12/12/1939600 December 12, 1939. The regular meeting of the President and Board of Trustees.of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by the President C. M. Willman at 8 P. M. with the following trustees responding to roll call; Oazel, Cole, Crush, Palmer, and Pottenger. Absent- Trustee Schneider. , The minutes of our regular meeting held November 14, 1939 were read and approved. President 'Willman introduced Mr. William L. Keady, President of the Village Board of Bannockburn and gave him permission to address the Deerfield Board of Trudtees. He stated that their Board appreciated the efforts of the Village of Deerfield in grading and oiling Telegraph Road from their village limits to Waukegan Road. They would also like to make the same arrangements with-us in the matter of snow p lotipg as they had last year. He also stated that they felt that in cases of grass fires.there should be .a reduction in rates as, compared to building fires for the use of our fire department. The following bills were read: Standard Oil Co.---------- --- -- - - -- 40.29�.F.T.F. 1.70 Deerfield Garage and Service Station 44.02vM.F.T.F.7�1.57 Public Service Co.------ - - - - -- 238.51 M.F.T.F. 17.28 Illinois -Bell Telephone Co. - - -- -- 4.30 Herschberger Implement Co.---- - - - - -- .62 Red Horse Service St4tion----- - - - - -- 16.70 ` J. V. Patten 00.------------- - - - - -- 12.36x\, Albert E. Neal--------------- - - - - -- 4.00 Village Firemen----------- - - - - -- 58.00,c--- Village Collector------------- - ----- 30.43 The Rylander Co.------------- - - - - 12.05K' A. G. Meier & Co.------------ - - - - -- 30.901 Moore, Case, Lyman & Hubbard--- - --- -- 17.63 C'�. Village Treasurer------------ - - - - -- 3.57�-­. City of Highland Park-- .------ - - - - -- 2164.05, A. J. Ender - - - - -- ----------- - - - - -- 10.60n Mercer Lumber Co.- __- :.------- -- -- -- 2:30v- Zion 11.. , Frost's Radio and Electric Appliance Office Supply----------- - - - - -- 37.31"Z--- John Hittle --------------- --------- 10.00 . RobertMau --. ------------------- - - -- 4.00c-- .Henry Geist------------------ - - - - -- 2.00v Paul Knigge------------------ - - - - -- 40.50 M.F.T.F. 15.50 C. A. Wolf-------------------- - - - - -- 49.50 M.F.T.F. 10.50 M. A. Frantz --------------------- — 42.99" =.y Deerfield Pharmacy----------- - - - --- J. R. R. Notz Hardware ---------------- 10.93\ Reliable Garage---------------- - - - - -- 44.11, Albert L. Roderick----------- - - - - -- 95.00��- Milton 0. Olson--------------- - - - - -- 53.75„ Loved by Trustee Cole and seconded by Trustee Crush that these bills be approved for payment on receipt of proper funds. .Motion unanimously carried. Those voting "Aye" being Trustee Cazel, Cole, Crush, Palmer and Pottenger. Those voting "Nay'! being None. Moved,by Trustee Cole and seconded by the Village Attorney Milton 0. Olson be ini to the Contractor Elmer Carlson, demanding for damages to watermain in Deerfield Road Drainage Ditch. Roll call resulted as follows. Yeas - Crush, Palmer and Pottenger. Nays - None. Trustee Crush that 3tructed to write immediate payment at the West Skokie Trustee Cazel, Cole, Motion carried. Motion by Trustee Cazel and seconded by Trustee Crush that the Public Works Committee be authorized to make a check up of the damaged lighting system in Briarwoods Subdivision. Upon roll call the following vote was taken. Yeas - Trustee Cazel, Cole, Crush, Palmer and Pottenger. Nays- None. Motion carried. 61 Mr. A. J. Johnson stated that a water bill is charged a- gainst him on the village records which dates back several years and which he claims he does not owe A motion was made by Trustee Cole and seconded by Trustee Crush that this bill be cancelled and -taken off the records. Upon roll call the following vote was.taken. Yeas- Trustee Cazel, Cole, Crush, Palmer and Pottenger. Nays- None. Motion carried. Moved by Trustee Pottenger and seconded by Trustee Cole to purchase 500 feet of 2P Wax and Gum Treated Hose at a price not to exceed $1.00 per. lineal foot, with privilege of paying f� for same within one year after date of delivery. Motion unanimously carried. Those voting IlAyell being Trustee Cazel, Cole, Crush, Palmer and Pottenger.. Those voting "Nay" being None. An ordinance concerning itinerant merchants, transient vendors and peddlers in the Village of Deerfield, Lake County,- Illinois, was read and it was moved by Trustee Cazel and ,seconded by Trustee Cole to pass the ordinance as read. Roll call resulted as follows. Yeas- Trustee Cazel, Cole, Crush, Palmer and Pottenger. Nays- None. Motion carried. PAN ORDINANCE CONCERNING �SECTION"3 -. Said. °Board ma < SECTION 9: ; This Ordinance , ITINERANT MERCHANTS, before issuing any such license Neld, hall be published in an. official TRANSIENT' VENDORS' AND ( make such requirements as it shall, ewspaper of the Village of Deer- PEDDLERS IN THE VILLAGE be deemed necessary for the pro Lake County, Illinois, accord - OF ,DEERFIELD LAKE,COUN- tectipn •and welfare of. the Village ,ing to Law... OF ILLINOIS. -, mfr f ) Public..' _SECTION 10: This Ordinance _ (,�. "�,/ SECTION 4: Any licensee here- shall be in full force and effect BE IT ' ORDAINED ' BY�THE under shall use only orderly meth- PRESIDENT AND, BOARD OF {ods of solicitation for business. . from and after its passage; appro- TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE SECTION 5: The o said license val and publication, in, accordance DEERFIELD, LAKE COUN- fee to $e paid to said.Village here- with•the Law TY, ILLINOIS' THAT: under shall be Ten Dollars. ($10.00) C.' M.WILLMAN, SECTION. i. No itinerant mer- ber Year; payable in advance, it President of the �011 chant, or transient vendor or trad- ing understood that one license Village of' Deerfield. ter, or peddler; who shall 'occupy covers ' more than one truck or any land,. lot, building, room or I vehicle "of, conveyance _for such PRESENTED AND READ merchandise. December 12, A. D 1939. structure inside or, outside of the SECTION 6: ',Any person not ,PASSED- l Village Limits of Deerfield; Illinois, licensed in accordance with' the December 12, -A, D 1939. in connection with his-or its busi -, provisions hereof, or any licensee, + mvess, and dealing in dairy products, who shall violate any of the provi- APPROVED: •egetables, meats beverages, gro- I sions. of this Ordinance, shall upon December 12, A. D 1939: ` !ceries, or any other merchandise, conviction be.. punished by..a fine PUBLISHED: !shall solicit or conduct such busi- `•of not ., than Ten, Dollars December 15, A. D 1939. (ness in the .Village of -Deerfield, ;($10.00) or more than One Hund , Illinois, without,, having• first ob- .red Dollars ($100.00) • and any li- ';ATTEST: s license re- ,CHESTER .WESSLING, . tained a license. for such . urpose censee may: have his from the Village Board of Trustees '•voked by said Village Board for + Village Clerk.',,, of said Village.. any such violation. FAPPROVED 'AS •TO -FORM SECTION 2: Said Village Board SECTION 7: This ordinance December 12, A. D. 1939. shall have full power and author- hereby repeals any other ordinance `.MILTON 0: OLSON, ity to inspect and, regulate any or parts of ordinance or - ordln Corporation• Counsel. such business 'during the entire. antes now in existence in said Vil v course of its conduct for the -pro lage contrary. to, the provisions • tection of health within said Vil- hereof. lage, in order that the consumers SECTION 8: That if 'any part in said Village shall obtain said of this Ordinance shall be invalid • merchandise • under the most sani- or unconstitutional, it shall not af- ' - tary conditions possible, -and for fect the remainder thereof, which the general 'welfare of the resi shall remain, infull force and ef- ; dents ofrsaid Village.:: ,' fec+ .� •A- resolution amending the resolution adopted July 11, 1939 for the maintenance of Arterial Streets by municipality under the Motor Fuel Tax Law was read and it was moved by • Trustee-Cazel and seconded by Trustee-Crush to adopt the resolution for-the maintenance of Arterial Streets-No. 21 3, 10, 11, 12 and- 13 for the period from April 11; 1939 to April .10, 1940. Roll call resulted an follows Yeas Trustee Cazel, Cole, _. Crush, Palmer and Pottenger. Nays- None, Motion carried. A Christmas Decoration Contest is being sponsored by the Deerfield Civic Association. Colored-lights are to be strung across the street at the intersection of Waukegan and Deerfield Roads and the co- operation of the Village Board was asked for to the extent of bearing a portion of- the expense. 'It was moved by Trustee Crush and seconded by Trustee Cole that the Village Board assume a share of the expense of placing lights-across the streets-at•the intersection•of Waukegan and Deerfield Roads. • Upon roll call the following vote--was taken. Yeas- • Trustee• Cazel, • Cole, Crush and Pottenger. Nays - Trustee': ..Palmer. Motion carried. Moved by-Trustee Pottenger and seconded by Trustee Crush that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLVED that the Village Board officially sponsor the