05/01/1950 + 05/08/1950:i r e: I am :. ,,.. _ 4 1 A special meetiag,of the. President axcl Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order. by. the Rresideit _Andtawr. Go' Bradt at S P, M• tor.the purpose.of appoi3Lting .an- additio=l_polic4Faa and other matters_ brought to the attention of the Board. - Roll calf Presentw Trustee Baafields_$i�eahalifxs Kings taraon and Wilson* Absent.-, 1Y1l6tAe )deint?e2'..._ .____-- ___�•___ The President Andrew Go Bradt appointed Tb=aa Patrick Kearns an an. sM- tional policeman and it was moved bT Trustee -Nilson_ and seconded bt Trustee Peterson that the following resolutlou bo_adopteds, _ R MLV.ED that the luusaber of rpgular_patroltaaa for the Village of Deerfield,la_horeby not at two; and. ------------ ` k f iO;SQL3IED that it is the opiaiga of -this- Board that It is for the best interests of the Village that tU President-abould hire `a new employee in the lbliee Department to serie_as_a,- fah�U�e patro�e subject to the provisions of the orb inax as _regulate ng..r�l�loyeeao, and also subject to a.aiz- months* probationary- period_and -.that Patrick Kearns is in the opinion of the Board tlii- best _ qualified applic"t for the. -jobs Upon mll call. the following tote was taken*- Yeaso.Trustee Hinchsliff9 Kings Paterson and Wilsons Nays- Tr ustee.Bonfield. ,Notion aarried It vas moved by Trustoe Peterson and seconded by Trustee Barfield that the previous motion passed at,the regular _ neeting, -held April 109 1950 granting. the American legion permission to I hold a carnival on August law .19 and -20s" 19500_ be amended to read August 119.129and 130, 1950: Roll call - resulted`: as - follows• Yeasw.. Trustee - Banfields - Hiachsliff s - Kings Peterson and Wilson• Nays- lJonso Motion carried*. ?doted& seconded and carried. to ,adjoqurn. �._.. .. Village . Clare.. ident of , the . Board, . fir, Ss 1950. t The regular meeting of P"aident and , Board . of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by the President Andrew G• Bradt at i S P• 14 with the following trustees responding to the roll call; r Bastield,,.Hinchsliffs Sings Uoiatzers Peterson and Niisoae Abeentft None. _ Tba minutea of the regular nesting hold April 109 1950 and•of.ths special mating held I(eyr is 1950 were..read and approved• The following bills were read and it was moved by Trustee iTilson and seconded by- Truatee.:Banfield - that the following bills be pails ifs as* and when funds are available* Motion unanimously carried. Those voting 'Aye ". being Trustee Bantields �' " Hinchsliff, <Sing� lsintzer Peterson and Tilsons Those voting,-"KW being None• � - - .: .., . .: . _. -- . -: _ .. ... ..- .., ..: � .__ _ .. . _ : - H: US Hutton-- •....:_:..�..�..�... - 4 77.59 � William Behnke :7.00,x: - �r� - .- ....N— «.w— ww�... 8901 - »_ --« M.»..__r____.. 26'01, ) . , Harney Hondrir»- ---- -- Alexasdor Couria�------- ------ --- --- - - ---- -1.25 K ( - .- 'Marche BroB •- �'- '- "'--- ----w--- .NM - ---- - _. . Veit Horse Service Station i32. q! . t Reiland do Bre -- groatas Radio & Electric Appliance--- -•-- -� $aliable G ---r- _ 56o4o r Higblasd Park Fuel Go*— 62.05 J' Deertield_Hardware,and Paint, --- 10.35 Natiozal.. Brick _Co. -- --- •..«»- .�- �..� -N.- 62,13 r 8heron,Y Hard re and Appliances-- =:.:.,: .:.:.. 9:95.x` Willi= H• Baarrett- •-------- =-- .. -..�- -N.. 10.00 4. Corp •«!.- •- .....---- ..-- ..- ....�. 1.75 r Americas Evatypo A/1 Vnt an Qe d N -.a -�-- — w�—�M—iwa...� - -� 90.00 h _ t Waite- r.- F+.LJ�i� . -' ..N_. ...,.�.. --- - -• 241933 V- i, . 237 238 Illinois -Bell Tolephoza Co•---- j------ + ------ 4 27.98► c Horderat Inc•+ »-------------------- --- -- - - ~, ZimmoI-Asn: Ec xor�ras ,�- ..,.__..---- _�.�.._�_.._ ,. x,50 f _. " y• `C•' 70:00 P2 W ia, Service Coe 219:x«5 Os Weasling- Villago Colleotor -Wince Racpense- 60&26t; A. 1- Roderick. ..•___.._�.�- - --- -» spec• Assoa=lt $375.00 Charles H. Tohnztoa- .:— : 35000- 20.00 s,\ ,Deerfield Temple Aasooiatioam,Tuno Q,reatp 125.00 salarieS�­for may, _-'Percy . 01=ghlia— +___- "42?5000 William yohnaton- .�.... .275.00 :.. Aloxand er Couts.� - =- -M--s 225.00 ceorgi 8tiakrre 00 .ons 225.:: x Y .: r A,. 14, Alderson«- • ----•• 200.00 r .. _ 7, i _ Pat_ iGearna- •------ ..•_ - -- 200.00 t� Mrai.. CO Wesslisg- --- - - ---- 150.00 Mrs. Esther ais 25.00 tA3.1yn`Fra�eiCe- -- - --_ 50.00', _ C•gTo, Miraar 100.00 4 , .50000 1775.00. , It was moved by Trustee Peterson aad_ seconded by Trustee Meiatuer that the-report as submitted by lblice U&gistrate •Hunt;.ebming 0255#�� finss-'collected during -the month of April, 1950; --be aoeepted. s Roll call resulted. as follows. Yeas- All. Haysa xoae. Motioa carried. A-complaiat was made that trucks frox the Deerfield "Constraction.Coo ewers carrying ' dirt ox the - pavement in Harmitage Drive and the clerk was iotructod-to -send a- letter to -the Deerfield Comstruotioa:Cp•.requeatixg than they hsul4 somii gravel` or crushed. stone. on. their. driveway. A notion was made bjr Trustee Petornoa and seconded by Trustee Baanfield that the Building C=dosionor write to'Sdwin.Nolf requesting that he either till in or barricade the hole on his property at 457 Hermitage Drive* Upon.roll.call -the following wrote was.taken. Yeas- All. Nays• None. Motion ' carried• Trustee Peterson made a motion which was seconded by Trustee M81ntzsr that the_.rollowing resolution. be, idopted::: _. WMLMM that " the resolution of April: 109 .1930, relating .to carnivals be awfided.by- the addition of . -the followings That as +a condition' to -thee iesuancd or �a permit -for., each ;carnival the appliceat agree to hold the Village free and harmless from any end.all liability arising out of tho- isommee of the permit or the holding of ties oarniTal- and .to ereimburee ; the Village for: a ny. expenses :-incurred in relation to any legal involvownt arising out 9f the issuaneelof the permit or the holding of tho carnival; and - .... - R tThat the Board urge the applicants to hold..said carnival in Jewett Park* Roll call resulted as follawa.� Yeas• Tiugteo, H—bob -lift• �KinB,, Neimtzer, Paterson and W11san• Trustee Banfield- Not- TOtiag. Notion carried, It was moved by_ Trxustee- Baarield- aud- +asconded- by- Mmotoo,I ►Qreon that the reolutiox. appropariatiag- 459700e00�f -actor -fuel t;Lx hinds for the maintenance -of Art * rial - streets- 1- to- 13-inalusiv4s,_Btoats- aid__, Route 11 extension -and- state - Bond- Issue•Routs- 42Arfr=. January is 1950 to December 319,19509 be °pas8ed, °- : - -_.._ _.._-- - - ---- motion unanimously carried• -♦- those- voting- n yen._being too B Nflolds Hinohsliff, XUgo'- Mointrwr ;- Patersea- Qud- pfilson. Those Voting being Noze• - -. ------� - :� - _____w___ __- __.._. Novedg seconded and, carried: to- adjoysQ1____ -_____ =- - 41 V, ------ .._._-- -- - -_�_ _* - . , ... :V .plerk -. - 'President ; of ".the ♦.Hoard• . . Elms IN e