this report be filed two -days before .date of regular board meeting. -_Roll call, resulted as .follows. - Yeas— Trustee Cazel, Cole, Crush, Palmer,- Pottenger -and Schneider, Nays— None. Motion carried.. Moved by. Trustee -Cazel -and seconded by Trustee Palmer that permission be granted ..to.the.Chicago_Industrial League to collect papers, old clothing, etc. _ Motion unanimously.carriedg Those.voting "Aye" being Trustee Cazel, .Cole,. Crush, .Palmer, Pottenger and ,Schneider. Those voting "INay" being . None.... Moved, seconded and - carried to. adjourn.