01/30/1939IS6J PeterKaminga -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - = - - - 1050 M. L. Ke rr ihard - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - 12.15 Fred, Boone- ------- - -. - -- -- - - -- ,20.00p, Arthur Kress- - - - - - - - - - - - -. - - - - - 20,00h Otto Siffert- - - - - =- - - - = - - - - - - .- - - 12.00 t' ,__ TrevlinPottenger - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- 12.00 Moved, seconded and carried.to adjourn., Village Clerk I President of the Board. January 301 1939. A special meeting of the President and the Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was held on Monday evening, January 30, 1939 and the following responded to roll call;- Trustee Hertel, Peterson, Pottenger and President Willman. Absent- Trustee Palmer, Schneider and Stupple. This meeting was called to order for the purpose of making changes in the light system in the village. " A motion was made by Trustee Hertel and seconded by Trustee Pottenger that the street lights in the Village of Deerfield be turned off at 2 A. M. and that the lights in the 17- 600 C. P. Ornamental Lights in the business district be changed to 400 C. P.' and the following 250'0..P. be changed to-100 C. P. viz. #64271 6428, 6784, 67851 6786 and 6787 and the above changes are to be made as of February 1, 1939. Motion unanimously carried. Those voting "Aye" being Trustee Hertel, Peterson, Pottenger and the President of the Board C. M. - Willman. Those voting "Nay" being None. The following resolution was read and it was moved by.Trustee Pottenger and seconded by- Trustee Peterson that the same be_adopted.. Roll call resulted as follows. Yeas- Trustee Hertel, Peterson, Pottenger and the President of the Board C. M. Willman. Kays-None. Motion carried. RESOLUTION. WHEREAS, we believe it desirable that a joint• committee com- posed of a representative of each local taxing body be formed for the co- ordination of the work of the various bodies, *ith particular - reference to the study of -the local tax situation, we hereby approve the participation in such a committee and appoint John D. Schneider. as our representative thereon. - - Moved,.seconded and carried to adjourn. az- Village- Clerk. - - --President of t e• Board. '.