02/13/1950SECTION 3: That this Ordinance..shall be, in full force and. effect from and after its .date -of. passage and approval. PASSED this 9th of January _ .19.150 Ayes: Six -~ _ ,Nays; None APPROVED this 9th day_ of_ Januar -y 1950 radt _President of the Board of Trustees..of the Village of Deerfield, Illinois.. ATTEST: Chester ilessling Village Clerk Trustees Wilson and King gill attend the Jewett Park meeting to beheld January 20, 1950. Moved, seconded and carried to adjourn. w Village Cler P ide of the Board. February 13, 1950• The regular meetin; of t #e President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by the President Andrew G. Bradt at 8 P. U. and the following trustees responded "to the roll call; Hinchsliff, King, Yeintzer, Peterson and Wilson. Absent- . Trustee Banfield. Tho minutes of the regular meeting held January 9, 1950 were read and approved. Trustee Wilson read the following bills and a notion wan rude by Trustee rilson and seconded by Trustee Iinchsliff that these bills be approved for payment upon the receipt of proper funds. Roll call resulted as follows. Yeas- Trustee. Hinchsliff, King, l:ointzer, Peterson and 1,1ilson. Naye- None. Motion carried. Zimmerman and 1, orman ------------------------- f 165.00 i:archi Bros.--------------------------- - - - - -- 14.91 K Perfection Legal Blank Co-------------------- 5.27^ �Tillian Behnke------------------------- - - - - -- 3000Or Percy McLaughlin ------------------------------ 10.00 Brooks Store--------------------------- - - - - -- 56.35 t,, Sherony Hardware and Paint Co.--------- - - - - -- 3.40r-, Suburban Building Officials Conference- - - - - -- 25,000. The Olson minting Co.----------------- - - - - -- 31.50N malter Fe Krol------------------------- - - = - =- 61.00 The Chicago Leader----------------- - - - - -- - -- 54.501\ The American City 11agazine------------ - - - - -- 4.00 N. Chicago Regional Planning Association- - - - - -- 25.00 Ted Lindahl---------------------------- - - - - -- 57.16 n Burgess, Anderson & Tate--------------- - - - - -- 39.82 Mueller Co ------------------------------------ 38.56r� Peter Baker & Son---------------------- - - - - -- 4.05c� Highland Park Fuel Co.-- --- ------ ------------ 166.92 n Frostts Radio and Electric Appliance--- ------ 2.31.,E James B. Clow & Sony----------- - - - - -- -- - - - - -- 33.66► - Rockwell Mfr,- Co--------------- - - - - -- - - - - -- 403-1311-1 National Brick Co.--------------------- - - - - -- 52.50 227 228 t:illiam D. Johnston ------------------ - - - - -4 15.00 ell Mercer Lumber Co -------------- ------ - - - --• ^x,.76.46 R. G. Roberts do Co.----------------- - - - - -- 20.991-,, Public Service Co------------------- - - - - -- 208.76 t-\ Rsliable Garage--------------------- - - - - -- 43.84t,�, Deerfield Garage & Service Station-- - - - - -- 145-951-,, Deerfield Hardware and Paint Co.---- - - - - -- 55-03r,,- Illinois Bell Telephone Co---------- - - - - -- 31.26t, i H. A. Frantz------------------------ - - - - -- 252*18r4 _ Deerfield Temple Association -tent for b?arch 125,00r Salaries Percy McLaughlin----- - - - - -- 275.00 A. H. lnderson------- - - - - -- 200.00 j7111iam D. Jobnston-- - - - - -- 275.00 11rs. C. Wessling ---------- -- 150.00 Mrs. Esther Giss----- - - - - -- 25.00 George Sticken,Sr---- - - - - -- 225.00 Alexander Couris----- - - - - -- 225.00 Allyn Franke--------- - - - - -- 50.00 C. J. Turner--------- - - - - -- 100.00 C. "rassling----------- - - - - -- 50.00 1575 00 It was moved by Trustee Hinchsliff and seconded by Trust Ias King that the following ordinance to amend the Municipal Code of the Village of Deerfield, W-ce County, Illinois, with respect to water bills, be piAsed as•read. Upon roll call the following vote was taken.' Ye3as- Trustee Hinchsliff,. King, Maintzer, Peterson and Wilson. Nays- Nona. Motion carried. r ORDINANCE U0. 5 All ORDINANCE TO li'.iRPtD THE MUNICIPAL CODE CP TIM VILLAG" OF DEERPIELn, LAKE. I COUWA'"Y, ILLI11025, KITH IESPECT TO WATER BILLS S ? 3T" ORDAINED IIY 'FiE P iESIl7E 'T AND 84A*iD OIL T ?UST DES .Or T� VILLAGE OF DZEWIE LD' LAKE COUJ'TY, ILLINOISs 'ETON lx That the General Municipal Code of, tho Villago . i of D60r,'Vlold passed and approved under date of January i bo, .and the cameo' is . oroby, "antonded as follows; 'That Chapter 18� ,,Wat6r, Article III, " o .1 .• x Soctlons,'38L Ratan, and 369, 'Bills, be asm ndad and as amended: _ . shall be' and read as follows.- ... if '"387 latoa.j" All proporty upon which any building has �) bodn .or =ay hereafter be erected having a connection with any mains or pipes which n. ay hereof for _ bo constructed and used ini conjunction with the water system horoinbeforo provided for, ashull pay thcroror the following ratos per mont:a per lOG cubic f ©et. There. bills cover more. thane one . month the m==ount used monthly chal-1 - -bo determined for discount- purpose by dividing the total cubic foot used by. the number of. months the bill covers. Cubic foot _ Gross Discount Net first-a.000 -.08. . � N *Xt 3,000 f ;30' eat 5,000 3 , .05 .26 troxt 0 x OOO .3 .05 .26 Next, ,0, 000 '05 21. The discount above mentioned shall be allowed only on bills paid oa or befot�ci the 22nd day of the month in which t3t3 A. Q IICilt o'4:t .z .. - _.. - a 0 U I 0 229 _339,pills.) Bills "Tor- avatar shall, bo'dated and sort 'out 'at such times as the Board ,of Trustees may Trom timo to ti=0 4 dii6ct, All water bills =uat be paid within ton days after the bills are put in the mail." PASSED.-this 13th day of Februdry., 1950. MMS: Five MAYS: None AppndvF'D this­, 13th day of Vobruary, 19500 7 4 Andrew G. Bradt ;resident of the Board of Trustees ATTEST: of the Village of DeorfioldoIllinois Chastor 7.ycjsling - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Trustee Petarson 'made a -motion which, wAa--mitconded by Trustee 'doilson that the isport as submitted by. Police Migistrate F=tr showing t106 * O(Lin fines collected dtr_:LrW__tho month of January.- 1950, be received'. Roll call zeeults'd'as fc_Ilo_w_q,_.__Y_e Ilona. Motion carried, President Andrew Go Bradt naned A. V _�Fetpcher.b.s. T. Fosdick, R. F.- Grohe, Harold Mlurtfelt,_b6ii'tiles, William Powell and Locke R9gersI1_1'=NIf(#h9143 to serve as a comMittee-i-o-HiLd- w 11 a ne4n gy__ 4nd_ s- far--thl- improven. ent of transportation to arCd_kr_o'r'a' Degrfield. This coT=Jttee.is to work in conjunction with a committee appq#ted_b the _VIllarV of .Bannockburn consisting of V. T. Mt EdWtn_MqLIffhJt9 v and Edv' 1 11 - I Martz. . -.- _ - . in'.T. Bradbury. __ ----------- --- -- - ---------------- Loved, seconded aAd carried.to-adlourn ------------- VillaCd -Clark. ---------- ZZ.%dAe-nt. of the Board,._ — ------------------ — ------------- - -------------------- — --- -------------- ---------- --