09/12/1949213 iTrustee, Peterson made a motion which was seconded by Truoee Hinchsliff'that we'purchase a 2 drawer cabinet -(desk high) for the police department at a price-of approximately,036900. .. _" ` Upon roll call the following vote ivas taken. Yeas- Trustee'Hinchsliff, King, Msintzer, katerson'and ►lilson. Nays- None.` Motion cbrriede Moved, seconded and carried to adjourn. _ E ....Village ,Clark. Fresldient of_ he Board *.. -. �^ 4 t . September 12$-1949* t-- The - regular meeting of the President and Board of Trus4ees of,the Village of Deerfield was called to order by the President Andrew G. Bradt at -8 IN M* c Roll: call - Present- Trustee Banfields Hinchsliff, Kings Meintzer�= . Peterson any on, - Absent-- �NoneJ� Trustee Wilson made asmotion which was seconded by Trustee Meintzer that the following bills be paid, if, as, and when funds are available• Motion unanimously carried* "Those voting "Ayeff being Trustee Banfield, Hinchsliff Kings Meintzer, Peterson and Wilson* Those voting.nNary" being None*.,. William D. Johnston----------= - - - -- 30000 Pavlik Bros.-------------- - - - - -- - -- - 43 0 10 .. . .i:.Mercer Lumber Go — ------------------ 36.31x` Vant and Selig---------------- - - - - -- 15000,T -----=-- = - - ` A* H. Anderson-------- 7.00 °;. Urban Press - - --- .8075 ,y: Marchi Bros *----------------------- - 54.3? %- r `- Dahl*s -Auto Reconstruction Coe --- := -6025 Public Service Go Goo* i Geo. T.,Mayer Coe 8.19 n _.. Burgess,.Anderson & Tate----- - - - - -- 4-59V Deerfield_Hardware. &S. Paint Co* --- -- 67 -39 M. F. T. F. 3 *78 I`\ : M. A.. Frantz------------- - - - - -- --- 1.35. Perfection Legal Blank Co*- r»- - - - --- 2.32 Y Walter Fe Krol--- ------------------ - 93 *08 r aieller.& Co.-- ....------=------ - - - - -- 37-74N ` National -Brick Coo ----------- - ------ 270.75 ti Rockv`oll Mfg. Co*------------- - - - --- 117.00. Highland Park Fuel COe- ..- -- ..--M.. -..- 128 glt.- William H. L Barrett------ - - - - -- - 81.20 Robert Pattie, Tre------------ - - - - -- 124 *00t -, 1 city of- Highland Park--------- - - - --- 6179.701- Peter Baker & Son------------- - - - - -- 91.86t-N, Reliable Garage--------------- - - ---- . 18.55 't-, Deerfield Garage & Service Station -- 104.03 Illinois -Boll Telephone Coo --------- 33.86 Chester Viessling- Village_Clork -Misc* 50.36 ¢ Neal Sheehan------------------ - - ---- M. F. T. F. 14.00 Tohn Moyer- �------- ------ -- -------- -- n 64.00 sHerman Hertel -- ------------------- --� to No George Herrmann- - - - -- --------------------- n 20.00 t\ 9 George Sticken,Sr. -- --------- - - - - -- a 90.00 w Deerfield Temple Association- - -- 125.00 Salaries for.Se tember 1 , .1Orcy , UcI.-.ughlin- - - - - -- ,273-00 L 7jilliam D. Tohnston --- 273,00 A* H. Anderson--- - - - - -- 200.00 Ceorge_Herrnann,Tr.--«� 225.00 George StickentSr. - - - -- 225000 Mrs. Chester Tlessling-- 150.00 ' Cheater S7essling-- • - - - -- 50.00 _-Allyn Franke----- - - - - -- 50 *00 _ ysther,Giss------ - - - - -- 25.00 CO T. Turner----- - - - - -- 100000- 1575,00: 21 It was moved by Trustee Banfield and seconded by Trustee King that �I the bui di wee n t am� oP 049.00 paid by Harold Be Peterso!�o a reaidenc3 a resnwood Avenue and Cherry-Street,:,be �I refunded.. Roll call reoulted'as follows. Yeas- Trustee Barfield, Hinchsliffs N < King, Msintzer, Peterson and t`tilson.•.Nays- None.•Motion• carried. k A motion was made by Trustee Yeintzer and seconded by T ustee Hinchsliff that the permit•granted to John Nelson on March 9, 1943 to operate a woodworking mill at 641 Deerfield Road until six months i after the termination of the war, be amended to read "permit shall expire -July 319 ..19111 "• _ ... _ ... - _ ... _. _ R Upon moll call'the 'following vote was taYeh.- Yeas- Trustee Banfield, � a Hinchsliff, Meintzer, King, terson and N'ilsonl. Nays- None. Motion carried. Police Magistrate Hunt subnitted a report showing $1600,Oogn Pines collected during the month'of August, 1949 and Justice of the (taco George in his report showed 029 *00 In fines collected during Augusts 1949• , y Trustee Peterson made a motion which was seconded by Trus�ee VTilson that these reports be accepted. Roll call resulted os follows. Yeas - Trustee Banfield,.Hinchsliff, Kings Meintzer, Peterson and li�lson._ Nays- None. Motion.. carried. No further. business appearing, it was moved, seconded and carried to adjourn. ; A motion was made by Trustee Peterson and_seconded by ?rustee King 0. e egide;it,µaAd oQrd_ of True ees oP the ills e_o�eer- Pield rene ;fcr ;the= :purpose of d3tactissSng�and''sdopting an amendment to the BuilQing Moll call resulted as .follows. _..Yeas- .Truatee._Banfleld, Hine sliff, King, Meintzer, Peteroon and..Uilson.._Xaya- _Nox}e9 .24otion carried. It was moved by Trustee Meintzar .and,_seconded.-by_Trustes. Nilson that the ordinance to amend the Build ing.Code,of the Village of Deerrield, Lake County, Illinois,. Article III,..Section 14,_be_-i�assed. Upon roll call the faklowinE vote.was taken. Yeas- Trustee Banfield, Hincholiff, King, Mointzer,..Peterson and- Yileon. Nays- Nono. Lotion carried. ------ -------------- ♦ • f ------ - - - - -- t - a .. .�.. ...�_w... .. __ --------- f - ♦ -. s... --- - -- — — — — _. .. Village Clerk* President or the Board.. - ♦ ....� �, �. ' .-- .�_._. ._ a .. . f...• - _ ORDINANCE NO. � All ORDINARCE TO AMEND TIM BUILDING CODE OF THE VILLAOS OF DE"'FtFIELD, � LASE COMITY, ILwI2WIS, AR TIC III, Sr3CTION 14 BE -IT ORDAINED BY THU PRY IDUNT AND 'DOARD OF TRUSTFMS OF THE VILLAGE. OF DE4:MIELD, LAKE COUNTY* ILLUTOIS: S^CT103 1: That tho Building Code or the Vi.11ago of Deorrield, adopted under dato'of Uay 14, 14#46, ad amonded, be, and the tame is hereby, further amended as follows: p Ei That Section 14, Fztorior Coverings, Article II Fire Limits;- be amanded by striking out all or said Section 14 and concurrently inserting in lieu thereof and in substitution s� E{ therefor a now Soction 14 to be and read as follows: "14 Exterior Coverings.) It shall be unlawful to construct or erect any building or structure within the fire limits unlosi all oxterior walls are of maacnry construction with a fire rostrictivo satin; of not loan than .tvo hours in accordanco with tbo 11ational Board of Fire Lrndam. rit -ers:' rating and all roof coverings are of incombustiblo, noinLure resistant materials; provided; that this; shall ,not opearato to prohibit the construction of wooden porches, balconies or ornamental work no hi&hor than the second story within such fire limits." r PASSFD this 12th day of "epte bor, 1049. f AYES: Six NAYS: Nona APPROVED this 12th day cr September, 1948. L� Andrew G. Bradt, Pros dont of the Board of Trustees _ - of the Villago of Loerfiold, Illinoisi 3 ATT,FS:`FD: w 4 . s Chester, V!esalin U-Ilago Cleric �_ .