08/08/1949205:. August S. 1949: The regular aneeting of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called.tp "order by Trustee Harold L:- Peterson z . at' $ P. M. . Roll call- Present Trustee Banf'ieldq Hinchsliffs King, Maintzerg Peterson and Nilson. Absent- None. President Andrew G. Bradt being ,absent, Trt�atee. Paterson was appointed t as Chdirman pro -tem.. ,- The minutes of the regular meeting held July 119 1949 and of the special meetings held July 25, 1949 and August 19 1949 were read and approved.: The following -bills were read and it was moved- by Trustee Wilson and seconded by Trustee Meintzer that these bills be,paid, if,_as, and when r funds acre available* Roll call resulted as follows* Yeas- Tr4stee Banfield,,I�inchsliff, King, Meintzer, Paterson and 17ilson. Nays- None. Motion carried* Deerfield Hardware -and .Paint. Cot ----- - ----- 3.89 ti Frost's Radio and Electric Appliances- --- - -. .36.91 City of Highland Park---------------- - - - --- 50.131,- The Tropical-Paint . and Oil . Co.------- - - - --- 57.00 Illinois- Bell:Telephone Co.------ - - - --- 32.43t-�,. Alfred Anderson ---- -- -------------- 4-- - - ---_ _12.00 - Mercer Iumber Co. T - - - -- 15.60 N - ------------ - - - - -- -- Kuch and - - - -r -- 382.00 Highland Park fuel Coo ----- ---------- -- ---- 86.88 � Reliable Garage ---- ------------- - - - -- .92.41 r.- - McMaster -Carr Supply Co: --== �-�« -- - - - -r 5 -30 r, 17. R. Mitchell Realty_Co.------- `=-- - --- -_ 265.34r�; Walter Krol---- -------- ----------- `7'164e33< Highland= Park Public Service Co* 181254 -- Illinois Municipal League-- r-rwNrr-- w_rrr- 50.00x• Burgess, Anderson.. & - Tate------------- - - - - -- 21983 e- 4 -lames B. Clow & Sons.!---- --- --y.,. 36.69N D. T. L: 43.93 Robert_ Pettis, Jr:----- ------ ___r_- r_.a.... -,-ti 1659OOt- Herman Hertel--- ---------------- - - - - -- 32000!'' Le star - Tuhrend ----- Deerfield- Temple. Association- r-------- - ----. 125.00 - mber, 1949 Salaries for Septe Percy McLaughlin---- - - - - -- 275.00 AlAnderson----------- - - - - -- 200.00 .Nilliam.Tohnston- -- - --- 275.00__, Mrs. _C0 Ylessling----- - -_ - -- 150.00 George Herrmann,Tr. - - -- 225.00 - George Sticken,Sr. ---- 225 :00 Allyn Franke ---. - . ..rM 50.00 Chester Wessling ----- -- 50.00 Mrs. Esther Giss----- - ----- 25.00 C. 1'.. TUMr---- Nwwww -rrM 100000 1575.00 It.was moved by Trustee Meintzer and seconded by Trustee Banfield that the following resolution relative to vacating certain alleys in the Village of Deerfield, Illinois, be adopted* RESOLVED that the Board deems it in the best interests of the, s Village-of Deerfield to vacate the alleys running east and west in the blocks bounded on the north by Hazel Avenue, on the west by Potomac Avenue and on the east by Alden Court and lying 125 feet south of Hazel Avenue, when the following conditions have been mat and subject,to the retention -.of easements as the statute requires for utilities: .1, Payment of compensation to the Village by each land owner of 05.00 per 100 feet or portion thereof abutting on the alley: In order to accomodate the abutting-land owners, the alley in each block will be vacated as soon as all land owners in that block have all paid the amount due on the abutting property in the block: Upon roll call the following vote was taken. Yeas- Trustee Banfield-p Hinchsliff, King, Meintzer, Peterson and Vilson. Nays- None. Motion carried. A ,motion was made by Trustee ifeintzer and seconded by Trustee King that the report of Justice,-Of Peace M. T: George showing 05.O04n fines collected during the month of Tuly, -1949 and -that of;Polce Magistrate Hunt showing 05540r4n fines collected during the month atSik.y, 1949, be accepted. Ro3a' call resulted as follows. a - Yeas - All.. Nays-None" Motion carried. Trustee Banfield made a motion which was saconded-by.Trustee Msintzer that the.matter of rescinding permit for the operation of a hardwood.mill by Franklin Grimes & Co., betablede a Upon roll call the following vote was taken. Yeas- Trusime Banfield, Hinchsliff, King, Meintzer, leterson and Wilson. Nays!- None. Motion carried. Li ♦ It was moved by Trustee Banfield and seconded by Trustee Meintzer that .Trustee Wilson be' authorized to sign checks for. the _Village President during his'•absence. Motion unanimously carried. Those voting "Aye"! being Trustee Banfield, Hinchsliff, Rini Maintzer, Peterson and S7ilsone Those voting."Nay" being None.. ... ... .. .: ... .. _ r The Board at this time •wished- to- thank.lh -s. Wm. P. Carroll, Tre for bringing the Lester Tubrend- matter -to their attention. _ A motion was made .by Trustee- Banfield and seconded by. Trustee b aintzer that the Clerk be authorized- to- plaoe -an order for 1200 Vehicle License tags and 500 Dog•License tags. _ _ ._ _ _ _ _ _ _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Roll call resulted -am follow%. -- Yeas -- Trustee- .Bapfield, Hinchsliff, King, , Meintzer, Peterson and Wilson. -- Nays - hone.- ..Motion carried* , - - .- Trustee Banfield -made a- motion - which was - seconded -by Trustee Hinchsliff that the.resolution requesting- .pernission,from.the State- Mghway Depart" ment to tunnel under the - pavement- in- 'rautegan Road (Route,-.44) p.order to.repair a *ater main- leak, -be-- passed• ---------------- Upon roll call the.following -vote- was - taken. -- Yeas - Trustee Banfield, Hinchsliff, King;- "Meintzer-g- Peterson- and- Wilsoa„ Nays - None. Motion carried. ------------ - - - - -- - It was moved by Trustee- Banfield- and - seconded by Trustee inchsliff that we terminate -the • action - taken -on- .Tune- 8,..19k8.relati ?e to the removal of dirt from tite -e 4h-aa&"f- Ch9st_1t S�q just, north of Greenwood Avenue. —___.._----_-----_--._--------- Roll call resulted as - follows.-- Yeao -. Trustee- Banfields Hinohsliff, -King, Meintzer, Peterson- and - Wilson.- ..Nays- .None. Motion. carried. , Moved, seconded and carried to adjourrn. Pillage CleT asident.-pro.tem,or, the Board. . R_ ------- . -..... •. t .. ». .. a ----- ----------- _